I really enjoyed watching this video. I appreciate the depth of c-betting on the various flop textures. If you continue with the analysis of the rest of the play, please could you look into 3-betting ranges vs mr opens, and pot sized opens including by position as you did using the opening chart at the beginning of the video. A general strategy for flop textures in these post flop situations would be fantastic as well.
Hey, I'm very happy you liked the video and that you appreciated the technical work I did.
I will wait for more feedback to see what players like and decide the theme of future videos.
Thank you for your feedback
Great video Paul! The dive into preflop adjustments and specifically the bet sizing breakdown based on different board textures should show super helpful for beginning or transitioning players.
Excellent video. You explain things well and I like this format a lot. You got through quite a few hands and you included extra concepts with the solver when needed. Would be great to see more of this. Thanks.
Very enjoyable video and it helped me very much, because these are the stakes that I play. The part I like most is when you see a play and say why you do or don't like it.
The hand that really stood out for me the most was the last one, where hero overplayed the nut straight from the button and was beaten by queens full. I've been in that situation a number of times and was generally torn as to what the right move was.
On the other hand, check calling the flop seems to display weakness. The hero ran into the worst case scenario of a set of queens. What do you think about a half pot bet? Wouldn't that be more of the sizing we'd want to convince something like top pair top kicker or two pair to come along, while slowly building a pot in case we hit our draw?
In regard to future content, I'd like to see a video of folds on the river and scenarios where you provide commentary in regard to why hands are a good fold, a bad fold, whether they should have been bluffs and signs of being bluffed and how to pick them off.
Thank you for your feedback, I'm very happy you like my videos!
About the AKJJ hand, you can Cbet range in theory on this board with a 1/2 sizing and mixing in some Pot Bets, but when you get raised, you have to stack off and the population's range will be much stronger than a solvers range because the solver will slowplay a lot of sets and QT and populations will raise most of them.
Check/call would have been the way I would play this hand, I have a draw with some showdown, but not good enough to build a Pot.
The next best option would be to check/raise, but I would only do it versus aggressive players.
Check/Calling displays weakness if your range is unbalanced and you don't have enough slowplays, on this board I can even make the argument that Check/calling can be stronger than Cbetting because you can just Cbet range all your junk and Check your slowplays.
Yes, we should always use Pot sizing to open, because we want to generate maximum fold equity! When we get called we pay rake, and at low stakes is usually a big amount. Also when everybody folds it's very good for us in general, because we win 150bb/100hands, which is a dream scenario!
Paul, I think your adjustments preflop are pretty spot on for this size game and are beneficial towards live game adjustments. Would like to see more videos at these stakes bc I think the situations translate to these stakes and midstakes live games too. My one question on sizing is on lockdown straight boards with no flush draw let’s say 5-6-7 do you still only use half? I’ve found people still over fold against when using 25-33 percent pot. As opposed to a straight board like j-10-7 is one I would want 50-75 percent pot?
The sizings examples I gave are a starting point if you think in a particular situation the EV is higher if you deviate, you should always do it.
I agree that these preflop adjustments work very well in live games also, the games are similar and probably most of the time the skill level also.
Thank you for the feedback!
Hello Paul,
Let me first thank you for your great works. I specifically like the hand by hand analogy and comments you give. However, since I am new to the solver monk or vision, somehow I am not able to follow all the analogies, since i notice too many possibilities and less direct application to the live game (in my case, since I mostly play live). I really enjoy and learn from you commentary on someone's game or even when you play yourself and I hope you will make some more videos on mid-stakes 5-10-20 or even 10-10-20-40 with straddle. I believe some advice regarding short or full stack buy-ins and re-buy-ins will also be useful.
Thank you for providing me with valuable feedback. I appreciate your kind words and I'm glad to hear that you found my hand-by-hand analogy and comments helpful.
As an Essential Pro, the maximum stakes for my videos is indeed 200plo. However, for those interested in higher stakes, I highly recommend checking out some of the Elite videos. There are many excellent coaches and valuable resources available at that level, which can help take your game to the next level. Thank you for bringing that up, and I hope you continue to find my content helpful as well.
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I really enjoyed watching this video. I appreciate the depth of c-betting on the various flop textures. If you continue with the analysis of the rest of the play, please could you look into 3-betting ranges vs mr opens, and pot sized opens including by position as you did using the opening chart at the beginning of the video. A general strategy for flop textures in these post flop situations would be fantastic as well.
Hey, I'm very happy you liked the video and that you appreciated the technical work I did.
I will wait for more feedback to see what players like and decide the theme of future videos.
Thank you for your feedback
Great video Paul! The dive into preflop adjustments and specifically the bet sizing breakdown based on different board textures should show super helpful for beginning or transitioning players.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it and more importantly, that you found it useful.
Great video ty
Excellent video. You explain things well and I like this format a lot. You got through quite a few hands and you included extra concepts with the solver when needed. Would be great to see more of this. Thanks.
Very enjoyable video and it helped me very much, because these are the stakes that I play. The part I like most is when you see a play and say why you do or don't like it.
The hand that really stood out for me the most was the last one, where hero overplayed the nut straight from the button and was beaten by queens full. I've been in that situation a number of times and was generally torn as to what the right move was.
On the other hand, check calling the flop seems to display weakness. The hero ran into the worst case scenario of a set of queens. What do you think about a half pot bet? Wouldn't that be more of the sizing we'd want to convince something like top pair top kicker or two pair to come along, while slowly building a pot in case we hit our draw?
In regard to future content, I'd like to see a video of folds on the river and scenarios where you provide commentary in regard to why hands are a good fold, a bad fold, whether they should have been bluffs and signs of being bluffed and how to pick them off.
Thank you for your feedback, I'm very happy you like my videos!
About the AKJJ hand, you can Cbet range in theory on this board with a 1/2 sizing and mixing in some Pot Bets, but when you get raised, you have to stack off and the population's range will be much stronger than a solvers range because the solver will slowplay a lot of sets and QT and populations will raise most of them.
Check/call would have been the way I would play this hand, I have a draw with some showdown, but not good enough to build a Pot.
The next best option would be to check/raise, but I would only do it versus aggressive players.
Check/Calling displays weakness if your range is unbalanced and you don't have enough slowplays, on this board I can even make the argument that Check/calling can be stronger than Cbetting because you can just Cbet range all your junk and Check your slowplays.
Thank you for the response and detailing it so well. I really do appreciate it.
Excellent!!!!!!!!! I´d like go deep Single Raised Pots Ip/oop...Thanks a lot....
Hi Paul, In Micro/Low Stakes we always must open a Pot size bet?
Yes, we should always use Pot sizing to open, because we want to generate maximum fold equity! When we get called we pay rake, and at low stakes is usually a big amount. Also when everybody folds it's very good for us in general, because we win 150bb/100hands, which is a dream scenario!
Thanks Paul....got it
Paul, I think your adjustments preflop are pretty spot on for this size game and are beneficial towards live game adjustments. Would like to see more videos at these stakes bc I think the situations translate to these stakes and midstakes live games too. My one question on sizing is on lockdown straight boards with no flush draw let’s say 5-6-7 do you still only use half? I’ve found people still over fold against when using 25-33 percent pot. As opposed to a straight board like j-10-7 is one I would want 50-75 percent pot?
The sizings examples I gave are a starting point if you think in a particular situation the EV is higher if you deviate, you should always do it.
I agree that these preflop adjustments work very well in live games also, the games are similar and probably most of the time the skill level also.
Thank you for the feedback!
Was a great informative and educational video. Thank you,
I'm glad you liked it!
Great video! Helped a lot. Thanks.
Hello Paul,
Let me first thank you for your great works. I specifically like the hand by hand analogy and comments you give. However, since I am new to the solver monk or vision, somehow I am not able to follow all the analogies, since i notice too many possibilities and less direct application to the live game (in my case, since I mostly play live). I really enjoy and learn from you commentary on someone's game or even when you play yourself and I hope you will make some more videos on mid-stakes 5-10-20 or even 10-10-20-40 with straddle. I believe some advice regarding short or full stack buy-ins and re-buy-ins will also be useful.
Thank you for providing me with valuable feedback. I appreciate your kind words and I'm glad to hear that you found my hand-by-hand analogy and comments helpful.
As an Essential Pro, the maximum stakes for my videos is indeed 200plo. However, for those interested in higher stakes, I highly recommend checking out some of the Elite videos. There are many excellent coaches and valuable resources available at that level, which can help take your game to the next level. Thank you for bringing that up, and I hope you continue to find my content helpful as well.
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