Second hand just happens to be a splash pot eh? Such a coincidence. Joking of course, advertise away, everyone here wants to see RIO Poker succeed. As someone who watched my first plo videos free on RIO when just learning who knows how many years ago it's incredible to see you have your own fully functional platform now. Congrats and hope to see more RIO videos on RIO software in the future.
:D thank you, Thallo! I won't sacrifice content quality to focus on RIO Poker, but I have been meaning to stop using so much PokerStars footage anyways, so I'll be plugging in RIO footage where I Can.
Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this. Was talking to Blez and heard you made a pretty sick river call vrs Marchese (after a pretty loose pre-flop call?) in the $25k. Any chance we get a final table review of that event on here? Rare to be able to see 90% of live hands from a final table, dunno of poker-go would allow footage use but could make for great content.
I think the preflop call was good for sure, but I'm sure not everyone would agree :)
Yeah, I'd be happy to do a FT review, and I agree it's great to see all the hands. My only concern is that I expect it to be a lot of short stack play, and I'm not sure how interesting everyone will find it. I can give it a try and see, though! Anyone else have thoughts?
Hi Phil:) You talk a lot about how certain Boards favors certain positions. How do i build a good understanding on this subject? Understanding range advantage. Thank you:)
Phil Galfond 22:30, you said it is standard for vilain to bet call on 439 with A4JJ with no backdoors with SPR =3. I'm somewhat surprised. Does it mean he should have pot because of the fold equity and then he should have call because he has the odds?
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Excellent video. Love this format. RIO software looks so pretty too.
Thank you and thank you :)
Second hand just happens to be a splash pot eh? Such a coincidence. Joking of course, advertise away, everyone here wants to see RIO Poker succeed. As someone who watched my first plo videos free on RIO when just learning who knows how many years ago it's incredible to see you have your own fully functional platform now. Congrats and hope to see more RIO videos on RIO software in the future.
:D thank you, Thallo! I won't sacrifice content quality to focus on RIO Poker, but I have been meaning to stop using so much PokerStars footage anyways, so I'll be plugging in RIO footage where I Can.
Thanks again for the kind words.
Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this. Was talking to Blez and heard you made a pretty sick river call vrs Marchese (after a pretty loose pre-flop call?) in the $25k. Any chance we get a final table review of that event on here? Rare to be able to see 90% of live hands from a final table, dunno of poker-go would allow footage use but could make for great content.
I think the preflop call was good for sure, but I'm sure not everyone would agree :)
Yeah, I'd be happy to do a FT review, and I agree it's great to see all the hands. My only concern is that I expect it to be a lot of short stack play, and I'm not sure how interesting everyone will find it. I can give it a try and see, though! Anyone else have thoughts?
Short stack play from a big FT with ICM considerations would be great imo. GL with the site.
Thanks, Choparno! Sounds like you'll enjoy my video coming next Monday :)
Welcome back we missed you! Congrats on the baby hope everyone is doing well
The family is doing great, thank you!
Hi Phil:) You talk a lot about how certain Boards favors certain positions. How do i build a good understanding on this subject? Understanding range advantage. Thank you:)
Phil Galfond 22:30, you said it is standard for vilain to bet call on 439 with A4JJ with no backdoors with SPR =3. I'm somewhat surprised. Does it mean he should have pot because of the fold equity and then he should have call because he has the odds?
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