there doesn't seem to be enough room with 100bb effective stacks for a multi street bluff for a hand that's 4bet pre flop. seems like you were kind of torn between giving up or just going with it on turn (u've committed a chunk of your stack through preflop 4 bet and yet you likely don't have much fold equity because the pot is so big).
maybe flatting pre and proceeding from there is better? i don't think villain is going to fold to a 4 bet getting given that he is in position and getting about 3 to 1.
what do you find 400NL/600NL player pool's 4 bet flatting ranges to typically be these days (apart from AA KK)? does stack size affect this range much?
PS nice vid some interesting spots, nice bluff with KQ with no time bank left lol
The 4bet pre is fine, although I could choose a little stronger hand to use. I can't really see flatting this hand without knowing a ton more about him, it's just too weak and dominated. If I sized my bets a little more astutely, I think the hand plays out much smoother.
K9 check-call, check-call blew my mind. That's the most awesome part of videos like these. You see something that you would never have come up with yourself, and it makes you better.
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liked it, more please of action hour 6max :) ty :)
will do
there doesn't seem to be enough room with 100bb effective stacks for a multi street bluff for a hand that's 4bet pre flop. seems like you were kind of torn between giving up or just going with it on turn (u've committed a chunk of your stack through preflop 4 bet and yet you likely don't have much fold equity because the pot is so big).
maybe flatting pre and proceeding from there is better? i don't think villain is going to fold to a 4 bet getting given that he is in position and getting about 3 to 1.
what do you find 400NL/600NL player pool's 4 bet flatting ranges to typically be these days (apart from AA KK)? does stack size affect this range much?
PS nice vid some interesting spots, nice bluff with KQ with no time bank left lol
The 4bet pre is fine, although I could choose a little stronger hand to use. I can't really see flatting this hand without knowing a ton more about him, it's just too weak and dominated. If I sized my bets a little more astutely, I think the hand plays out much smoother.
Great video, really enjoyed hearing your thought processes in real time. thanks!
K9 check-call, check-call blew my mind.
That's the most awesome part of videos like these. You see something that you would never have come up with yourself, and it makes you better.
Really like those live sessions, keep them up!
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