this is a fun video! I am kinda used being a live player to the format but certainly somethings I will add into my routine. too bad that we don't have ice cream sellers at tables in Brazil. AAAx hand is just amazing.
I would like to see something om Stud/Stud Hi-Lo if it is possible
Cool! Gald you liked it. It certainly is a more fun video than others and I enjoyed making it. That said I think it has valuable info in it. The AAAx hand is a unique one!
Regarding a stud/stud hi-lo vid, I'm afraid Im not skilled enough in those games to make a video Id be happy with.
when you started making those combinatorics on misreading the hand I was certain that something funny was going to happen.
I requested because I suck on this games (even tough I play razz decently, seems contradictory to me also) and we have no footage here at Rio. I liked your PLO8 videos and hope you can continue, maybe some review from hands of the WSOP tournament ?
Hey nice one, find its really hard to evaluate this kind of ratio (value combo / missread in the case of Jimmy) while playing live... So many new info to add and weight in our decision making progress its a difficult task for the mid/high online grinder than Iam :) I always wondered for a mid/high online grinder if it value worth to play deep live game and learn all pro skills needed or a waste of time. Whay is your thought on that ?
I think it depends a lot on your personality, skill set and location.
Many people won't have thenough choice because there won't be good live games in their area.
For me personally I feel I have a very strong understanding of people and psychology which allows me to excel live. If that wasn't the case online might be better.
Also yup have to decide which you prefer more. I like both. But I really enjoy the banter and social aspects of live play.
Sweet video, had a lot of fun watching this and as an online grinder that is starting to play more and more live this type of videos is very useful for me.
re: AAAQ hand - I think given the combinatorical analysis you provided it's gotta be a call or at least very very close, even with the 50% misread weight. Seems like he is going to have all the "misread" hands in his range with close to 100% frequency - is he ever really folding preflop when he already has a pair or trips (lol)? However when it comes to his valuebets I would think that a decent chunk of his 76xx hands, for example, would fold preflop and never make it to the river.
That's a good point I didn't think about regarding some 76 combos being folded. That said his overall Vpip was about 90% iirc for the PLO rounds so I think we don't need to discount many combos of any hand. The numbers are close already so a call could be correct. It's hard to assign an accurate weighting.
very good video. MOAR PLZ. i play live as well. jus recently moving into the 5/10 3k cap games in LV so perfect content for me. looking forward to MOAR! good work, i enjoyed the video it was fast paced, content heavy, and entertaining at the same time. VARY NAICE
Hey Zach, nice job, I really enjoyed this. Do you have any ideas for staying on your game when the action is slow? Especially at full ring PLO, when you often have to fold for hours, I find sometimes when a tough spot comes up I'm not mentally ready for it.
Glad you liked it. I wouldn't necessarily recommend what I do at the table because it's a distraction from watching pots I'm not in. I'm very focused in the pots I play but I miss stuff from my habits. I play OFC a lot on my ipad which keeps me from being bored but as mentioned it has downsides. I think socializing with people at the table is the best way to keep your mind engaged and on the poker game.
Both. Problem is I only play with people I trust which also means they are ussually quite good. This year I've beat like 80% of people I play but down big v the one guy I play biggest with. Almost all action is Pineapple OFC now and Variance is huge and edge smaller than regular OFC. I was one of the first to learn OFC in LA so I just had a head start about 2 years ago and did quite well because of it. Now people play better that I play with and POFC has more swings than OFC so I'm not sure what my edge is now but I'm sure I have one to some degree.
re the jimmy hand: you told him about the 4flush, the 4str8 and the double paired boards. did you tell him not to play trips pre flop? if you did, easy fold...if you didnt hmmm well then i guess whether he has misreads or not depends on how quick of a learner he is. i didnt even consider the possibility that beginners could misread their hand so grossly (the 1-card flush and str8 makes sense for a holdem player but this one is basically him thinking hes playing some sort of 5 card draw)...
Good video Zach. I just signed up for the site and really enjoyed this video of yours and the 'play perfect poker' vid. I pretty much only play live NLHE. 2/5, 5/5 and some 5/10. Would be great if you could make more live NLHE vids.
I have a question. Why do u think people open for bigger sizing in live games like 3,5BB preflop rather than 2, 2.2, 2.5BB like online games? Is for the passive loose player that almost never 3b bluff? or something like that?
In Live games I think there are a few reasons PF sizings are larger.
-Stacks are deeper
-The "old trend" even online was bigger sizings and things dont change live near as much
-People call too much so we are incentivized to raise big to get more value
-People dont 3b bluff as much so our weaker opens dont get punished.
In theory you should play tighter if you pretend to open 3.5BB compare to something like 2.2BB, you make this adjusment? or you skill advantege should be enough to justify keep opening your regular range (something like your usual 6max online range).
I open all hands that I think will turn a profit and I choose the maximum size that people will still call. Long ago in a $5/$5NL game there was a extremely loose passive player named Miami. Whenever he was in the game I would open 10x because he still called with his identical super wide range. I did not tighten up I would still open hands like QJo from the CO to 10x because it was ahead of his range. I termed the PFR open size of 10BB+ as a "Miami Raise" my buddy and I would test the waters trying to find the threshold that Miami would fold PF. We never found it.
I tell you this to make you see your open size shouldn't be based on charts, or online player pool tendencies, or even GTO. Just open hands that will get called by worse and open as big as they will still call.
So in most live games open bigger with same range because they still call.
Yeah i think you're right, i rewatched the hold video yesterday and the last conclusion was amazing (the EV+).
This GTO and balance view is fine when people are close to the equilibrium but sometimes i forgot most live player dont care about it. Is time to take back the fun to the live games and make funky stuff again :).
Thanks Zach, is nice to have a coach like you here in RIO.
I'd go as far as to say that excessive focus on balance is one of the biggest leaks of thinking players in live poker. If you're sitting at a physical poker table and balance is at the front of your mind, you're probably about to make a mistake.
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this is a fun video! I am kinda used being a live player to the format but certainly somethings I will add into my routine. too bad that we don't have ice cream sellers at tables in Brazil. AAAx hand is just amazing.
I would like to see something om Stud/Stud Hi-Lo if it is possible
Cool! Gald you liked it. It certainly is a more fun video than others and I enjoyed making it. That said I think it has valuable info in it. The AAAx hand is a unique one!
Regarding a stud/stud hi-lo vid, I'm afraid Im not skilled enough in those games to make a video Id be happy with.
when you started making those combinatorics on misreading the hand I was certain that something funny was going to happen.
I requested because I suck on this games (even tough I play razz decently, seems contradictory to me also) and we have no footage here at Rio. I liked your PLO8 videos and hope you can continue, maybe some review from hands of the WSOP tournament ?
Congratulations on your result!
i always struggled with the mis-reading from weak players for PLO. Glad to see a video on it.
Hey nice one, find its really hard to evaluate this kind of ratio (value combo / missread in the case of Jimmy) while playing live... So many new info to add and weight in our decision making progress its a difficult task for the mid/high online grinder than Iam :) I always wondered for a mid/high online grinder if it value worth to play deep live game and learn all pro skills needed or a waste of time. Whay is your thought on that ?
I think it depends a lot on your personality, skill set and location.
Many people won't have thenough choice because there won't be good live games in their area.
For me personally I feel I have a very strong understanding of people and psychology which allows me to excel live. If that wasn't the case online might be better.
Also yup have to decide which you prefer more. I like both. But I really enjoy the banter and social aspects of live play.
Sweet video, had a lot of fun watching this and as an online grinder that is starting to play more and more live this type of videos is very useful for me.
re: AAAQ hand - I think given the combinatorical analysis you provided it's gotta be a call or at least very very close, even with the 50% misread weight. Seems like he is going to have all the "misread" hands in his range with close to 100% frequency - is he ever really folding preflop when he already has a pair or trips (lol)? However when it comes to his valuebets I would think that a decent chunk of his 76xx hands, for example, would fold preflop and never make it to the river.
Thanks for the posts all. I will respond when my main event run is over.
That's a good point I didn't think about regarding some 76 combos being folded. That said his overall Vpip was about 90% iirc for the PLO rounds so I think we don't need to discount many combos of any hand. The numbers are close already so a call could be correct. It's hard to assign an accurate weighting.
very good video. MOAR PLZ. i play live as well. jus recently moving into the 5/10 3k cap games in LV so perfect content for me. looking forward to MOAR! good work, i enjoyed the video it was fast paced, content heavy, and entertaining at the same time. VARY NAICE
Good vid , im predominately live player and these things actually do happen and u can cash in on them if your sharp & attentive , cheers
Hey Zach, nice job, I really enjoyed this. Do you have any ideas for staying on your game when the action is slow? Especially at full ring PLO, when you often have to fold for hours, I find sometimes when a tough spot comes up I'm not mentally ready for it.
Glad you liked it. I wouldn't necessarily recommend what I do at the table because it's a distraction from watching pots I'm not in. I'm very focused in the pots I play but I miss stuff from my habits. I play OFC a lot on my ipad which keeps me from being bored but as mentioned it has downsides. I think socializing with people at the table is the best way to keep your mind engaged and on the poker game.
Is that mostly for extra EV or just to pass the time?
Both. Problem is I only play with people I trust which also means they are ussually quite good. This year I've beat like 80% of people I play but down big v the one guy I play biggest with. Almost all action is Pineapple OFC now and Variance is huge and edge smaller than regular OFC. I was one of the first to learn OFC in LA so I just had a head start about 2 years ago and did quite well because of it. Now people play better that I play with and POFC has more swings than OFC so I'm not sure what my edge is now but I'm sure I have one to some degree.
Haha great vid...
re the jimmy hand: you told him about the 4flush, the 4str8 and the double paired boards. did you tell him not to play trips pre flop? if you did, easy fold...if you didnt hmmm well then i guess whether he has misreads or not depends on how quick of a learner he is. i didnt even consider the possibility that beginners could misread their hand so grossly (the 1-card flush and str8 makes sense for a holdem player but this one is basically him thinking hes playing some sort of 5 card draw)...
I just told him you need to play 2 from your hand.
Good video Zach. I just signed up for the site and really enjoyed this video of yours and the 'play perfect poker' vid. I pretty much only play live NLHE. 2/5, 5/5 and some 5/10. Would be great if you could make more live NLHE vids.
Hey Zach very nice video.
I have a question. Why do u think people open for bigger sizing in live games like 3,5BB preflop rather than 2, 2.2, 2.5BB like online games? Is for the passive loose player that almost never 3b bluff? or something like that?
BTW I see u playing at the bike, pretty fun show.
In Live games I think there are a few reasons PF sizings are larger.
-Stacks are deeper
-The "old trend" even online was bigger sizings and things dont change live near as much
-People call too much so we are incentivized to raise big to get more value
-People dont 3b bluff as much so our weaker opens dont get punished.
Thanks for the answer Zach.
But this leave me another question.
In theory you should play tighter if you pretend to open 3.5BB compare to something like 2.2BB, you make this adjusment? or you skill advantege should be enough to justify keep opening your regular range (something like your usual 6max online range).
I open all hands that I think will turn a profit and I choose the maximum size that people will still call. Long ago in a $5/$5NL game there was a extremely loose passive player named Miami. Whenever he was in the game I would open 10x because he still called with his identical super wide range. I did not tighten up I would still open hands like QJo from the CO to 10x because it was ahead of his range. I termed the PFR open size of 10BB+ as a "Miami Raise" my buddy and I would test the waters trying to find the threshold that Miami would fold PF. We never found it.
I tell you this to make you see your open size shouldn't be based on charts, or online player pool tendencies, or even GTO. Just open hands that will get called by worse and open as big as they will still call.
So in most live games open bigger with same range because they still call.
Yeah i think you're right, i rewatched the hold video yesterday and the last conclusion was amazing (the EV+).
This GTO and balance view is fine when people are close to the equilibrium but sometimes i forgot most live player dont care about it. Is time to take back the fun to the live games and make funky stuff again :).
Thanks Zach, is nice to have a coach like you here in RIO.
PD: More live content plz
I'd go as far as to say that excessive focus on balance is one of the biggest leaks of thinking players in live poker. If you're sitting at a physical poker table and balance is at the front of your mind, you're probably about to make a mistake.
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