Hey, your live plays video are great in general imo, I'd say mixing those with your theory ones is the way to go.
Got 2 questions:
2:00 Do you care about 0 PFR but 42 VPIP from UTG over 26hands combined with him being UTG and 3bb open? And are you at all worried about the high vpip from the BTN meaning he could call there IP with hands that normally wouldn't be called but happen to dominate your T8s?
35:00 How elastic do you expect their calling range to be vs river raises and how can that be exploited?
2:30 T8s - The HUD means very little at this point other than singling Villain out as a Rec. This calls is only profitable due to a large skill advantage on average. If he does have a really tight opening range then my implied odds get a boost at the expense of my equity.
35:00 - Probably relatively elastic here until we hit about $80 or so where I'd imagine it gets pretty inelastic. I guess you could go almost all-in with a bluff and all-in with value but this exploit feels thin and dicey and has a very big downside if anyone ever figures out what I'm doing.
Pete this Live play vid was excellent, doesnt matter what you put out its all high quality content. At around 18:00 the As4h hand i think Villain should almost always be betting the turn with QhJs but low freq x is prob ok. what im trying to understand is your turn bet/bluff which im not 100% sure of is this an exploite? . Having said that your river bet puts Villain in a gross spot and i aggree not a +EV call vs pop. ( ive watched prob every vid you have put out going back to GS i think Villains play is pretty good vs you specificaly lol) at 21:50 poor Kate0089. And at 37:00 you started talking about relative peek equity dist. The equity graph in PIO.. nut advatage, but kinda left us hanging, where you just explaining the larger bet sizing? Your discussion about being more dynamic pre flop was also very good. cheers mate and i promise no more puting my comments in Google's English to Scottish translator.
Idea for future vid, How to use node locking to sim pool and various player type tendencies.
Haha thanks for this.
18:00 Yeah QJ is a very high EV hand and one that usually blocks turn in my sims here. The idea behind my turn bet is to pretty much always bomb river and attack an over-capping of the turn check/call range. I agree that vs. me the call is certainly winning. If I'm not doing this then I should check the turn always.
37:00 - Just that your range wants to build bigger pots when your range advantage consists to a large extent of having more Tier 1 hands than Villain. EG. AK4 942 and to a lesser extent this flop.
This was one of the best live play videos I ever watched. You can explain your real time thoughts better than a lot of coaches. I don't know if I want more theory or more live play. I think the theory are slightly better because you are hyper focused on one subject whereas in live play you are talking about several and explain them well even in the short amount of time until the next spot.
If you are still taking coaching clients I am thinking I am interested.
3:46 - Technically I should check a lot on all rivers with this hand. It will have some pot share (though little) vs. hands like QhTh QhJh etc.
23:27 - Yes, that play never happens but when it does it's because it is 95% of the time the nuts.
In the first minute of video I'm already in confusion. The other coaches (Henry L. for example) never cold call at 3bets and never have cold call range in the CO. so if this is the optimal strategy, why?
00:05 if he's a recreational player why not 4bet or fold QJs?
00:36 why cold call pre flop and not fold or 3bet?
I think I explained both of these things in the video but I'm happy to elaborate further.
00:05 It's a small 3B which increases the EV of calling. Imagine someone min 3B - it would be close to the size of a large open and we'd have a flatting range vs that. Vs. rec's who 3B, implied odds go up and fold equity goes down. I very rarely have a cold calling range vs a 3B but I make exceptions in rare spots like this. If he 3Bs to 10BB, I don't make this play.
00:36 Because recs are quite likely to call too many 3Bs after opening from this position. I have position, a skill edge, and high implied odds and the table behind me is conducive to building a flatting range.
I take care not to oversimplify my strategy and like to keep an eye out for offbeat plays that can be winning due to specific conditions.
Mario V, I don't think we have coaches who disagree massively about how high EV a play is in a common spot pre-flop. It might be a matter of taste though when things get marginal. I think NEVER cold calling a 3B or NEVER cold calling the BU is losing EV, not due to bread and butter spots but due to these outlier situations of which two just happened to pop up right at the start of the video. I very rarely make either of these two plays. The spot has to be just right to constitute an exception.
Peter Clarke I was wondering: do you take shots at $200 Zoom from time to time? If so, it might be interesting to see you do a live play video against that pool; it would be cool to see how you adjust your strategy against generally tougher opposition/better regs. Just a thought and more out of curiosity than anything; I understand that it's not your usual stake.
I'm happy to do this for a future video. The main reason I make 100NL content is that 200 is covered pretty well by other coaches but I think I'll do a live play or session review there soon.
Hey Pete, great stuff as usual! You truly are a master of vulgarization. I was wondering hwo did you set up your RGN, cause I got Starshelper but apparently you cant set it up using Aurora graphics, and you seem to have Aurora on your tables. Thanks!
10:54 K8s - I'm sort of confused with yout reasoning which stands behind folding K8s vs an open. Obviously call in this spot would be on the looser side, but isnt't it a favourable situation for us to play with position against CO open and a call on the BB from a weaker player? Is it already an example of "overadjusting" on my part?
I think the hand is a little too low in nut making potential to be flatted here in a high rake environment. I'd be find with building a cold call range with slightly better hands here.
1) I think most of your content is great, despite some being slightly better I would continue to balance live play, post audio, coaching sessions, theory, data base review, etc.
2) some very speculative cold calls with T8s CO vs UTG. I was doing this in live games but honestly my win rate increased once I stopped. Think you need to be deeper to call. Would like to see if these hands are actually winning. From SCs being low frequency opens, hard to imagine cold calls being profitable.
3) there was a hand K7o in SB, around 29min mark, BB defends and board ran out K9242 where you chopped vs K6o where villain bet all 3 streets and psb on the river. I was wondering when you open bottom of range or wider vs recs how come you don't bet top pair on the flop given they are weaker player? I would think recs would be more passive and not bet for you. I would approach this spot as being pretty merged so betting all top pairs and good draws. Probably split sizing with 1\3 and 1\2 depending on hand strength and just play face up vs a rec. Hope that question makes sense.
4) 14min mark (screen shot below) you talked about folding the flop because it was 4 ways. BB seems to be pretty aggressive. I would think he has wider donking range than just QJ and 77. Not a spot I would usually fold even MW. Don't really flop much better and expect donking range to be weaker than XR range. Also this hand you mentioned not wanting to sqz to 12bb and face a 41bb jam vs co. What do you think of making smaller sqz since short stacks will still fold \ jam? When they do flat say a 9.5bb squeeze SPR is low, so just stack off any top pair or good draw. I like doing small 3bets vs these sub 50bb stacks since they seem to follow some chart and not actual pot odds.
Ryan if you flat call you are guaranteed to be 3 way if not 4 way, which the pot did go 4 way. Also open yourself up to BB squeeze, which seems even less than Idea. I think small 3 bets still carry a lot of FE vs half stacks because implied odds are not there and just a low SPR strategy with high cards pretty much.
you can 3b small and go multiway oop against two recreationals who will call more with a good price, or you can flat and just play postflop with a higher SPR. Flatting is def unexciting, but I don't like 3b small because we basically get similar postflop outcome with a higher price.
I always enjoy your videos, thank you. I think it would be an interesting idea to see you play in the Party Poker pool. Id love to see the adjustments you would make, particularly versus the 10+ hour 6+ table per day rake race players.
These games are insane due to this rake race element.
At 37:07, you play a hand with AsKc opened from the CO and then explain your justification for using a large sizing on the JT8ss texture. You began saying something about "When your equity advantage comes from the far right end of the distribution", but your train of thought got interrupted by the AQo 4B hand. Would you mind elaborating the point you were going to make about sizing, textures, and equity advantage?
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Hey, your live plays video are great in general imo, I'd say mixing those with your theory ones is the way to go.
Got 2 questions:
2:00 Do you care about 0 PFR but 42 VPIP from UTG over 26hands combined with him being UTG and 3bb open? And are you at all worried about the high vpip from the BTN meaning he could call there IP with hands that normally wouldn't be called but happen to dominate your T8s?
35:00 How elastic do you expect their calling range to be vs river raises and how can that be exploited?
2:30 T8s - The HUD means very little at this point other than singling Villain out as a Rec. This calls is only profitable due to a large skill advantage on average. If he does have a really tight opening range then my implied odds get a boost at the expense of my equity.
35:00 - Probably relatively elastic here until we hit about $80 or so where I'd imagine it gets pretty inelastic. I guess you could go almost all-in with a bluff and all-in with value but this exploit feels thin and dicey and has a very big downside if anyone ever figures out what I'm doing.
Pete this Live play vid was excellent, doesnt matter what you put out its all high quality content. At around 18:00 the As4h hand i think Villain should almost always be betting the turn with QhJs but low freq x is prob ok. what im trying to understand is your turn bet/bluff which im not 100% sure of is this an exploite? . Having said that your river bet puts Villain in a gross spot and i aggree not a +EV call vs pop. ( ive watched prob every vid you have put out going back to GS i think Villains play is pretty good vs you specificaly lol) at 21:50 poor Kate0089. And at 37:00 you started talking about relative peek equity dist. The equity graph in PIO.. nut advatage, but kinda left us hanging, where you just explaining the larger bet sizing? Your discussion about being more dynamic pre flop was also very good. cheers mate and i promise no more puting my comments in Google's English to Scottish translator.
Idea for future vid, How to use node locking to sim pool and various player type tendencies.
Haha thanks for this.
18:00 Yeah QJ is a very high EV hand and one that usually blocks turn in my sims here. The idea behind my turn bet is to pretty much always bomb river and attack an over-capping of the turn check/call range. I agree that vs. me the call is certainly winning. If I'm not doing this then I should check the turn always.
37:00 - Just that your range wants to build bigger pots when your range advantage consists to a large extent of having more Tier 1 hands than Villain. EG. AK4 942 and to a lesser extent this flop.
Do you use the throwables feature to disturb your opponents' mental balance?
I timed out with KK pre the other day. The last thing I need is another distraction.
This was one of the best live play videos I ever watched. You can explain your real time thoughts better than a lot of coaches. I don't know if I want more theory or more live play. I think the theory are slightly better because you are hyper focused on one subject whereas in live play you are talking about several and explain them well even in the short amount of time until the next spot.
If you are still taking coaching clients I am thinking I am interested.
Thanks for the kind words. I'll DM you about coaching.
Stars PA? your name looks familiar
How you build this RNG?
Clay, mud, and straw.
haha, that's very funny
Pretty good vid thanks a lot!
What river do you bluff is he calls your overbet turn with 76ss
Do you fold with 64hh if he shoves on the river?
3:46 - Technically I should check a lot on all rivers with this hand. It will have some pot share (though little) vs. hands like QhTh QhJh etc.
23:27 - Yes, that play never happens but when it does it's because it is 95% of the time the nuts.
In the first minute of video I'm already in confusion. The other coaches (Henry L. for example) never cold call at 3bets and never have cold call range in the CO. so if this is the optimal strategy, why?
00:05 if he's a recreational player why not 4bet or fold QJs?
00:36 why cold call pre flop and not fold or 3bet?
imo if you forge on into minute 2 and beyond, clear explanations will be given for these exploites.
yes of course, he explained very well... But I don't know way we have coach's with different strategies!!!
I think I explained both of these things in the video but I'm happy to elaborate further.
00:05 It's a small 3B which increases the EV of calling. Imagine someone min 3B - it would be close to the size of a large open and we'd have a flatting range vs that. Vs. rec's who 3B, implied odds go up and fold equity goes down. I very rarely have a cold calling range vs a 3B but I make exceptions in rare spots like this. If he 3Bs to 10BB, I don't make this play.
00:36 Because recs are quite likely to call too many 3Bs after opening from this position. I have position, a skill edge, and high implied odds and the table behind me is conducive to building a flatting range.
I take care not to oversimplify my strategy and like to keep an eye out for offbeat plays that can be winning due to specific conditions.
Mario V, I don't think we have coaches who disagree massively about how high EV a play is in a common spot pre-flop. It might be a matter of taste though when things get marginal. I think NEVER cold calling a 3B or NEVER cold calling the BU is losing EV, not due to bread and butter spots but due to these outlier situations of which two just happened to pop up right at the start of the video. I very rarely make either of these two plays. The spot has to be just right to constitute an exception.
Peter Clarke I was wondering: do you take shots at $200 Zoom from time to time? If so, it might be interesting to see you do a live play video against that pool; it would be cool to see how you adjust your strategy against generally tougher opposition/better regs. Just a thought and more out of curiosity than anything; I understand that it's not your usual stake.
I'm happy to do this for a future video. The main reason I make 100NL content is that 200 is covered pretty well by other coaches but I think I'll do a live play or session review there soon.
Hey really cool video thanks for posting.
The hand at 31:50 where you said why is he betting A-J on 4-7-8-T, I think he bet because a 9 makes a straight for him and no other reason.
I say this because this is how I started playing poker, just bet any time I had outs :)
Yeah I think the smaller value/protection type bet is probably fine here, but the big one seems ambitious and overly costly.
Hey Pete, great stuff as usual! You truly are a master of vulgarization. I was wondering hwo did you set up your RGN, cause I got Starshelper but apparently you cant set it up using Aurora graphics, and you seem to have Aurora on your tables. Thanks!
It's a stat I was given privately and imported it into my PT4.
Hi Peter. Another great video, thank you.
10:54 K8s - I'm sort of confused with yout reasoning which stands behind folding K8s vs an open. Obviously call in this spot would be on the looser side, but isnt't it a favourable situation for us to play with position against CO open and a call on the BB from a weaker player? Is it already an example of "overadjusting" on my part?
I think the hand is a little too low in nut making potential to be flatted here in a high rake environment. I'd be find with building a cold call range with slightly better hands here.
1) I think most of your content is great, despite some being slightly better I would continue to balance live play, post audio, coaching sessions, theory, data base review, etc.
2) some very speculative cold calls with T8s CO vs UTG. I was doing this in live games but honestly my win rate increased once I stopped. Think you need to be deeper to call. Would like to see if these hands are actually winning. From SCs being low frequency opens, hard to imagine cold calls being profitable.
3) there was a hand K7o in SB, around 29min mark, BB defends and board ran out K9242 where you chopped vs K6o where villain bet all 3 streets and psb on the river. I was wondering when you open bottom of range or wider vs recs how come you don't bet top pair on the flop given they are weaker player? I would think recs would be more passive and not bet for you. I would approach this spot as being pretty merged so betting all top pairs and good draws. Probably split sizing with 1\3 and 1\2 depending on hand strength and just play face up vs a rec. Hope that question makes sense.
4) 14min mark (screen shot below) you talked about folding the flop because it was 4 ways. BB seems to be pretty aggressive. I would think he has wider donking range than just QJ and 77. Not a spot I would usually fold even MW. Don't really flop much better and expect donking range to be weaker than XR range. Also this hand you mentioned not wanting to sqz to 12bb and face a 41bb jam vs co. What do you think of making smaller sqz since short stacks will still fold \ jam? When they do flat say a 9.5bb squeeze SPR is low, so just stack off any top pair or good draw. I like doing small 3bets vs these sub 50bb stacks since they seem to follow some chart and not actual pot odds.

Thanks in Advance for the feed back.
If you 3b small you’ll end up 3 way oop a lot. This seems less than ideal.
Ryan if you flat call you are guaranteed to be 3 way if not 4 way, which the pot did go 4 way. Also open yourself up to BB squeeze, which seems even less than Idea. I think small 3 bets still carry a lot of FE vs half stacks because implied odds are not there and just a low SPR strategy with high cards pretty much.
you can 3b small and go multiway oop against two recreationals who will call more with a good price, or you can flat and just play postflop with a higher SPR. Flatting is def unexciting, but I don't like 3b small because we basically get similar postflop outcome with a higher price.
Hello Peter,
I always enjoy your videos, thank you. I think it would be an interesting idea to see you play in the Party Poker pool. Id love to see the adjustments you would make, particularly versus the 10+ hour 6+ table per day rake race players.
These games are insane due to this rake race element.
At 37:07, you play a hand with AsKc opened from the CO and then explain your justification for using a large sizing on the JT8ss texture. You began saying something about "When your equity advantage comes from the far right end of the distribution", but your train of thought got interrupted by the AQo 4B hand. Would you mind elaborating the point you were going to make about sizing, textures, and equity advantage?
Thanks Peter! Great job as usual. Keep them coming ASAP, thanks again!
Yes Keep doing more live videos 2-tabling zoom. I love them!
What HUD are you using? And where can i get it at?
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