Yes that could be very sexy as we don't block any of his strongest draws or made hands and he has a lot of flushdraw+gutter, pair+straight draw combos. Very good point.
The a7o hand (22 mins) I ran in a solver and it suggests to check A2 A4 and A5 and to bet A7+ . Makes sense to draw the line there because the 7 kicker plays and a 5 kicker doesn't
28:30, i don't have much of a x/r range on rainbow boards like these (probably a mistake). So i don't mind floating KQ as well and lead small on turn that crush our perceived range and when the occasionnal K or Q fall on the turn, we are very happy to x/c call when villain is probably perceived to stab often
Like yourself, until very recently I didn't have a check-raise range on a lot of boards, but as soon as you start using solvers it seems that this a pretty big leak. We could check call all our KTs, KJs, KQs, with back door flush draws to retain some board coverage and still include this in our craise range at least with some frequency? I'm only beginning to develop these strategies myself, but certainly against people who over c-bet we need to be craising some bluffs here.
Hey bro. Glad you liked it, these kind of comments don't go unnoticed by instructors, so Thanks!
Been using POI. My game is a limited at the moment as i've examined a lot of flops without going into detail on flop and turn. So occasionally am in a spot where i know flop check-raise was good, but am unsure of turn an river frequencies. I think I don't give up river enough, which of course is the inverse of most regs. Definitely been useful though.
In the last hand it depends on villains ranges but I think generally its fine to bet river large if youre going to restrict your value range to 5x+ especially if villain could check some 9x otr.
I think you should find enough bluffs w/ all BD stuff which improved ott but can`t beat an ace otr yet.
(Given its bvb it could be ok to come to the river w/ all T8o, for example)
I think you should bet small if you perceive his river check range as really weak thus you can VB many of your 9x.
Interesting spot to explore w/ software.
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That's enough for me!
hi, not good to raise his turn second barrel on the last hand ? ty for the vid
Yes that could be very sexy as we don't block any of his strongest draws or made hands and he has a lot of flushdraw+gutter, pair+straight draw combos. Very good point.
The a7o hand (22 mins) I ran in a solver and it suggests to check A2 A4 and A5 and to bet A7+ . Makes sense to draw the line there because the 7 kicker plays and a 5 kicker doesn't
Yes! Intimidated by the Jacobson factor, but dividing our range in this way seems smart. Thanks very much for taking the time to run a solve.
28:30, i don't have much of a x/r range on rainbow boards like these (probably a mistake). So i don't mind floating KQ as well and lead small on turn that crush our perceived range and when the occasionnal K or Q fall on the turn, we are very happy to x/c call when villain is probably perceived to stab often
Like yourself, until very recently I didn't have a check-raise range on a lot of boards, but as soon as you start using solvers it seems that this a pretty big leak. We could check call all our KTs, KJs, KQs, with back door flush draws to retain some board coverage and still include this in our craise range at least with some frequency? I'm only beginning to develop these strategies myself, but certainly against people who over c-bet we need to be craising some bluffs here.
the hands you mentionned in the video seemed like the best candidate indeed, ty
39:55 by betting smaller otr could we potentially add hands like A9o in our value betting range?
Definitely. The smaller bet sizes is sooo much better for our range as a whole.
Thanks Sam
My pleasure.
like the 3x on solid short stack to hinder them from stop&go.
like the KQ XR on 587 flop
good stuff, thanks sam!
which solver do you use?
Hey bro. Glad you liked it, these kind of comments don't go unnoticed by instructors, so Thanks!
Been using POI. My game is a limited at the moment as i've examined a lot of flops without going into detail on flop and turn. So occasionally am in a spot where i know flop check-raise was good, but am unsure of turn an river frequencies. I think I don't give up river enough, which of course is the inverse of most regs. Definitely been useful though.
In the last hand it depends on villains ranges but I think generally its fine to bet river large if youre going to restrict your value range to 5x+ especially if villain could check some 9x otr.
I think you should find enough bluffs w/ all BD stuff which improved ott but can`t beat an ace otr yet.
(Given its bvb it could be ok to come to the river w/ all T8o, for example)
I think you should bet small if you perceive his river check range as really weak thus you can VB many of your 9x.
Interesting spot to explore w/ software.
Good video.
This a very useful post and an excellent parse on my slightly meandering analysis of the river spot. Much appreciated.
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