Hey Owen, thanks for the video! I agree that you rambled on a bit lol but all insightful ramblings nonetheless (the best kind). The question I have is, it has become common for people to try to simplify flop strategy by betting entire range or simply using one size. In practice, do you think there is much EV to be gained by using a mix of sizings as you showed in this video?
There are certainly spots where having multiple sizes will gain you decent EV. I think more importantly if you know how to build strategies around multiple different betsizes it gives you more scope to exploit the field or specific players who play poorly against certain lines or sizes.
Hey Owen, nice cbet review! Pretty useful for me, imo.
When you choose the sizings, why you pick pot bet? Is it better than 3/4 pot or 125% pot?
I guess that depends on how much you want to bet on the turn.
Is it possible after finishing this series that we can check the next step? That would be betting large as well on the turn after betting big on the flop.
Thanks in advance, looking foward for the second part.
Hey. I chose 100% pot as if we had 1/3 and 3/4 pot they would be a bit too close together in sizes. It was done so that we got quite clear different strategies. The closer together the betsize in PIO the more you will see a lot of mixed strat. I'll look into a video about the next step in the future :)
As a new used of PIO it is reallly helpful to see you use and explain how you use it.
For some boards where a split betsize is the way to play GTO it is was a very helpful video. How to you choose or learn the more exakt sizes for example 80 or 100 % pot as a the bigger sized bet?
If I wanted to learn how to play a specific size I would probably run 20-30 different flops and study them to see what PIO likes to do. What you need to realise is that in a lot of spots its not about what exact sizing you use as most of them will have very similar EV. It's all about learning how you construct your range around the sizing you use.
Hello Owen, thank you for video. Could you tell me, how you import your data from PIO Solver into the Excel spreadsheet? I would like to compare random flops and determine, where I should c-bet and in which frequency. Thanks
Yeah i have a yo-yo desk that can be lifted and lowered so I can either sit or stand. It's better for my back and my health not being just sat for hours during a session.
Min 20 AK7r board - interesting that PIO wants to bet J9,108, 109 and 98 for the large sizing. Is this because of the EV generated by folding Q highs and better J highs that are high frequency calls vs 1/3?
Yes that will be part of it. We also have back door straight draw with the Jx and Tx hands and more importantly have a blocker to our opponents gutshots which I imagine continue a lot even v the pot size bet.
I understand the theory, but I have some issues with your pio sims. OOP should be donking on low card boards with a substantial portion of their range. I like the conclusions you are coming to on high card boards or ragged boards, but I'm not sure it's really relevant for the low card boards.
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Hey Owen, thanks for the video! I agree that you rambled on a bit lol but all insightful ramblings nonetheless (the best kind). The question I have is, it has become common for people to try to simplify flop strategy by betting entire range or simply using one size. In practice, do you think there is much EV to be gained by using a mix of sizings as you showed in this video?
There are certainly spots where having multiple sizes will gain you decent EV. I think more importantly if you know how to build strategies around multiple different betsizes it gives you more scope to exploit the field or specific players who play poorly against certain lines or sizes.
Hey Owen, nice cbet review! Pretty useful for me, imo.
When you choose the sizings, why you pick pot bet? Is it better than 3/4 pot or 125% pot?
I guess that depends on how much you want to bet on the turn.
Is it possible after finishing this series that we can check the next step? That would be betting large as well on the turn after betting big on the flop.
Thanks in advance, looking foward for the second part.
Hey. I chose 100% pot as if we had 1/3 and 3/4 pot they would be a bit too close together in sizes. It was done so that we got quite clear different strategies. The closer together the betsize in PIO the more you will see a lot of mixed strat. I'll look into a video about the next step in the future :)
thanks a lot for this content!!!!
As a new used of PIO it is reallly helpful to see you use and explain how you use it.
For some boards where a split betsize is the way to play GTO it is was a very helpful video. How to you choose or learn the more exakt sizes for example 80 or 100 % pot as a the bigger sized bet?
If I wanted to learn how to play a specific size I would probably run 20-30 different flops and study them to see what PIO likes to do. What you need to realise is that in a lot of spots its not about what exact sizing you use as most of them will have very similar EV. It's all about learning how you construct your range around the sizing you use.
Hello Owen, thank you for video. Could you tell me, how you import your data from PIO Solver into the Excel spreadsheet? I would like to compare random flops and determine, where I should c-bet and in which frequency. Thanks
Hey. It's an aggregated report. If you google how to get them from PIO you'll find out how to do it.
Hey Owen, I have a few questions before to buy your course "from the ground up", don't know where can I send them
Got back to you elsewhere
Great video! One off the topic question, do you stand during making these videos/grinding? :)
Yeah i have a yo-yo desk that can be lifted and lowered so I can either sit or stand. It's better for my back and my health not being just sat for hours during a session.
Min 20 AK7r board - interesting that PIO wants to bet J9,108, 109 and 98 for the large sizing. Is this because of the EV generated by folding Q highs and better J highs that are high frequency calls vs 1/3?
Yes that will be part of it. We also have back door straight draw with the Jx and Tx hands and more importantly have a blocker to our opponents gutshots which I imagine continue a lot even v the pot size bet.
I understand the theory, but I have some issues with your pio sims. OOP should be donking on low card boards with a substantial portion of their range. I like the conclusions you are coming to on high card boards or ragged boards, but I'm not sure it's really relevant for the low card boards.
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