Lenny Seward12 years, 3 months agoRegarding the hand at 20:40, I agree that checking allows him to bet his floats and sometimes own himself with a weak flush, but with regards to future blocker bluffing chances, I think it's better to go ahead and barrel this turn. I don't know what your tendencies are, but I would never play the NF blocker like this and I think that with this hand to be able to bluff with the blocker we need to barrel this turn for balance. I mean if we aren't barreling this turn with the second nuts our turn barreling range is completely unbalanced.
Sam Lang12 years, 3 months agoI agree completely. I got some advice from a friend on this hand, and I think this should be in our 3 barreling value range for sure. I think I would usually have done that but we had a fair amount if history where I thought he was floating fairly wide in this spot, and also capable of making thin value bets. I would prefer to c/c turn with nut flush some % of the time instead of the qhi, and also some lower flushes as well as it accomplishes the same things we are trying to do by c/c the qhi flush, but means that our range plays a lot better.
Ziigsildurrr112 years, 3 months agohey sam! first of all thank you for sharing your thoughts in this hand review - some really interesting approaches & ideas! :) ...however, i'm having trouble to understand your shove on the flop with that 97TKds hand at 9:00! I agree completely with checking the flop. And I might be wrong but in my opinion it's better to continue the hand with a call instead of shoving it?! Like you said, jointy33 can easily have some TJQ-combos, FDs...
I think you are casually risking your entire stake in this spot. You have absolutely no re-draws and allowing your opponent to freeroll you, right?! Wouldn't it be a better way to just call here and on the turn you can still decide whether to push or not, depending on what kind of card comes up... I mean what kind of hand will be calling here on the flop when you are reraising? Only strong draws or made hands (with redraws)?!
Is my way of thinking to conservative? Just some thoughts that popped in my mind while I was watching that hand...
The main problem I see for c/c the flop is that we have very little of a c/c range here. We tend to have high cards a lot, and I think are going to be c/shoving if we have a fd and c/folding if not a fair ammount. due to this, I don't really think we should be incorporating a c/cing range in this spot. I don't expect him to fold much of his range after flatting, so just happy to get the rest of the money in now. I don't think he is folding two pair+ or any draw combo, so the only hand I think he may fold would be 9tj*, and even then Im more than happy to take it down now, get him off his equity, and not risk making any mistakes on the turn.
Another big reason I think c/ring is also the best play in a vacuum, not just range considerations, is that we are still going to have a lot of money on the turn, and being OOP with money behind is never fun. The pot is big enough that we are happy just taking it down at this point, and with regards to being freerolled, I am not worried about this at all as the stacks are not deep enough to be making a huge mistake, and the way he played the hand, and given we have a 7 and a t, I think he has way more flush/straight draw comboes than monster straight+redraw.
If stacks were a bit deeper, where I could not c/r get it in OTF, I would consider c/c and c/r safe turn cards.
but let's think about a different scenario where you made (top-)set -again without any redraws- on this flop! how do you continue the hand? Chances are your hand is probably crushed by one of them - so we're left with 7 outs which means we're getting pretty much the right odds for a call... On the other hand - like you already said - we're going to have a lot of money left on the turn and have to act OOP with a good chance to make a bad decision!
Should we consider to c/f the flop?
Sam Lang12 years, 3 months agoc/r get it in still. he's stabbing wide enough, and we have considerable ammount of equity vs his range, and have ~38% depending on redraws/bds with top set vs a straight, that c/f would be really bad lol. We're super happy 3way also. Hands I expect them to bet are 2pair+, starights, any strong FD with a gutter or pair going with it etc.
Was wondering whats your thoughts behind 4betting light against your opponents who 3bet light when you know they are calling your 4bet and stacking off on the flop when they hit a draw/pair... And also 5betting light against light 4bettors as well...
Do you think its more profitable to call a 3/4bet OR actually go ahead and take the initiative of 4betting/5betting your rundowns, AK10J ds, Q978 ds type stuff (I know you 4bet/5bet those stuff =])
And do you think its always best to 4bet fold "good kings"?
Interesting to hear your thought process behind someone that I have played a decent amount of hands against when I just started to play PLO. Would also be nice if you can go over some hands that we have played against haha.
mason88 12 years, 3 months agoof course assuming deep ante gamesSam Lang12 years, 3 months agoI 4b alot vs people who 3b alot IP. it's a funner way of fighting back then tightening up my opening range. it gets pretty good dynamics of stacking off a lot, and whenever you're playing a lot of big pots with mediocre holdings I think the better players going to have a bigger winrate, despite the higher variance.
I tend to keep my 5bing range a mixture of value and then super playable/pretty hands for deceptibility/balance
Depends if we're IP or OOP and on our opponents 3bing range/tendencies and how they play vs a 4b, 5bing range etc. if they may 3b fold kk, or call lots of 4bs and fold flops/misinterprate our range, I think 4bing wide is really good. If however they 5b wider for value and make correct adjustments, then calling IP is gonna be more profitable. It's all about adjusting and exploiting your opponents range. Figure out what they're doing with what cards and make the correct adjustments that best exploit this.
I 4b fold kk a lot OOP until they start 5bing wider than aa**. Think it plays a lot better this way, we define our opponents range more whilst making the hand easier to play where we have the initiative with a lower SPR than if we called the preflop 3b, where we would be chk/guessing a lot of the time and have poor visibility
Shoot me some interesting hands we've played together and I'll be sure to go over them in a future video :P I need to trawl through my database at some point to find some hands as I have not been playing a lot recently due to university, so if you wanted to make my life easier and find some cool hands that'd be appreciated!
I was thining about the hand at 30ish something where you had kk. I was surprised by some of the hands you would suggest that he cr that deep on the blankes of blankest card. What range of hand do you think he cr on the turn being that deep, vs like 100bb. I dont play deep that often so would be interested in hearing you thougts on this, i might call in play but honestlly i think thats a snapfold when i play ok.
Sam Lang12 years, 3 months agoI didn't think sets or two pairs where a big part of his preflop range, or flop flatting range, so really don't expect him to turn up with 88 tt t8 very often at all, given I don't think he's flatting many tt 88 comboes from the sb, and coupled with the fact that I didn't really expect him to flat sets too often OTF. Given my history with this opponent, I though he was very capable of jamming hands like 9tj which turned spades, 567 with spades etc hands with equity that may try to make me fold a dry overpair. Given this, I think stacking off is fine
mason88 12 years, 3 months ago@20:40 a23cc, what type of floats do you think he is betting the turn? Are there any floats like Axxx or A2+, sets, straights that he is just trying to showdown his hand that might/would have called two more bets? I guess you can induce bluffs/floats that bet turn & river that might have folded either on turn or the river if you bet twice (but rare). I often overrate the floating component too much where I think betting two more times on turn & river is more +EV.
I guess against nitty opponents you can comfortably check call the turn and fold river at certain bet sizes comfortably too.
So at the comment above, you advocate taking the cc turn&river line with low flushes and bet like Qhi+ flushes twice (to balance K blocker bluffs)?
Sam Lang12 years, 3 months agoI think this player is capable and is going to be fighting back on monotone boards by floating alot, so think he could have a very wide range here, hard to say exact hands, but any low flush, a?8, 45 etc and then some total air floats like dry Ks etc. I think with this hand I would prefer to have gone for 3 streets, and this was very opponent specific against a lot of players I would not do this as I don't think they're capable of floating and betting when chkd too as much
Sam Lang12 years, 3 months agoHey there bud, I am aware of this and am going to try and be more self conscious of this in the future and try and do it less, I realize it can be annoying/somewhat frustrating when watching a video, so for the meantime please bare with me and hopefully future videos I produce will have less of this problem
mason88 12 years, 3 months ago@40:00, u talk about raising j1097 on 983 if chip-phage folds, do you think there are enough hands where you dominate such as KQ10j A10J7 Q10J7 67910 5678 where you either make her fold a large percentage of the time and call/stack off a extremely small percentage of the time AND hands where you are flipping against or a small dog (pure set, top two) AS OPPOSE to getting it in bad versus set+backup, QJ109, 8910J, 10987 a decent amount of the time.
I suppose this is relevant due to you guys being over 800bbs deep effective... I guess under 300-350 effective I wouldn't mind getting it in if theres 50bbs in the pot already...
mason88 12 years, 3 months agoand also QQj10 JJQ10 KK10J AA10J QQJJ 1010J7 type hands also have us crushed mason88 12 years, 3 months agoor i guess call flop raise w/ KQ10j A10J7 Q10J7 67910 5678 etc... and fold to your turn bet unless they hit which is +EVSam Lang12 years, 3 months agowith chip having a small stack, I felt jessica would cr all his stronger comboes like qqtj etc and isn't gonna be donking that hands you listed that have us in bad shape, and when he donk potted I very strongly think he doesn't have that sort of hand, think his range is far more weighted towards tjq* type hands, and maybe some 89** comboes possibly which we are doing fine against, so very happy raising as I think our pair of 9's with our wrap is gonna dominate his dry wraps or 8tjq hands enough of the time to make choose raising over calling
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first of all thank you for sharing your thoughts in this hand review - some really interesting approaches & ideas! :)
...however, i'm having trouble to understand your shove on the flop with that 97TKds hand at 9:00!
I agree completely with checking the flop.
And I might be wrong but in my opinion it's better to continue the hand with a call instead of shoving it?!
Like you said, jointy33 can easily have some TJQ-combos, FDs...
I think you are casually risking your entire stake in this spot.
You have absolutely no re-draws and allowing your opponent to freeroll you, right?!
Wouldn't it be a better way to just call here and on the turn you can still decide whether to push or not,
depending on what kind of card comes up...
I mean what kind of hand will be calling here on the flop when you are reraising?
Only strong draws or made hands (with redraws)?!
Is my way of thinking to conservative?
Just some thoughts that popped in my mind while I was watching that hand...
The main problem I see for c/c the flop is that we have very little of a c/c range here. We tend to have high cards a lot, and I think are going to be c/shoving if we have a fd and c/folding if not a fair ammount. due to this, I don't really think we should be incorporating a c/cing range in this spot. I don't expect him to fold much of his range after flatting, so just happy to get the rest of the money in now. I don't think he is folding two pair+ or any draw combo, so the only hand I think he may fold would be 9tj*, and even then Im more than happy to take it down now, get him off his equity, and not risk making any mistakes on the turn.
Another big reason I think c/ring is also the best play in a vacuum, not just range considerations, is that we are still going to have a lot of money on the turn, and being OOP with money behind is never fun. The pot is big enough that we are happy just taking it down at this point, and with regards to being freerolled, I am not worried about this at all as the stacks are not deep enough to be making a huge mistake, and the way he played the hand, and given we have a 7 and a t, I think he has way more flush/straight draw comboes than monster straight+redraw.
If stacks were a bit deeper, where I could not c/r get it in OTF, I would consider c/c and c/r safe turn cards.
but let's think about a different scenario where you made (top-)set -again without any redraws-
on this flop! how do you continue the hand?
Chances are your hand is probably crushed by one of them - so we're left with 7 outs which means we're getting pretty much the right odds for a call... On the other hand - like you already said - we're going to have a lot of money left on the turn and have to act OOP with a good chance to make a bad decision!
Should we consider to c/f the flop?
Was wondering whats your thoughts behind 4betting light against your opponents who 3bet light when you know they are calling your 4bet and stacking off on the flop when they hit a draw/pair...
And also 5betting light against light 4bettors as well...
Do you think its more profitable to call a 3/4bet OR actually go ahead and take the initiative of 4betting/5betting your rundowns, AK10J ds, Q978 ds type stuff (I know you 4bet/5bet those stuff =])
And do you think its always best to 4bet fold "good kings"?
Interesting to hear your thought process behind someone that I have played a decent amount of hands against when I just started to play PLO. Would also be nice if you can go over some hands that we have played against haha.
I tend to keep my 5bing range a mixture of value and then super playable/pretty hands for deceptibility/balance
Depends if we're IP or OOP and on our opponents 3bing range/tendencies and how they play vs a 4b, 5bing range etc. if they may 3b fold kk, or call lots of 4bs and fold flops/misinterprate our range, I think 4bing wide is really good. If however they 5b wider for value and make correct adjustments, then calling IP is gonna be more profitable. It's all about adjusting and exploiting your opponents range. Figure out what they're doing with what cards and make the correct adjustments that best exploit this.
I 4b fold kk a lot OOP until they start 5bing wider than aa**. Think it plays a lot better this way, we define our opponents range more whilst making the hand easier to play where we have the initiative with a lower SPR than if we called the preflop 3b, where we would be chk/guessing a lot of the time and have poor visibility
Shoot me some interesting hands we've played together and I'll be sure to go over them in a future video :P I need to trawl through my database at some point to find some hands as I have not been playing a lot recently due to university, so if you wanted to make my life easier and find some cool hands that'd be appreciated!
I was thining about the hand at 30ish something where you had kk. I was surprised by some of the hands you would suggest that he cr that deep on the blankes of blankest card. What range of hand do you think he cr on the turn being that deep, vs like 100bb. I dont play deep that often so would be interested in hearing you thougts on this, i might call in play but honestlly i think thats a snapfold when i play ok.
I guess against nitty opponents you can comfortably check call the turn and fold river at certain bet sizes comfortably too.
So at the comment above, you advocate taking the cc turn&river line with low flushes and bet like Qhi+ flushes twice (to balance K blocker bluffs)?
I suppose this is relevant due to you guys being over 800bbs deep effective... I guess under 300-350 effective I wouldn't mind getting it in if theres 50bbs in the pot already...
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