One minor question about the 9dTs hand that rivers a straight (around 4 minutes in).
The main issue on the river is, of course, the raise size. I thought that I might have detected an equivocal message on this street. On the one hand, you allow that Hero's larger raise size will likely be called by the lower straight and by sets. On the other hand, you correctly observe that Villain's leading sizes on the turn and the river seem to be inconsistent with such strong holdings.
My question is just whether, if we are still giving Villain the possible straight and sets on the river, a shove is not better than the larger sizing Hero employs. I could be wrong but I seriously doubt Villain is folding the lower straight, and I question also whether he is folding a set to a shove.
So basically, if we discount the strong hands we might wish to criticize the large raise sizing; but if we don't, then is not a shove better EV-wise?
Just want to say that this is in my opinion, the ideal format for a video. I like the covering of about 5 to 10 hands, on a single table, resulting in ample analysis and a decent pace.
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Hi Peter. Thanks for another great video!
One minor question about the 9dTs hand that rivers a straight (around 4 minutes in).
The main issue on the river is, of course, the raise size. I thought that I might have detected an equivocal message on this street. On the one hand, you allow that Hero's larger raise size will likely be called by the lower straight and by sets. On the other hand, you correctly observe that Villain's leading sizes on the turn and the river seem to be inconsistent with such strong holdings.
My question is just whether, if we are still giving Villain the possible straight and sets on the river, a shove is not better than the larger sizing Hero employs. I could be wrong but I seriously doubt Villain is folding the lower straight, and I question also whether he is folding a set to a shove.
So basically, if we discount the strong hands we might wish to criticize the large raise sizing; but if we don't, then is not a shove better EV-wise?
Thanks a lot!
Just want to say that this is in my opinion, the ideal format for a video. I like the covering of about 5 to 10 hands, on a single table, resulting in ample analysis and a decent pace.
I concur with this opinion.
love this format, thanks Peter,keep it up! waiting for more.
Great series!!!
A video going over your sheet of recreational player exploits adjusted by stakes would no doubt be ESPECIALLY helpful for your viewers.
Really enjoy this series and this format of video. Looking forward to seeing nore!. Thanks Peter.
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