I think it likely makes a lot of sense in theory and perhaps in practice, too. I think that against a lot of players in my tournament experience, opening to 2.2x makes more sense than limping with most hands because they 3bet wayyyyy less often than they raise vs. a limp and it isn't much more costly.
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really like the conversational extemporaneous flow and pace with this important final table - way more real to me than cash.
Awesome, thank you!
Great video. I feel like this format is really rich in value, def looking forward to the next video.
Tyvm! These are my favorite kind of videos to watch personally, as I mentioned. Glad to hear others like it too.
Great format and analyses.
Thank you! Part 2 on the way!
Could you make some cash videos like this?
I could do something similar with Run It Once Poker HH reviews. It's the only site I play on that will allow me to see all hole cards in the HHs.
great format. like it
What do you think about having a heavy limping strat with 20~bb like the ben_apart KK54ds spot? Seems like a disaster having to r/f this hand
I think it likely makes a lot of sense in theory and perhaps in practice, too. I think that against a lot of players in my tournament experience, opening to 2.2x makes more sense than limping with most hands because they 3bet wayyyyy less often than they raise vs. a limp and it isn't much more costly.
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