30:45 with the 2233 on KJ2 in a 3b pot HU, how often would you raise here vs flat call with this hand? If we raise I assume we just want to pot it given I don't think we have any raise-folds so smaller sizing doesn't make sense?
On a flop like this that heavily favors the 3bettor, I don't do much raising. I agree that our sizing should probably be pot when we do raise, but I prefer calling with dry bottom set because of how much money I can get in with a lot of equity on future streets compared to here on flop where I'll be getting it in closer to 65% eq, only making him fold hands that had very very little equity, and not protecting my otherwise vulnerable calling range.
Thanks for the video Phil, really enjoyed it. When you made a note about opponents that are less likely to bet for thin value, that the majority of them aren’t adjusting their bluff frequency allowing you to call off lighter- that’s gold, and I’m glad you spoke it. In that game-flow situation where we hold the threat of having a check-raising range.. intuitively one may think that their value bets are from a stronger value range leading to us over-folding while completely missing the point about their bluff range remaining the same. Good ‘aha’ moment for me.
You mentioned webcam, gotta say I really don't see much value to having the webcam running -- I've actually found it a little strange that there is a trend toward having the webcam on for no reason in videos on this site. So I prefer the no webcam.
I like the live hands, but, to be honest, I would prefer to see both tables simultaneously if possible (rather than flipping between them). That way you don't have to explain what's happening on the other one and I can watch the action and think about it myself even if you're not talking.
Thanks for the good video though!
P.S. random comment, man WSOP.com looks really cruddy to my eyes. Weird suits, weird table set up with the chairs and such.
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Instalike for live action :)
Great vid Phil keep the WSOP live ones comin!!
I definitely want to see more live play. Thanks.
More live 6 handed please! Great content!
30:45 with the 2233 on KJ2 in a 3b pot HU, how often would you raise here vs flat call with this hand? If we raise I assume we just want to pot it given I don't think we have any raise-folds so smaller sizing doesn't make sense?
On a flop like this that heavily favors the 3bettor, I don't do much raising. I agree that our sizing should probably be pot when we do raise, but I prefer calling with dry bottom set because of how much money I can get in with a lot of equity on future streets compared to here on flop where I'll be getting it in closer to 65% eq, only making him fold hands that had very very little equity, and not protecting my otherwise vulnerable calling range.
Thanks for the video Phil, really enjoyed it. When you made a note about opponents that are less likely to bet for thin value, that the majority of them aren’t adjusting their bluff frequency allowing you to call off lighter- that’s gold, and I’m glad you spoke it. In that game-flow situation where we hold the threat of having a check-raising range.. intuitively one may think that their value bets are from a stronger value range leading to us over-folding while completely missing the point about their bluff range remaining the same. Good ‘aha’ moment for me.
Blue hearts green spades what is happening
Once I got past that enjoyed the video. Really appreciate the variety of formats you are doing lately Phil.
yeah what is WSOP thinking lol?! hearts are RED! clubs are GREEN, you know: like a clover!
great vid though, love to see live commentary and hear real time thought process
More live play pls.
You mentioned webcam, gotta say I really don't see much value to having the webcam running -- I've actually found it a little strange that there is a trend toward having the webcam on for no reason in videos on this site. So I prefer the no webcam.
I like the live hands, but, to be honest, I would prefer to see both tables simultaneously if possible (rather than flipping between them). That way you don't have to explain what's happening on the other one and I can watch the action and think about it myself even if you're not talking.
Thanks for the good video though!
P.S. random comment, man WSOP.com looks really cruddy to my eyes. Weird suits, weird table set up with the chairs and such.
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