Hi Owen,
The Q8 spot with about 24BBs would u shove say 44-77,Axs,QJs-JTs type of hands
and if not are u flatting them since u suggest expanding 3 beting range only for value and the above are outside of it.
In this tournament I would probably play low variance and just call with them. Shoving 24 bbs here with a hand like 55 is gonna be profitable I imagine but he doesn't fold to 3bs too much so hes gonna call our reshove wide enough I'd say. That means we are creating a whole load of variance we don't need to when we are getting great odds on just a call pre instead.
Regarding pocket 2s hand at 39 minute mark; do you think there is any merit to a 13.5k 3b/ fold to bb, call btn 4b rip? It's a size he's not really going to want to flat and it looks very strong -- esp given this is the villain w/ the weird raise sizings and the MR utg he r/f to our UTG+1 rip (so loose assumption that his m/r are weaker)
Sure it looks strong but we are getting ourselves into a spot where we are potentially looking at calling off over half our stack in a $3.30 with 22. Now I know you have to take risks in tournaments to build your stack but in this instance I would say we are getting into the realm of fancy play syndrome. Also look at this guys stats. This isn't a guy who is gonna be pushed off any kinda hand too easily. So imo either shove or fold and keep the hand clean and easy to play.
I like a fold there over agressive action regardless, but if we were to 3b is a mid sized 3b committing btn if he wants to continue but giving us room to fold vs a cold 4b from bb not much preferable to shoving? I doubt btn's gii range is all too elastic there to whether we shove or bomb 3b him; which would appear to make it strictly better than shoving unless we think their ranges are expanding to the non-shove 3b. I just wouldnt think you're getting cold 4b that light anyway or gaining much extra FE by shoving over raising.
I think you are basing your analysis too much on how you would look at the hand from buttons perspective. You think this play should look super strong to him but with some opponents of whom I think this guy may be one it doesn't matter whether you look strong or not because they are not thinking like that and will just see a flop regardless with stuff like TJo etc. I've seen it far too often. The small 3b might work better against someone who has a high fold to 3b stat but against this guy you are just asking for a world of trouble. So in this case a 3b shove will be better IMO.
Can you give me a time on the video when I said this. I haven't got the time (or love for the sound of my own voice!) to go through the video to find where I said this :)
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Hi Owen,
The Q8 spot with about 24BBs would u shove say 44-77,Axs,QJs-JTs type of hands
and if not are u flatting them since u suggest expanding 3 beting range only for value and the above are outside of it.
In this tournament I would probably play low variance and just call with them. Shoving 24 bbs here with a hand like 55 is gonna be profitable I imagine but he doesn't fold to 3bs too much so hes gonna call our reshove wide enough I'd say. That means we are creating a whole load of variance we don't need to when we are getting great odds on just a call pre instead.
Regarding pocket 2s hand at 39 minute mark; do you think there is any merit to a 13.5k 3b/ fold to bb, call btn 4b rip? It's a size he's not really going to want to flat and it looks very strong -- esp given this is the villain w/ the weird raise sizings and the MR utg he r/f to our UTG+1 rip (so loose assumption that his m/r are weaker)
Sure it looks strong but we are getting ourselves into a spot where we are potentially looking at calling off over half our stack in a $3.30 with 22. Now I know you have to take risks in tournaments to build your stack but in this instance I would say we are getting into the realm of fancy play syndrome. Also look at this guys stats. This isn't a guy who is gonna be pushed off any kinda hand too easily. So imo either shove or fold and keep the hand clean and easy to play.
I like a fold there over agressive action regardless, but if we were to 3b is a mid sized 3b committing btn if he wants to continue but giving us room to fold vs a cold 4b from bb not much preferable to shoving? I doubt btn's gii range is all too elastic there to whether we shove or bomb 3b him; which would appear to make it strictly better than shoving unless we think their ranges are expanding to the non-shove 3b. I just wouldnt think you're getting cold 4b that light anyway or gaining much extra FE by shoving over raising.
I think you are basing your analysis too much on how you would look at the hand from buttons perspective. You think this play should look super strong to him but with some opponents of whom I think this guy may be one it doesn't matter whether you look strong or not because they are not thinking like that and will just see a flop regardless with stuff like TJo etc. I've seen it far too often. The small 3b might work better against someone who has a high fold to 3b stat but against this guy you are just asking for a world of trouble. So in this case a 3b shove will be better IMO.
When u said u were planning to 3b the 4x open guy. Obviously this is with value hands and that he will stack of very lite right?
Can you give me a time on the video when I said this. I haven't got the time (or love for the sound of my own voice!) to go through the video to find where I said this :)
Hahah all g i think the answer is yes . thanks for your prompt response bro. Great vid learnt alot :)
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