ProView: Phil Galfond Reviews R0b5ter at $.5/$1 HUNL (part 1)

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ProView: Phil Galfond Reviews R0b5ter at $.5/$1 HUNL (part 1)

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Phil Galfond

Elite Pro

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ProView: Phil Galfond Reviews R0b5ter at $.5/$1 HUNL (part 1)

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Phil Galfond

POSTED Jul 25, 2013

Phil dissects the heads up NL game of Run It Once subscriber R0b5ter, probing for facets of his game that can use refinement.


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R0b5ter 11 years, 7 months ago

Thank you Phil!

Would like to add that NLHU isn't my regular game. Have only played it a few hours this year but I really want to get better at it and it was great to hear your thoughts. I think my preflop game is off a bit as you noticed with the 42o, lol. Also had played the player on the left before at 6 max and had a read that he was a bit spazy. Also after seeing this video I saw a lot of moves I wasn't that happy with so helpful just looking at my game in review but your comments were awesome and very helpful so big thanks again.

Chael Sonnen 11 years, 7 months ago

Just watched the first 30 minutes.
Would have played some hands differently:

Flat the 66 and not turn it into a bluff. And bet the flop. Do agree with check-folding the turn.
A lot of hands in his check back range pick up equity with the T (T8, 98, JT), and even the missed hands that he just checked behind with.

I personally don't like the 3-bet to 12. There's less room to play and you build the pot OOP.  10.5-11 is enough. Not a big immediate difference, but it obviously accumulates when bets go in.

Don't fold the Q7s. It's a good hand to 3-bet with. Better than the K7o that you did 3-bet with.

Call A6 on the 426ss board, because there are very few hands you rep, and few worse hands for him to continue with. Because the board doesn't connect well for hands you'd c/r, he might float the flop here with overs or play back at you, and he can put pressure on you with any overcard.

Raising QJo 12 minutes in. The board favours your range and you can put him in very tough spots. You have blockers to two hands that wouldn't fold, and you have a lot of backdoor equity. A club,Q, J, 9 are all good cards to continue on. Not sure about betting on the A or K turn.
Calling is imo the worst option, because Villian will have a ton of hands to double barrel with. For bluffs and value hands, and there isn't any card that would make you feel good about calling again.

I like the fold with K4 there. The board is dry, so Villian is less inclined to bet a picked up Q for value and protection, and he'll check it back pretty often. He knows that he can't expect you to fold Kx or maybe even an 8, and that to me is a big reason he won't raise an unknown player very light on this dry runout.

/Repeated most of what Phil said, to look smart.

TheLove_Below 11 years, 7 months ago

-19:16 The Obvious FD+TQ(OESD) hits on the river. Are we bet/folding river, if Villain C/R us?

-28:34, given the 5(d) turn card that benefits more of Villains perceived hand range than that of ours.Is it too thin to C/R Jam QQ+ on turn for value? Do you think having a turn C/R range will make our overall hand range unbalanced on turn spot, since the board texture is rainbow, and we shouldn't have that many value Jams here?

-35:05, Isnt AX on river a perfect bluff card for us? What bet-sizing do you advocate on river, if you were to choose one? What are your thoughts on making a pot-size bet to polarize our river betting range, since we should have alot of KX OESD in our 2-barreling ranges?

-37:30, isnt it better to C/C induce, since the double FD,36,67 all missed on river?

By betting river, arent we opening ourselves up for Villain to bluff-raise us on river?

-50:14, isnt raising the better option on turn for our perceived hand range, since Rob has a polarized c-betting strategy? Rob  should be checking back his marginal hands like A5,A4,34,45,etc. making it a good turn card to raise, since it's a card that's likely to benefit our hand range than that of Villains.

Adrian Milroy 11 years, 7 months ago

-19:16:  I think bet/fold is the way to play here.  We have an uncapped range so he really shouldn't be bluff raising us and the majority of his hands will be 9x.  Even though everything got there and its unlikely that he'll call, he might level himself into thinking we are trying to rep something.  Even though a river C/R in this spot would have to be really strong, say KXdd+, J8 and 88 - I just think its those hands all the time and never a bluff.

-28:34:  I don't think its too thin to value C/R QQ here.  Only 78 and 65 have got there on us in relation to assuming we are ahead on the flop.  We should quickly stack a Ten and pick off floats for maximum value against them, but the pair+gutters/OEs will most probably check back as phil said so we lose out on some value there and give a free card.

-35:05: I completely agree that this is a great bluff card for us, and not necessarily just because its the best scare card that got there.  If you think about it, a lot of ppl 3bet bigger Kings HU, like QK, KJ, KT or even K9 and below.  Versus an opponent with a more linear 3bet range, its really hard for them to have a K here that can call the turn (its possible for K8 to call, but a stretch).  Versus a polarized 3bet range, we could easily be running into KQ/JK/KT which would make me want to bluff this river less.  But the bottom line is that he needs K+pair to get there and then subsequently make this call, and its unlikely that he has that.  Couple that with the fact that we can easily have a K in our range = BET!

-37:30: I have to refer to what phil said in the video.  Its very likely that all straight draws and heart draws would bet the flop.  It's not exactly likely, but definitely conceivable that a turned spade draw, like 92ss, would raise the turn using the 4 pairing as a credible repping tool.  If those two conditions hold, C/Cing is only beneficial to picking off delayed floats which is optimistic thinking to say the least.  As Phil said, his range is going to consist mostly of 5X and AX, and I'd like to add some Q3s type hands/4X, and 66-JJ on the rarer side (he could easily bet the flop with all of them).  I personally like C/F more here tbh, kinda crazy.  He's not going to bet anything as a bluff, and only Ax for value.  The good side of value for us is that our opponent might think we are trying to use the A as a bluff card, making him call with a 5 more often.  Like what happened in the video. But a deeper thinking opponent would realize that its really a bad bluff card in relation to the range that they are showing, so facing a bet, would give it a little more credit.  

I really don't think we are getting bluff raised here often as at all as we have a seemingly uncapped range, the pot is small and our opponent would be repping 4X only.

-50:14: I think raising seems a bit fishy here, so if you keep it to a minimum, you'll get more credit and turn more of a profit in the long run.  Calling is the very std play to do here.  You have Ahigh, you have essentially 10 cards where you can call a river bet, and that's notwithstanding hero calls.  You block a possible bluff by raising it, but pay a 3, 4 or J the same as if you called twice.  If you called twice, you'd get more value out of his bluffs.  Where you gain an edge with this play is protecting your equity and making QT fold when you might've called him down on Q river...

Chael Sonnen 11 years, 7 months ago

35 minutes in, I also would have bet the A. We can credibly rep Kx or a thin value bet with two pair. 16-17 would have been my sizing. He will call flop and turn with a lot of Pair+low gutshot hands. Most of him Pair+Kx 3-bet pre-flop.

42o, defending like a boss. :) That means we pretty much fold 0% of our range pre, which is not optimal.

40 09 Why not c-bet Q6o on A7Ar? You don't have enough showdown value to check back, and you have more aces than him. He hasn't shown a lot of aggression, so it's pretty unlikely he'll check-raise bluff you.

45 50 Why not check-raise the 42 here? Like Phil said, it's unlikely he has spades or Qx, and you can credibly rep a flush draw that you check-called, and planned to check-call again. His only real value hand is a K, and I think you can make it fold on a board that connected.

49 57 I don't get why you fold the turn. You check back A high because of you have okay showdown value, and Villian will likely bet the turn. You have the best hand very often, and 6 likely clean outs that he might bluff on.

51 17 Do you bet 8 into 15.50 with your whole range here? Since Villian on the right only min-raises, you 3-bet smaller and there's more room to play. That, and the fact t

55 26 I would definitely check back Ahigh here. his flop calling range consists of A highs, small PPs, sometimes a 9, and he floats few Qx. When he checks again, he just wants to get to showdown. He will not fold a 9, doesn't have a Q, and likely won't fold a hand like 55 either.

Adrian Milroy 11 years, 7 months ago

40:09:  We do have SD value in this spot.  Betting/checking are both fine if played well on future streets imo.

45:50:  Great idea.  I think we can C/C this river here, but I like C/Ring even more.  It'll be a hard call with a K for him, he never has AJ or flushes.  He's shown a propensity to check back a hand like K3/K4 already so the only hand we may run into, which would probably still bet the turn is KT.  Like Phil said, it's either a K or nothing probably, and I think we can get a naked K to fold here.

49:57: Def don't fold.

Phil Galfond 11 years, 7 months ago

51:17 - I don't have a very strong opinion about cbet size in 3bet pots (or single raise pots, for that matter).  I do think it's important to remain consistent, either by making the same bet with every betting hand in your range, or making one of 2-3 betsizes and trying to divide your hands such that each sizing is relatively balanced.

An example would be, betting smaller with a range of monsters which don't mind not charging some of his hands, some air, and weak-medium draws that want to see turns cheaply (and bet turns with extra fold equity against a weaker flop calling range.  Then, bet bigger with medium-strong value, strong draws, and other kinds of air.

Adrian Milroy 11 years, 7 months ago

51:10: Phil advocates calling the flop and calling down with KQdd.  This is simply not bad at all.  With only an A overcard to make our life hell, coupled with a backdoor flush draw in there, we have a very strong hand, that isn't that vulnerable.  It's also a somewhat wet board, which will induce our opponent to barrel us lighter, and with more bluffs.

That being said, if people want an alternative line, raising this flop is huge.  Realize that we are only behind AA/KK/AQ/99.  All of which are rare in a HU scenario and by the fact that we are blocking them somewhat with our hand.  Raising punishes his Q6s type 3bet hands, and 89o hands for 3betting and then cbetting.  TT/JJ will have a tough time getting away from this.  There are alot of Qx that we beat, and will get +1 stack from everytime by raising this flop, whereas board run outs could prevent us from getting this value.  I think this play is good from a balance standpoint as raising cbets in 3bet flops IP makes you very difficult to play against, and lets you take down nice pots.  You can do it with monsters like Q9/99/33/KK+, with big draws like AThh/J9hh/J8hh, or with pure bluffs like AhTs/T8cc, or semi-blufs like 45dd...  You can even start altering this range based on how your opponent reacts to it with some hand merge plays, or making some small flop raises and then making small turn barrel bets to hit the leverage point first and force a ship or fold out of your opponent.  Almost all the hands used in this scenario can be used in a call/call scenario as well.  This is just an alternative line to mix it up.

From02Hero - 11 years, 7 months ago

cool video format!

very valuable having phil as commentator and adrian/other members adding some thoughts + starting discussions!

more of it! prolly for 6max would be nice ;-)

halvadron1 11 years, 7 months ago

At 5 min, you said that when villain 4bets and plans to call our 5b, he will have a lot more combos of AK and AQ compared to PP if he 4b/call TT+. Actually, PP will make for 30 combos with TT+ (36 combos with 99+) compared to 32 combos with AK/AQ.

doctorkc 11 years, 7 months ago


You mentioned that you shouldn't defend 24o oop against 2* opens.  What do you think should be a default defending range oop against 80% 3* opens.  What about 95% 2* opens?

tav777 2 months ago

great content, really happy to see Essential NLHU video from Phil Galfond

tav777 2 months ago

17:50 and another reason why it is good to check/call A6 on 6xx is to induce bluffs i think. Like, your calling range from BB doesnt really hit that board often, so he could be quite eager to get us off our QJ-whatever type of hands.

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