Great video as usual! @17:30 in the ATo hand you say that this is a turn card that you should be checking with to protect your range. My instincts point toward betting all of my AT and checking back most of my weaker Tx combos like QT and JT. Would you consider it a big mistake to be simplifying the game tree in this fashion at smaller stakes like 200nl? I guess this makes my range less balanced and more linear by doing so.
On the T63ss8hh? I believe the board was the AT needs less protection and also blocks some ace high floats where QT and JT are bet more often for protection against draws and ace high hands. Turn still gets called by Tx but should be some JJ in range as well as turn set 88 or 97s etc. It is close I think as still get value from 77 and 99 as well. If they ever turn a hand such as 98s or 87s into a bluff though AT is in a world of hurt and sucks to bet fold this spot.
Great Vid Pete, live in the heat of battle. the 65s hand at like 2min in i agree its mixed but i thought
a small bet on the flop with the hearts unblocking bd's and folding villains AKo and GS's w/o BD as played vs the 1/2pot on the turn i think Villain should have enough KJ,AJ to make it a call getting EV from the branch where river goes xx. def tricky spot. and at 26min the 4bp with AKs vs < 1/2pot is a call imo i was suprised you folded there? looking forward to your upcoming vids for 2021.
First I have to hear your Discord pings, then I learn this session was recorded before Christmas...that is an poker eternity ago - you get a sad carrot for that...jokes aside, it was a great video.
Very instructive from start to finish. This is not my favorite format, in general, but an exception can be made for Peter's videos. His "stream of consciousness" running commentaries are remarkably lucid and articulate. I especially enjoyed the discussion of "air advantage", starting around 33:00, and how considerations of how much air each player has in his range tend to be neglected and must complement considerations regarding the strong and nutty parts of the ranges.
12:20 most solves seem to fold SCs oop vs 3 bet. How are you deciding to continue SCs in this spot utg vs btn 3 bet?
16:30 utg limp hero folds J9s mp. What does the ISO range look like here?
49min JTo in 6546cc turn 3x river without a club if you were to bluff, since the board doesn't favor your range would you use a block bet river sizing?
Would enjoy more live play or post audio videos. The theory videos messed up my game where Im trying to mimic solver with bluff catchers and just getting owned by the pool who under bluffs. Some of your AJd and KQs folds vs 4 bets are prime example of spots I'm losing ton of money in because they don't typically have a 4 bet bluffing range. Copy pool exploits tends to make more money than theory videos.
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Great video Peter, at 4:52 with the T9s, if you get jammed do you call ?
Great video as usual! @17:30 in the ATo hand you say that this is a turn card that you should be checking with to protect your range. My instincts point toward betting all of my AT and checking back most of my weaker Tx combos like QT and JT. Would you consider it a big mistake to be simplifying the game tree in this fashion at smaller stakes like 200nl? I guess this makes my range less balanced and more linear by doing so.
On the T63ss8hh? I believe the board was the AT needs less protection and also blocks some ace high floats where QT and JT are bet more often for protection against draws and ace high hands. Turn still gets called by Tx but should be some JJ in range as well as turn set 88 or 97s etc. It is close I think as still get value from 77 and 99 as well. If they ever turn a hand such as 98s or 87s into a bluff though AT is in a world of hurt and sucks to bet fold this spot.
Great Vid Pete, live in the heat of battle. the 65s hand at like 2min in i agree its mixed but i thought
a small bet on the flop with the hearts unblocking bd's and folding villains AKo and GS's w/o BD as played vs the 1/2pot on the turn i think Villain should have enough KJ,AJ to make it a call getting EV from the branch where river goes xx. def tricky spot. and at 26min the 4bp with AKs vs < 1/2pot is a call imo i was suprised you folded there? looking forward to your upcoming vids for 2021.
First I have to hear your Discord pings, then I learn this session was recorded before Christmas...that is an poker eternity ago - you get a sad carrot for that...jokes aside, it was a great video.
Nice video. I've been searching a bit for a rng that work's like this one in video. Any tips where to get one?
It's a custom stat in the HUD of Poker Tracker 4. Not sure how to set it up, though. (I don't use PT4).
Very instructive from start to finish. This is not my favorite format, in general, but an exception can be made for Peter's videos. His "stream of consciousness" running commentaries are remarkably lucid and articulate. I especially enjoyed the discussion of "air advantage", starting around 33:00, and how considerations of how much air each player has in his range tend to be neglected and must complement considerations regarding the strong and nutty parts of the ranges.
Nice video; I liked both the content and the atmosphere!
1:30 not pure opening T9o btn?
12:20 most solves seem to fold SCs oop vs 3 bet. How are you deciding to continue SCs in this spot utg vs btn 3 bet?
16:30 utg limp hero folds J9s mp. What does the ISO range look like here?
49min JTo in 6546cc turn 3x river without a club if you were to bluff, since the board doesn't favor your range would you use a block bet river sizing?
Would enjoy more live play or post audio videos. The theory videos messed up my game where Im trying to mimic solver with bluff catchers and just getting owned by the pool who under bluffs. Some of your AJd and KQs folds vs 4 bets are prime example of spots I'm losing ton of money in because they don't typically have a 4 bet bluffing range. Copy pool exploits tends to make more money than theory videos.
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