Phil, Love the site. Just discovered this was a site. I had thought RIO was some sort of apparel line. Its great though because I have alot to catch up on and I like to focus on one coach at a time. Very pleased with the coaches you have chosen.
I would love to see you do some videos with the different NL MTT coaches.
A problem I have trying to learn from videos though is that after awhile it becomes too passive of a process. This is especially so with MTTs. They are terribly inefficient. Information is either completely skipped or clicked through too fast to even pause. I would love it if we could get a HH to review before a coach starts a new series. No site currently does this, but I feel its necessary if we are to ever view a video site as a place to get actual "training". I think this could differentiate the site further as well as help keep ELITE members current.
At 13:00 you snap fold 66 on A92dd HU vs BTN open. I can see folding if you think villain is going to play very well/ tough postflop but it at least looks on the tighter side to fold. Is this your default? Our equity vs his cbet range is prob about 50% +/- a little depending on how may 9x and PP he checks back with and his PFR. Do you think we will make too many mistakes postflop to c/c?
It seemed a bit strange to me when at 24:05 you say that you wouldn't excpect opponent to put in another bet w/KJ if you raise the river on AQTcc66 when the flop and turn has gone check check. In the opponent's shoes I would never put you on a full house since you wouldn't be checking two streets with a set a drawy board where you could get good value on the earlier streets. I would say every competent player would 3bet on the river happily w/KJ.
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Phil, Love the site. Just discovered this was a site. I had thought RIO was some sort of apparel line. Its great though because I have alot to catch up on and I like to focus on one coach at a time. Very pleased with the coaches you have chosen.
I would love to see you do some videos with the different NL MTT coaches.
A problem I have trying to learn from videos though is that after awhile it becomes too passive of a process. This is especially so with MTTs. They are terribly inefficient. Information is either completely skipped or clicked through too fast to even pause. I would love it if we could get a HH to review before a coach starts a new series. No site currently does this, but I feel its necessary if we are to ever view a video site as a place to get actual "training". I think this could differentiate the site further as well as help keep ELITE members current.
At 13:00 you snap fold 66 on A92dd HU vs BTN open. I can see folding if you think villain is going to play very well/ tough postflop but it at least looks on the tighter side to fold. Is this your default? Our equity vs his cbet range is prob about 50% +/- a little depending on how may 9x and PP he checks back with and his PFR. Do you think we will make too many mistakes postflop to c/c?
How are you going to call the site runitonce and them runittwice in vids? Great video
It seemed a bit strange to me when at 24:05 you say that you wouldn't excpect opponent to put in another bet w/KJ if you raise the river on AQTcc66 when the flop and turn has gone check check. In the opponent's shoes I would never put you on a full house since you wouldn't be checking two streets with a set a drawy board where you could get good value on the earlier streets. I would say every competent player would 3bet on the river happily w/KJ.
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