Hi Patrick Sekinger really enjoyed the video. Hand #2 with 33 on AQ5, why do small pairs raise more often than 2nd pair? I find blocking 2nd pair with 5 outs to 2 pair or trips is better than 33. You block some of their 2 pair combos and their continue range of Qx combos. I really don't understand what PIO is doing here besides having a disguised hand and bdsd. Also as you showed on the turn, more 99-JJ hands continue and QX folds is baffling. Seems to be complete opposite of what humans are doing.
I think it’s because Qx has better ev for calling than raising.
You re dead if vilain has an A and basically 100% equity if vilain has random two card (T9 for example) or even 99-88-77 has small equity against you.
When you raise with 33-22 or 3rd , you benefice a lot to generate fold from 66+ , and generate call from KJ KT. That i think more important than having a blocker effect on his AQ QQ region.
Unless we have specific reads on villains then hard to say -> playing like Pio will yield us ev regardless since villains will deviate at one node or another. If we know for sure that villains will overfold flop then turn being less aggro is probably recommended, although it is not impossible some more weaktight villains at small stakes could possibly overfold at both nodes
At 39 minute marker, the reason we dont cr many two pairs is because of how dynamic the board is. Theres about 20+ turns that bring straight or flushes so we really dont wanna bloat pot oop. Kinda the same reason ip doesn't wanna 3bet flop in your first hand example like you pointed out. So instead we use these hands to give us strong bluff catchers on brick runouts. They perform nicely in that node and poorly as cr.
Not sure about very deep play, not something I have spent a tonne of time studying in these somewhat uncommon spots. I would guess there could be some sizing up but I would assume it is all down to the exact SPR. Generally our value range dictates the sizings we choose and so if the SPR is shallow we can block with a still polar range since it is easy to get AI by river without having to put in huge river bets, at deeper SPRs it might be a spot where we size up - but I'm not certain
Don’t you think your 5x region like 45 56 57 are doing better as a raise than 33 ? (6 outs to the nuts, and you heavily block his better combos like 55,A5), if you re opponent don’t know what you are doing of course.
What’s happen if you delete those low frec call JJ-66 from IP range ?
Why 77 is pure fold and 88 call?
Possibly, but in these spots when choosing what hands to bluff raise we always compare ev of the hands as a call. 22-44 are extremely close to 0ev calls (easy to exceed the ev by raising) whereas 5x combos are clearly quite >0ev.
Not sure where you mean with 77/88 pure call/fold - this is super easy sim to replicate, you should get the answers to your questions with a little digging
33:52 You faced a polarised range, pp still has 2 outs to improve, compared to Qx which can be drawing dead, the blocker effect of the Q is pretty irrelevant , some aspect are more important .
You can still win at sd with PP, and you are not drawing
have the nuts on 2 outs and win 100% of the potshare, as a hand like Qx can’t
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Great video. Please make more PIO based videoes like this
Hi Patrick Sekinger really enjoyed the video. Hand #2 with 33 on AQ5, why do small pairs raise more often than 2nd pair? I find blocking 2nd pair with 5 outs to 2 pair or trips is better than 33. You block some of their 2 pair combos and their continue range of Qx combos. I really don't understand what PIO is doing here besides having a disguised hand and bdsd. Also as you showed on the turn, more 99-JJ hands continue and QX folds is baffling. Seems to be complete opposite of what humans are doing.
I think it’s because Qx has better ev for calling than raising.
You re dead if vilain has an A and basically 100% equity if vilain has random two card (T9 for example) or even 99-88-77 has small equity against you.
When you raise with 33-22 or 3rd , you benefice a lot to generate fold from 66+ , and generate call from KJ KT. That i think more important than having a blocker effect on his AQ QQ region.
second hand if villain overfold flop, does this hand will still want to bet turn? Asking for less sophisticated players most of the viewers might face
Unless we have specific reads on villains then hard to say -> playing like Pio will yield us ev regardless since villains will deviate at one node or another. If we know for sure that villains will overfold flop then turn being less aggro is probably recommended, although it is not impossible some more weaktight villains at small stakes could possibly overfold at both nodes
At 39 minute marker, the reason we dont cr many two pairs is because of how dynamic the board is. Theres about 20+ turns that bring straight or flushes so we really dont wanna bloat pot oop. Kinda the same reason ip doesn't wanna 3bet flop in your first hand example like you pointed out. So instead we use these hands to give us strong bluff catchers on brick runouts. They perform nicely in that node and poorly as cr.
Great video!
Yes, for sure - seems a strong heuristic to apply in most scenarios and super super common :)
Second hand, if stacks were very deep would the turn still be a high freq block or do we end up sizing up to 60 or 70 psb?
Great video and multi street strat analyses. More videos like this would be great. Thanks.
Not sure about very deep play, not something I have spent a tonne of time studying in these somewhat uncommon spots. I would guess there could be some sizing up but I would assume it is all down to the exact SPR. Generally our value range dictates the sizings we choose and so if the SPR is shallow we can block with a still polar range since it is easy to get AI by river without having to put in huge river bets, at deeper SPRs it might be a spot where we size up - but I'm not certain
Nice content !
2nd hand
Don’t you think your 5x region like 45 56 57 are doing better as a raise than 33 ? (6 outs to the nuts, and you heavily block his better combos like 55,A5), if you re opponent don’t know what you are doing of course.
What’s happen if you delete those low frec call JJ-66 from IP range ?
Why 77 is pure fold and 88 call?
Possibly, but in these spots when choosing what hands to bluff raise we always compare ev of the hands as a call. 22-44 are extremely close to 0ev calls (easy to exceed the ev by raising) whereas 5x combos are clearly quite >0ev.
Not sure where you mean with 77/88 pure call/fold - this is super easy sim to replicate, you should get the answers to your questions with a little digging
33:52 You faced a polarised range, pp still has 2 outs to improve, compared to Qx which can be drawing dead, the blocker effect of the Q is pretty irrelevant , some aspect are more important .
You can still win at sd with PP, and you are not drawing
have the nuts on 2 outs and win 100% of the potshare, as a hand like Qx can’t
I've seen you have good results over last months according statname. Crushing ?
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