Turn barrel heuristics
Value: TPGK+
Bluffs: gut shot or better draw or 2 overs to 2nd pair that also block opponents TPGK hands and unblock their middling PP that XC-XF. Example QJ on K73-4 blocking opponents KQ/KJ hands and unblocking their TT-88 hands.
I would note it's often useful to barrel suits not on the board that match the turn, so frequencies are not too high. On the K73r-Xc turn we can use hands like QcJx JcTx to barrel that have low SDV and unblock some bdfd hands that may float the flop and fold the turn.
I am not sure how often these hands play BBB vs BBX. If we are getting an over fold on the turn barrel, do we want to continue to bluff the river? Seems counterintuitive.
19min The Q8d on K73r-Thh board I would not find this bluff because there are so many straight draws and flush draws to choose from. Solver is finding this bluff because of its future bluff properties on K73-T- (A-J-9-6 rivers) it blocks straights. Almost every card A-6 on the river Q8 improves to SDV or has a bluff opportunity. Easier to increase your frequency of straight draws rather than mixing these air combos. On the river in a BBB line Q8 was bluffing on K73-T-6 because it blocks 98s and has low SDV.
On some other rivers K73-T-Q we saw 98s giving up even though it has low SDV because it doesn't block any straights. Compared to the K73-T-6 board we see the Q8s, J9s, J8s hands bluffing and the QJ giving up. We are not blasting all of our air in a BBB line, but only when we block the nutted region of villain's range. BBB when you block the nutted region and BBX when you have air but don't block any nuts.
32:30 K73-9-2 why does QJ and Q8 bluff but QTs does not bluff? With no straight possible I would prioritize Q high or worse SDV with blockers to KQ KJ KT here. There seems to be something negative around Tx.
34:55 should we prioritize QJo with a heart here when barreling? Suited hands we want hearts and clubs. Off suit hands I think we want a heart, but maybe doesn't matter in a BBB line because then we don't want a heart on the river unless the flush completes.
First hand in trainer(kinda got this from watching Galfond play PLO) but we have two straight draw blockers and thats really hard to get two of those. Basically whenever that happens i think we should just always bet. FYI your my favorite coach on the platform
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Turn barrel heuristics
Value: TPGK+
Bluffs: gut shot or better draw or 2 overs to 2nd pair that also block opponents TPGK hands and unblock their middling PP that XC-XF. Example QJ on K73-4 blocking opponents KQ/KJ hands and unblocking their TT-88 hands.
I would note it's often useful to barrel suits not on the board that match the turn, so frequencies are not too high. On the K73r-Xc turn we can use hands like QcJx JcTx to barrel that have low SDV and unblock some bdfd hands that may float the flop and fold the turn.
I am not sure how often these hands play BBB vs BBX. If we are getting an over fold on the turn barrel, do we want to continue to bluff the river? Seems counterintuitive.
19min The Q8d on K73r-Thh board I would not find this bluff because there are so many straight draws and flush draws to choose from. Solver is finding this bluff because of its future bluff properties on K73-T- (A-J-9-6 rivers) it blocks straights. Almost every card A-6 on the river Q8 improves to SDV or has a bluff opportunity. Easier to increase your frequency of straight draws rather than mixing these air combos. On the river in a BBB line Q8 was bluffing on K73-T-6 because it blocks 98s and has low SDV.
On some other rivers K73-T-Q we saw 98s giving up even though it has low SDV because it doesn't block any straights. Compared to the K73-T-6 board we see the Q8s, J9s, J8s hands bluffing and the QJ giving up. We are not blasting all of our air in a BBB line, but only when we block the nutted region of villain's range. BBB when you block the nutted region and BBX when you have air but don't block any nuts.
32:30 K73-9-2 why does QJ and Q8 bluff but QTs does not bluff? With no straight possible I would prioritize Q high or worse SDV with blockers to KQ KJ KT here. There seems to be something negative around Tx.
34:55 should we prioritize QJo with a heart here when barreling? Suited hands we want hearts and clubs. Off suit hands I think we want a heart, but maybe doesn't matter in a BBB line because then we don't want a heart on the river unless the flush completes.
First hand in trainer(kinda got this from watching Galfond play PLO) but we have two straight draw blockers and thats really hard to get two of those. Basically whenever that happens i think we should just always bet. FYI your my favorite coach on the platform
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