3:48 Ausmus hand being non pure suited to the K only starts opening the CO at 15bb eff. At the ICM scenario that he is up to, I would say at 10bb eff this hand becomes a pot-get it in.
Interesting that contrary to deeper stack play KhQhJh7 performs better at RFI than KhQhJx7h. Blocking higher flush draws that defend mostly from the BB is valuable on that case.
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Excellent series =).
3:48 Ausmus hand being non pure suited to the K only starts opening the CO at 15bb eff. At the ICM scenario that he is up to, I would say at 10bb eff this hand becomes a pot-get it in.
Interesting that contrary to deeper stack play KhQhJh7 performs better at RFI than KhQhJx7h. Blocking higher flush draws that defend mostly from the BB is valuable on that case.
Another great one, can't get enough of Phil commentating :D
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