Random question: When people talk about taking different bluffing lines and say things like BXX, BXB, XXB, do those 3 letters refer to each street or just each players action? For example, does BXX mean c-bet flop, then turn goes x/x? Or does BXX mean c-bet flop (call), x/x turn, x river (then bluff)?
great video its really the thing that i found why i cant print money in the micro i overestimate their shoving range in the reality they are shoving really tight
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Thanks Owen, Great stuff to take away from this.
Hi Owen,
Random question: When people talk about taking different bluffing lines and say things like BXX, BXB, XXB, do those 3 letters refer to each street or just each players action? For example, does BXX mean c-bet flop, then turn goes x/x? Or does BXX mean c-bet flop (call), x/x turn, x river (then bluff)?
It’s the actions you take on each street. So BBX is bet flop, bet turn, check river.
Love this video,got a lot from it!
Thank you Owen. This is an area of my game where I have been playing very 'by the book.' I needed this!
Thank you very much for sharing!
great video its really the thing that i found why i cant print money in the micro i overestimate their shoving range in the reality they are shoving really tight
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