4:20 - you open SB, BB calls. 55J flop, 8 turn, 7 river. As I was watching I was thinking about the effect that cards around the 5 being slightly more likely to fill our opponent up. Sure it's SB/BB so we're looking at some wide ranges but I'm wondering if this could play a role (or larger role if you did consider it) in your decision to call or fold river. For example if it came 2c Ks perhaps?
Even in writing this I find myself possibly even going the other way where cards surrounding the 5 could make it less likely to fill our opponent up as they would be more likely to 3B pre with something rundowns near the 5.
Alas we get our answer as our opponent turns up the Q1075 which is a perfect example of a hand that could be all over the place and still include a 5.
I think that the BB defense range is so wide that I don't think there's much we can do to narrow down his sidecards. On one hand, hands with high pairs and multiple high cards are more likely to 3bet pre. On the other, the hands with no high cards are more likely to check the flop.
If you've got an opponent folding a decent % in the BB, you can discount 2s and 3s somewhat, but that's about it I think.
I'm following along with the solver as I'm watching the video and it's so interesting to see how close your thought process comes to what the solver tendencies indicate.
The KJJ5ss hand on 384r BTN vs BB for example is a 50/50 check or c-bet with the BDFD.
I looked at the solver for the JT62ds hand on K36r BB vs BTN and it's suggesting to lead quite often with 2 BDFD's. The times when it checks it goes for a check raise. I think that it prefers to play faster OTF because the hand type doesn't perform very well on multiple streets and it benefits a lot from the BTN's folding frequency OTF.
On another note, do you have any information as to when the Vision tool is going to get it's river functionality or just any new functions in general?
I think I may have just gotten lucky to match the solver in a few spots. I'm not very well-versed in 6-max optimal play. Glad to hear I was on the right track often though, thank you!
On another note, do you have any information as to when the Vision tool is going to get it's river functionality or just any new functions in general?
I'm still catching up on all things RIO after wrapping up my challenges. I'd suggest asking in https://www.runitonce.com/chatter/vision/ and they should be able to answer everything.
Phil Galfond I love the videos as always, at25:12 you talk about reserving bets with blocker to hands that have outs to big hands ... does that change if you have 2 blockers ? Say a pair of 5’s in this example instead of just one or does wanting outs to a good hand still hold true
Phil, @35:00 on A94r with Q995 blind vs blind you advocate a c/r. I'd have an incredibly hard time picking a bluff range, and it normally wouldn't occur to me to c/r bluff here so I'd probably have no c/r range at all. Do you think that's a leak? What are your bluffs?
If I had to pick bluffs... double pairs, some small pairs with K or Q for showdown improvement, and maybe A66x could work as well. But again, I'd mostly bet or c/f these. Thanks, really enjoy the content!
I haven’t looked at solver in this spot but you can xr bluff hands like A225 9876. The first blocks his value bets and will fold out better hands like AT77 while having direct outs to strong hand. Xc that hand is marginal. 9876 blocks his top 2 ,99 and has good backdoors.
I checked vision and A334 on A82 it only rarely raises probably because bvb any Ax has too much SD value. In other tighter range spots it works better.
To add to this discussion and this hand in particular, as PFR why can't we just lead most of our range on dry ace high flops? Also in practice is 99 really a good check raise candidate when we heavily block the most likely hand our opponent will bet on this flop (A9**)? Unless our assumption is that this opponent or the player pool is likely to bet top pair with 2 or 3 over cards. Zachary Freeman or Phil Galfond if you guys could comment on this I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for the great content Phil! Good luck in your future challenges!
43min. The hand AQ84cchh on KT3ccQs. I agree it’s hard to find bluffs. The one that’s rare to have but ideal is AA. IP is supposed to flat some AA to 3b and naked AA would peel this flop.
On the K76ssd with T865dd, to what extent does being 300bb deep influence your IP cbet strategy with this hand class? At 100bb solver likes mix here and bets your specific hand with a bdfd, but wondering if there is merit in ratcheting up the cbet frequency at 300bb on the assumption we likely face far less OOP aggression than we're supposed to.
On the J55ccs8c, interestingly Vision does not bluff any 5x on the turn as BB, so villain supposed to be a lot more polarized on river than people probably are in practice.
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Hey Phil, long time fan here.
4:20 - you open SB, BB calls. 55J flop, 8 turn, 7 river. As I was watching I was thinking about the effect that cards around the 5 being slightly more likely to fill our opponent up. Sure it's SB/BB so we're looking at some wide ranges but I'm wondering if this could play a role (or larger role if you did consider it) in your decision to call or fold river. For example if it came 2c Ks perhaps?
Even in writing this I find myself possibly even going the other way where cards surrounding the 5 could make it less likely to fill our opponent up as they would be more likely to 3B pre with something rundowns near the 5.
Alas we get our answer as our opponent turns up the Q1075 which is a perfect example of a hand that could be all over the place and still include a 5.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Thanks, Mikey Stotz!
I think that the BB defense range is so wide that I don't think there's much we can do to narrow down his sidecards. On one hand, hands with high pairs and multiple high cards are more likely to 3bet pre. On the other, the hands with no high cards are more likely to check the flop.
If you've got an opponent folding a decent % in the BB, you can discount 2s and 3s somewhat, but that's about it I think.
I'm following along with the solver as I'm watching the video and it's so interesting to see how close your thought process comes to what the solver tendencies indicate.
The KJJ5ss hand on 384r BTN vs BB for example is a 50/50 check or c-bet with the BDFD.
I looked at the solver for the JT62ds hand on K36r BB vs BTN and it's suggesting to lead quite often with 2 BDFD's. The times when it checks it goes for a check raise. I think that it prefers to play faster OTF because the hand type doesn't perform very well on multiple streets and it benefits a lot from the BTN's folding frequency OTF.
On another note, do you have any information as to when the Vision tool is going to get it's river functionality or just any new functions in general?
I think I may have just gotten lucky to match the solver in a few spots. I'm not very well-versed in 6-max optimal play. Glad to hear I was on the right track often though, thank you!
I'm still catching up on all things RIO after wrapping up my challenges. I'd suggest asking in https://www.runitonce.com/chatter/vision/ and they should be able to answer everything.
just gotta say love the username. Im sure you got the inspiration from Nafoldean Hill
Phil Galfond I love the videos as always, at25:12 you talk about reserving bets with blocker to hands that have outs to big hands ... does that change if you have 2 blockers ? Say a pair of 5’s in this example instead of just one or does wanting outs to a good hand still hold true
I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Thank you!
Yes, I'd bluff most of my 55 hands regardless of outs - the blockers just become too valuable at that point.
I like the slow-paced video with a lot of pausing for your thoughts, thanks!
Phil, @35:00 on A94r with Q995 blind vs blind you advocate a c/r. I'd have an incredibly hard time picking a bluff range, and it normally wouldn't occur to me to c/r bluff here so I'd probably have no c/r range at all. Do you think that's a leak? What are your bluffs?
If I had to pick bluffs... double pairs, some small pairs with K or Q for showdown improvement, and maybe A66x could work as well. But again, I'd mostly bet or c/f these. Thanks, really enjoy the content!
I haven’t looked at solver in this spot but you can xr bluff hands like A225 9876. The first blocks his value bets and will fold out better hands like AT77 while having direct outs to strong hand. Xc that hand is marginal. 9876 blocks his top 2 ,99 and has good backdoors.
I checked vision and A334 on A82 it only rarely raises probably because bvb any Ax has too much SD value. In other tighter range spots it works better.
9876 it raises often.
To add to this discussion and this hand in particular, as PFR why can't we just lead most of our range on dry ace high flops? Also in practice is 99 really a good check raise candidate when we heavily block the most likely hand our opponent will bet on this flop (A9**)? Unless our assumption is that this opponent or the player pool is likely to bet top pair with 2 or 3 over cards. Zachary Freeman or Phil Galfond if you guys could comment on this I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for the great content Phil! Good luck in your future challenges!
43min. The hand AQ84cchh on KT3ccQs. I agree it’s hard to find bluffs. The one that’s rare to have but ideal is AA. IP is supposed to flat some AA to 3b and naked AA would peel this flop.
On the K76ssd with T865dd, to what extent does being 300bb deep influence your IP cbet strategy with this hand class? At 100bb solver likes mix here and bets your specific hand with a bdfd, but wondering if there is merit in ratcheting up the cbet frequency at 300bb on the assumption we likely face far less OOP aggression than we're supposed to.
On the J55ccs8c, interestingly Vision does not bluff any 5x on the turn as BB, so villain supposed to be a lot more polarized on river than people probably are in practice.
Great video, thanks.
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