I really like this format of mixing theory and practical play!
These are the common spots you listed in the video:
Is there any way to know ocurrence frequency of these?
You can get an estimation by looking at GTOwizard preflop ranges and calculating it yourself. E.g. btn-bb srp : multiply utg,mp,co folding frquency, your opening freq, sb folding freq, bb calling freq. You get the frequency you end up in a srp btn vs bb when you are OTB, if you want the general frequency you divide that number by 6.
You can do it by using different filters in Holdem Manager (I guess it can be done in Poker Tracker too) if you had a large enough database. And it will reflect more accurately the games you're playing. For example, I play 10NL and 25NL and a spot that occurs a lot and doesn't happen that often if you're using GTOwizard ranges is raising and getting called by an IP player (Like EP vs. a caller in the CO or the Btn, not SB vs. BB).
Hello Peter,
Thanks for the video.
I play 10NL and 25NL and all my learning right now is based on watching videos and taking notes. I want to start working with solvers. Would you recommend starting with something like Pio / GTO+ where you have full control over the input, or a web based one like GTOwizard, or maybe Deepsolver which from what I understand is kind of a mix between the two, or both?
Great format. I really got a lot out of this video!
I liked the conversation on trainers and having two distinct types of study sessions. So often I will find myself just randomly drilling in gto wizard with not a lot of structure.
4:35 left table if you are in later position do you call more with 77 or increase 3 bet freq and still never call?
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I really like this format of mixing theory and practical play!
These are the common spots you listed in the video:
Is there any way to know ocurrence frequency of these?
You can get an estimation by looking at GTOwizard preflop ranges and calculating it yourself. E.g. btn-bb srp : multiply utg,mp,co folding frquency, your opening freq, sb folding freq, bb calling freq. You get the frequency you end up in a srp btn vs bb when you are OTB, if you want the general frequency you divide that number by 6.
You can do it by using different filters in Holdem Manager (I guess it can be done in Poker Tracker too) if you had a large enough database. And it will reflect more accurately the games you're playing. For example, I play 10NL and 25NL and a spot that occurs a lot and doesn't happen that often if you're using GTOwizard ranges is raising and getting called by an IP player (Like EP vs. a caller in the CO or the Btn, not SB vs. BB).
Hello Peter,
Thanks for the video.
I play 10NL and 25NL and all my learning right now is based on watching videos and taking notes. I want to start working with solvers. Would you recommend starting with something like Pio / GTO+ where you have full control over the input, or a web based one like GTOwizard, or maybe Deepsolver which from what I understand is kind of a mix between the two, or both?
GTO+ is great value for the price
Great format. I really got a lot out of this video!
I liked the conversation on trainers and having two distinct types of study sessions. So often I will find myself just randomly drilling in gto wizard with not a lot of structure.
4:35 left table if you are in later position do you call more with 77 or increase 3 bet freq and still never call?
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