Its a mixed open in charts anyway so wouldnt be a problem to always fold, however it does have good blockers to hands that will 3bet you such as AQ KQ JJ QQ etc. so you should find that you'll get 3bet less when you open this than something like 66/9Ts etc.
Also keep in mind that if its mixed in theory then its probably a pure open if you have players in the blinds that you have an edge on :)
Paul, I got a lot out of two videos! My highlights of this one were: playing our hand how it wants to be played vs recreational players, noting players who play their hand rather than their range and adjusting accordingly, and the data on click 3bets from recreationals in the first hand.
There were couple of spots (4:05, 21:30) on top left table where werner limps, BTN isos, and you debate 3betting. I'm curious what range of hands you think would actually be good to 3Bet here, considering we really want werner to be in the pot?
7:25 -- Loved hearing how you read into the timing when BTN snap checks back turn. My takeaway is that when opponents act immediately, we can discount their hands that would probably like to have a think before acting?
Any plans to make a live play video in the future? I would like to see how you think through these hands in real time, since that is something I struggle with.
Thanks for the positive feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed.
4:05 So in this spot i like to play in a similar way to how a button defends vs a cutoff open, so i will have a lot of 3bets but there's going to be some hands that i don't necessarily want to 3bet and then face a 4bet with. So as you can see in the picture below some of these hands like QJs/QTs/JTs/ATs/77/88/99/TT fall into that category. Now of course i could still 3bet these hands and i sometimes would depending on how big the recreational is behind that's getting ISOd. I would generally think of it like this:
1. If he's quite spewey postflop i want to be in hands with him so more flats
2. if he's limp folding a lot or not too spewey postflop then i want to
3bet and take down the dead money more so more 3bets
Keep in mind though that in this specific situation it might not be great to play OOP to 2 players (compared to when we have flats on the button we are always in position) and the rake is high at micros so maybe we want more 3bets here.
7:25 - Thanks for the timestamp, yea you're correct, we can discount the hands that need to have a think. Actually quite surprised to see him have KQs here as i would think that hand would think about betting turn with such a draw heavy board.
Currently i don't have any plans to make those kind of videos, i have tried to make them before but i find myself getting caught up talking about a hand for too long and then missing action on other tables etc. and they've not really come out the way i would like. I would say though there are some other guys on here that do a great job of in game play and explains.
Haven't checked the sim but the 32ss is almost certainly not a thing. I agree it's probably indifferent vs 1/4 or 1/5, but even if you hit your straight you might be against a better straight, and possibly a flush.
12:45 or so you make the read the Villain (Kurtz) plays his hand and not his range.
Is that because as the 4 bettor Qx/Broadway flop should be close to a range bet for him and also Q turn should be really good for him? And he checked both?
Also..once we make that read... How do you think about exploiting it?
Sorry for the late reply I've been away.
Yea exactly, would expect a range bet very often on this type of flop.
As for exploiting it, we could generally be more aggressive vs checks and play tighter vs bets as we would expect his range to be skewed one way or another.
97o 26:30minute vs reg BB vs SB, i would fold? so you expect edge vs him postflop in position with call. is this your lowest calling range? like, 75o would be a fold? as played the 3bet is meant to get him fold his openraise right ? : )
97o is probably a fold at 50nl and below, however its a lot closer when the rake is lower so for me it would be a mix preflop at the stakes i play. Yea of course the ideal scenario is that he folds but even if he doesn't we get to play IP vs a player we will have a postflop edge on.
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Great video Paul!!!
Me personally I never open QJo utg just feel like I’m just folding always to the ever incoming 3 bet from any position lol
Its a mixed open in charts anyway so wouldnt be a problem to always fold, however it does have good blockers to hands that will 3bet you such as AQ KQ JJ QQ etc. so you should find that you'll get 3bet less when you open this than something like 66/9Ts etc.
Also keep in mind that if its mixed in theory then its probably a pure open if you have players in the blinds that you have an edge on :)
That is true! Especially if you have a post flop edge on them
Nice continuation Paul. Well explained
Thanks mx404
Paul, I got a lot out of two videos! My highlights of this one were: playing our hand how it wants to be played vs recreational players, noting players who play their hand rather than their range and adjusting accordingly, and the data on click 3bets from recreationals in the first hand.
There were couple of spots (4:05, 21:30) on top left table where werner limps, BTN isos, and you debate 3betting. I'm curious what range of hands you think would actually be good to 3Bet here, considering we really want werner to be in the pot?
7:25 -- Loved hearing how you read into the timing when BTN snap checks back turn. My takeaway is that when opponents act immediately, we can discount their hands that would probably like to have a think before acting?
Any plans to make a live play video in the future? I would like to see how you think through these hands in real time, since that is something I struggle with.
Thanks for the positive feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed.
4:05 So in this spot i like to play in a similar way to how a button defends vs a cutoff open, so i will have a lot of 3bets but there's going to be some hands that i don't necessarily want to 3bet and then face a 4bet with. So as you can see in the picture below some of these hands like QJs/QTs/JTs/ATs/77/88/99/TT fall into that category. Now of course i could still 3bet these hands and i sometimes would depending on how big the recreational is behind that's getting ISOd. I would generally think of it like this:

1. If he's quite spewey postflop i want to be in hands with him so more flats
2. if he's limp folding a lot or not too spewey postflop then i want to
3bet and take down the dead money more so more 3bets
Keep in mind though that in this specific situation it might not be great to play OOP to 2 players (compared to when we have flats on the button we are always in position) and the rake is high at micros so maybe we want more 3bets here.
7:25 - Thanks for the timestamp, yea you're correct, we can discount the hands that need to have a think. Actually quite surprised to see him have KQs here as i would think that hand would think about betting turn with such a draw heavy board.
Currently i don't have any plans to make those kind of videos, i have tried to make them before but i find myself getting caught up talking about a hand for too long and then missing action on other tables etc. and they've not really come out the way i would like. I would say though there are some other guys on here that do a great job of in game play and explains.
glgl at the tables :)
Haven't checked the sim but the 32ss is almost certainly not a thing. I agree it's probably indifferent vs 1/4 or 1/5, but even if you hit your straight you might be against a better straight, and possibly a flush.
Yea, it didn't seem great to me when i saw he had that hand, i just checked it in wizard and even vs the 25% sizing its a pure fold.
12:45 or so you make the read the Villain (Kurtz) plays his hand and not his range.
Is that because as the 4 bettor Qx/Broadway flop should be close to a range bet for him and also Q turn should be really good for him? And he checked both?
Also..once we make that read... How do you think about exploiting it?
Sorry for the late reply I've been away.
Yea exactly, would expect a range bet very often on this type of flop.
As for exploiting it, we could generally be more aggressive vs checks and play tighter vs bets as we would expect his range to be skewed one way or another.
97o 26:30minute vs reg BB vs SB, i would fold? so you expect edge vs him postflop in position with call. is this your lowest calling range? like, 75o would be a fold? as played the 3bet is meant to get him fold his openraise right ? : )
97o is probably a fold at 50nl and below, however its a lot closer when the rake is lower so for me it would be a mix preflop at the stakes i play. Yea of course the ideal scenario is that he folds but even if he doesn't we get to play IP vs a player we will have a postflop edge on.
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