Hey Phil, how far into this challenge do you expect to go with the reviews? One of the things I'd love to hear you explain as this progresses is when you notice patterns/make reads and then make adjustments accordingly. I think we all agree you ability to adapt and exploit is one of the best in the world and these challenges give you time to make these type of adjustments.
Hey, long-time fan Phil, I'm a rare poster though.
Hand at 37:00, felt like you were about to delve into a discussion about optimal sizing, but got side-tracked. You described this flop spot as: "3-bet, i half-pot full range, on broadway-broadway-x, non-ace, non-straight, non-flush." Personally I tend to lean towards 1/3 pot as a standard in this spot but I'm likely wrong, and would love to hear your thought process a bit more in-depth.
Regardless, top-notch content as always!
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Hey Phil, how far into this challenge do you expect to go with the reviews? One of the things I'd love to hear you explain as this progresses is when you notice patterns/make reads and then make adjustments accordingly. I think we all agree you ability to adapt and exploit is one of the best in the world and these challenges give you time to make these type of adjustments.
Great video and I really appreciate you reviewing some of these hands with us!
Video is unreal good. Really liked the analysis and the breakdown of sizings strat.
Also +1 to what Thallo said, would really like to hear how your game evolved and adjusted throughout and your exploitative framework.
Hey, long-time fan Phil, I'm a rare poster though.
Hand at 37:00, felt like you were about to delve into a discussion about optimal sizing, but got side-tracked. You described this flop spot as: "3-bet, i half-pot full range, on broadway-broadway-x, non-ace, non-straight, non-flush." Personally I tend to lean towards 1/3 pot as a standard in this spot but I'm likely wrong, and would love to hear your thought process a bit more in-depth.
Regardless, top-notch content as always!
veni match would be fun too to see what you would do different now
Like to see more of this please.
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