Great video, as for your next series I would actually rather see a live 4-tabling 6m video than a video review, I feel it's a lot more helpful seeing your thought process while the hands are playing out rather than your afterthoughts plus you get a lot more hands played and total content per video. Thanks.
Thanks for the response, I will definitly take your reivews into consideration, I currently have "two slots" open for member suggestions in my upcoming videos this year.
I don't think im better than the average Joe with PPT to be honest, I do think there are many other coaches here at Run It once which is way better than me with PPT syntaxes/breaking down ranges in PPT, however I can probably do some more proofs in PPT to backup some of my analysis ingame.
Really like your thought process. In depth and on point. One critique I have is I think some of your range assignments are too optimistic. Examples, the KKT5ds, I suspect Channing's range is AA there and lots of KK is going into the muck plus you have blockers.
The hand vs gump where you had AKJ8cc, is much closer and i think the 5bet might be necessary given the reasons you stated. Although at that stack depth I don't think he expects you to be 4bet folding much thus his range will still be heavy with AA and KK.
The AKT7 where gump cold 4bet you stated it was a fold. I agree. Well you actually said "I wouldn't even hate folding pre". Folding isn't that miserable in general man! I wanna hear you say, "I'm really glad I get to fold here"
Again, really like your thought process just my opinion is you are over optimistic in the width and bluffing freq of villains in some spots.
One more hand, the one where you wanted to fire 3rd barell on Ak766sss because you were at bottom of your range. You stated you where disappointed you didn't bluff river. I think it was a good give up for a reason you didn't mention. You said you wanted to bomb the river which would be ripping a more polarized range. Would you really be double barreling AA and KK there? If so okay go for the bluff. I personally would not be betting 2 streets with sets there so I myself wouldn't arrive to the river with boats often. Your thoughts?
As you see we got ~43% hence some dead money and we still are probably around breakeven. So folding might be slightly more +EV than getting it in. However im not a big fan of 3b folding alot of hands for various reasons (dont like the idea of getting exploited).
AKJ8cc: I actually think this is pretty standard vs. Gump CO vs BTN. he is doing so much 5betting with marginal holdings, that I can't just 4b-fold. However I totally agree that vs certain opponents my play is spew.
AKT7: I agree with you on this one actually, I should expect Gump to have a really tight range here (given i 3b a shortstack), but having that said, Ive seen Gump do so much crazy stuff pre that im not happy folding AKT7cc vs a cold 4bet, this might however be one of those situations I should consider folding.
My assumptions might be a bit good hearted indeed, thanks for reality checking me.
the 89T3ds @ AK766ssss: I was dissapointed in that fact I thought I had a profitable vacum bet vs puncto. (He would have a hard time bluffcatching with a lot offlushes + I should be able to fold out his counterfitted two pairs, as far as game theory goes I think there is actually many better hands to put into my 3barreling bluffing range {K***,7***,A***(weak)} (with no spades lower than Ts in our hand) Since our goal should be aiming to fold mid to low flushes and counterfitted two pair combinations => having Kx,Ax,7x and no spades lower than Ts would maximize our fold equity since it should give villain more of those combinations.
One side note: As you mentioned if we wanna be having a 3barreling bluffing range on the river here, we should be 3barreling some AA**,KK** (I would advice choosing AA** and KK** with a spade for 3barreling, since it reduced the likelyhood of villain having flushes by some %) combos and be valuebetting the nutflush on the river. If those conditions are true I think we can have a bluffing range here, but as mentioned I dont actually in heinseight like having T893hhdd for the cardremoval/frequencies. (In dont think this is superimportant vs recreationals as in this hand, since I think he would be folding to much (take the vakum EV and **** balance), I might be wrong tho.))
Hope this helped to clearify my though process, thanks for some good/though questions.
Nice vid as usual! 16:26 where you defended bb and decided to CRAI T955cc on J32cc Im wondering how can you have a balance CRAI range in that spot since the board is so dry. And If you start CRAI stuff like J3/J2 its going to be hard playing on a lot of turn against tough opp no? And if JJ and some of your Jxxxcc is your only crai value range its going to be fairly unbalanced no?
My reasoning for x/r T955cc on j32cc, was that I felt I couldnt x/c profitable (since our villain was cbetting 85% and double barreling 70% of turns) I will have a hard time on alot of turns vs. him by x/c this hand. So I therefore decided to put it into my x/r range. His high cbet% should gain me a lot of immidate FE (since he would be cbetting alot of air.)
When you decide to x/r alot of marginal/weak holdings your x/r range will obviously become pretty weak, so I including as many J3**,J2** and and nutfd draws as you can is good to strenghten my x/r range. However the most vakum+EV line would be to be x/c flop and x/r turn with our strong value vs this opponent for vacum since he is double barreling so much with marginal holdings. So its kinda of a give and take situation, I would probably advice to start out x/r alot of marginal hands and see how villain reacts, just when villain starts adjusting you should stop x/c marginal and x/r more strong value, however the stronger our villain is the more balanced and less exploitive your x/r range should be to not be burning money vs GTO.
Good video. As for next recording, I would suggest doing maybe a live 4 table 6 max PLO at 2/4, 3/6 or the stakes you are playing normally.
Zachary: You asked a good question about the potential 3 barreling hand on AK766. I think Odd was disappointing exactly because he very often plays his sets that way, meaning he would barrel on mono boards.
I'd like to see 5/10 6max against unknowns. Doesn't have to be live. 10/20 and 25/50 is great because you get to see super tough opponents and need to be very balanced. At the same time since the player pool is small you have very detailed reads and make plays based off of them which are hard to learn from when most of us play unknowns.
Hello Vladimir,Thanks, I would probably have to talk to my boss :) about making mid stakes videos as I was mainly hired for making 10/20+. But if thats what you want Im sure we can figure something out.
Yes atleast i 3barrel some of those combinations, look some posts above for my answer to Zachary.
I've got some other suggestions about making midstakes aswell videos with alot less reads vs unknowns, since there is a lot if interest in it Im sure I can try work something out, I currently have two "empty videomaking slots", and im sure I can chime in with some midstakes videos in thoose.
Thanks very much for the in depth reply. I have a followup question regarding playing AA and KK in that spot as a general game plan on mono flop.
Basically I can see merits to cbet flop to induce floats and bluffs, likewise its a protection bet vs broadway wraps. Also sets are better candidates than smaller flushes to cbet given we can call cr with equity vs his value range.
I can also see wanting to cbet sets as a semi bluff firing flop and turn given they are the hands with most equity vs villains medium flushes which makes our required FE lower. However I also imagine myself in villains spot and in a 3bet pot low SPR I'm not folding any flopped flush often just from placement in my range perspective. So if FE is low vs small flushes then that line is less attractive.
You are spot on right with every assumptions, however there is one thing you have left out, which is super important: You wanna be cbetting alot on AK* (monotone) boards with your air/missed hands, now in order to do that you have to include alot of them topsets. Else your cbetting range becomes very polarized (flushes and air) and hence very unbalanced.
I realize after writing this you really did cover what I asked above quite well, I supposed I just find that spot to be particularly tricky for planning our goal and line.
"6Min table1"Can you explain me how do you proced to estimate mentally combinatorics. I know how to calculate it at holdem but i have a hard time to estimate it at plo.
When Oddsen says based on combinatorics he is probably folding too much if he folds there he is estimating what SD strength hands he has overall with that line and where J9xx fits in that range. To determine that do the following:
First, evaluate how many better hands Oddsen can have at river taking this line. He likely bets most 2pr on flop. Likewise QQ, KK, AA are betting both becasue they beat all Jxxx but also because there are less favorable turns for overpairs than TP+kickers. He is also betting JXXX+ good draw like JQ9, JQK. Given all that, we can see that the only better hands than J9 that we arrive to this river are flopped naked AJ, KJ, QJ along with hands containing a deuce. Those hands would be naked open enders that chose to check flop like KQ2x,Q92x or T2xx and 62xx hands that were giving up until turning 2pair.
Now you should consider all the hands worse than J9 that we arrive to river given we did call turn. Surprisingly given the lack of a FD present and the deuce only presents an inside low wrap there arent that many hands to call turn with. Hands worse than J9 at river that call turn would be naked double straight draws like (8945, 8935,8934,Q934,Q945, etc.) turned low wrap 345x. He can also have hands like T89x, Q9Tx, KQTx, KQ6x, Q96x (flopped mid pair+OESD) The low wrap and double straight draw hands will be very weak on flop and may choose to cbet as a bluff so we can discount them slightly. Given all above he surprisingly wont have that many hands that arrive to river with worse than J9.
So we combine those ranges the better and the worse and see where J9 fits. Based on above I would mentally do the following in game play. There is where I see J9xx:
If my assesment of his ranges is accurate (Oddsen would only know) then surprisngly he isnt that far up in his range and a fold combinatorically wouldnt be as exploitable as it initially looked.
That all being said Oddsen can still fold regardless as he mentioned because Channing's PF range is tight and coincides with JTx flops quite well.
I think Zachary explained this concept really well. Im not doing alot combinatoric analysis off my game (how often I arrive on the river with x hand and y range. (as I know some GTO guys do). But my logic/instinct/intuition (almost like Zachary visualize it) just said that I was probably overfolding in that spot - but I don't think this particiulair villain (or many other regulars will go ahead an exploit that).
I think the fold is ok, and as Zachary mentioned it might even not be as exploitive as I first thought. If the turn went check-check then its a different story!
first of all, really good video series, very nice job there!
One request from my side: could you explain what each note colour you use stands for and how you are using the colour notes for your table/seat selection, thanks.
Im sorry for the late responses, ive been in Vegas for the world series + vacation the last 18 days, my brain just started working again due to jetlag.
My coloring system is just an old habit from back in the days when I was playing 16-24 tables of low/midstakes, to get a feel for the pool of players and for getting to table select abit when there were alot of tables running.
Here is my system:
Yellow: MTT regs Light green: Loose passive recreationals Green: Recreationals Dark green: Super recreationals Light blue: Loose agressive regulars both pre and post, very splashy Blue: Very tight agressive regular Dark Blue: Tighter version of Light blue, but still splashy Pink: Tight TAG Red: Solid TAG Orange: Super though LAG White: 8-game/mixed reg Black: NL reg
I will for sure try to make some live footage in the future, I think as for the schedule goes I will make it happen after the next 3-part video series.
Hi Oddsen, my question is also about T955cc on J32cc.
You opted to x/r cuz you said you are afraid of villain double barreling you too light, but if this is the case then why wouldn't you prefer to opt for a line like x/c flop then x/c again on club turns but to x/r brick turns?
It just seems to me that every time he peels you on the flop you are in an even worse spot on the turn.
I definitely see merit to that line as well but Oddsen did mention that based on villains high cbet freq he will just fold his air a lot on flop to xr.
Thats for sure a valid option and I might like this line more the deeper we are vs this given opponent. But I think id just have a vacum +EV spot to be x/r this flop given his tendencies (cbetting 90%+ of flops with a weak BTN stealing range and barreling 65%+ of turns.) I want to choose some hands to have in my x/r range such that a) im not over x/r'ing this flop (but still exploiting him) (for exampe; if i start x/r random air then im really fast going to be over x/ring this board) b) hands with some sort of equity that is not strong enough to x/c, x/c.
"It just seems to me that every time he peels you on the flop you are in an even worse spot on the turn." This is kind of true in that I will have alot of hard spots on future streets OOP with marginal holdings, but Id rather have some sort of equity then start x/r totally empty just because my life will be easier on future streets
I think this concept of constructing x/r ranges in PLO is way different than in NL, I think you should prefer to choose hands with equity instead of empty hands (like you can in nl (poarized))
well in NL you are leaving money on the table if you are just going for the flop x/r expecting villain is gonna fold enough with these parameters in place. i'm wondering if there is some other variable in PLO that i need to be aware of which would not make the line i'm suggesting more +ev than just x/r the flop.
Good question, one paramater to be thinking through if debating between x-c,x-r or x-r flop is to get a grasp of how light villain is bet-calling turns, the more villain bet-folds the more I like your line. I also think that waiting for turns in plo will make villains catch up alot of hands he woulda just b-f flop with, atleast more so in PLO than in NL. One thing that I can agree on is that versus this villain we can't peel hands like above and check-folds turns unimproved, then we are burning money.
I am interested in your game plan for low board in Later Position scenarios. In the video you opened AsTs84s from CO and got flatted by N Channing OTB (100bb effective stacks). The flop came 246r and you argue that this Flop should be checked a lot and in a perfect world this board should get checked down a lot.
My strategy here is to CB 100% here and the majority of players I play against play with a very high CB on this board. My reasoning for doing so is that I think our range is stronger than Channings (not done PPT). Channing flatting range here does not include as many low combinations as our CO stealing range and we are also going to have many more AA/KK combos here that we can bet twice with here.
I find that I get a lot of folds in this situation and the only situation where I could understand your strategy is vs somebody that is going to raise this board at a very high % but I don't find that almost anybody is doing that. Since they know that they rep so thin and our range should be stronger than theirs.
So I like to know more about your reasoning for not playing with a high CB % here and what benefits your strategy has.
After 23:45 you fold 10856 singelsuited after utg-open on BTN. When I see those hand you like to call with from the btn in my world 10856 ss is stronger than hands like aJ105 singelsuited that you call with or jjds.
Why is this kind of hands a fold? Would you call with JJ'ds for example? Would you be more likely to call on btn with Ad3dKh5s type kind of hand than the middelstraight-rundownhands and why?
Loading 36 Comments...
Great video, as for your next series I would actually rather see a live 4-tabling 6m video than a video review, I feel it's a lot more helpful seeing your thought process while the hands are playing out rather than your afterthoughts plus you get a lot more hands played and total content per video. Thanks.
Hi David,
Thanks for the response, I will definitly take your reivews into consideration, I currently have "two slots" open for member suggestions in my upcoming videos this year.
Personally I'd like to see more work with Odds Oracle if it's something you feel you're good at
I don't think im better than the average Joe with PPT to be honest, I do think there are many other coaches here at Run It once which is way better than me with PPT syntaxes/breaking down ranges in PPT, however I can probably do some more proofs in PPT to backup some of my analysis ingame.
200-400 PLO cap vs isildur1
I don't think I want to get murdered on tape :)
Really like your thought process. In depth and on point. One critique I have is I think some of your range assignments are too optimistic. Examples, the KKT5ds, I suspect Channing's range is AA there and lots of KK is going into the muck plus you have blockers.
The hand vs gump where you had AKJ8cc, is much closer and i think the 5bet might be necessary given the reasons you stated. Although at that stack depth I don't think he expects you to be 4bet folding much thus his range will still be heavy with AA and KK.
The AKT7 where gump cold 4bet you stated it was a fold. I agree. Well you actually said "I wouldn't even hate folding pre". Folding isn't that miserable in general man! I wanna hear you say, "I'm really glad I get to fold here"
Again, really like your thought process just my opinion is you are over optimistic in the width and bluffing freq of villains in some spots.
One more hand, the one where you wanted to fire 3rd barell on Ak766sss because you were at bottom of your range. You stated you where disappointed you didn't bluff river. I think it was a good give up for a reason you didn't mention. You said you wanted to bomb the river which would be ripping a more polarized range. Would you really be double barreling AA and KK there? If so okay go for the bluff. I personally would not be betting 2 streets with sets there so I myself wouldn't arrive to the river with boats often. Your thoughts?
Hey Zachary,
KKT5ds: I agree, and I do think its really close, I havent done PPT on this, and if Channing's range only consists of AA** this is a fold.
Here is some PPT just to get a feel of how im doing vs. his percieved range in my eyes.
KcKhTc5h 42,9045%
As you see we got ~43% hence some dead money and we still are probably around breakeven. So folding might be slightly more +EV than getting it in. However im not a big fan of 3b folding alot of hands for various reasons (dont like the idea of getting exploited).
I actually think this is pretty standard vs. Gump CO vs BTN. he is doing so much 5betting with marginal holdings, that I can't just 4b-fold. However I totally agree that vs certain opponents my play is spew.
I agree with you on this one actually, I should expect Gump to have a really tight range here (given i 3b a shortstack), but having that said, Ive seen Gump do so much crazy stuff pre that im not happy folding AKT7cc vs a cold 4bet, this might however be one of those situations I should consider folding.
My assumptions might be a bit good hearted indeed, thanks for reality checking me.
the 89T3ds @ AK766ssss: I was dissapointed in that fact I thought I had a profitable vacum bet vs
puncto. (He would have a hard time bluffcatching with a lot offlushes + I should be able to fold out his counterfitted two pairs, as far as game theory goes I think there is actually many better hands to put into my 3barreling bluffing range {K***,7***,A***(weak)} (with no spades lower than Ts in our hand) Since our goal should be aiming to fold mid to low flushes and counterfitted two pair combinations => having Kx,Ax,7x and no spades lower than Ts would maximize our fold equity since it should give villain more of those combinations.
One side note: As you mentioned if we wanna be having a 3barreling bluffing range on the river here, we should be 3barreling some AA**,KK** (I would advice choosing AA** and KK** with a spade for 3barreling, since it reduced the likelyhood of villain having flushes by some %) combos and be valuebetting the nutflush on the river. If those conditions are true I think we can have a bluffing range here, but as mentioned I dont actually in heinseight like having T893hhdd for the cardremoval/frequencies. (In dont think this is superimportant vs recreationals as in this hand, since I think he would be folding to much (take the vakum EV and **** balance), I might be wrong tho.))
Hope this helped to clearify my though process, thanks for some good/though questions.
Nice vid as usual! 16:26 where you defended bb and decided to CRAI T955cc on J32cc Im wondering how can you have a balance CRAI range in that spot since the board is so dry. And If you start CRAI stuff like J3/J2 its going to be hard playing on a lot of turn against tough opp no? And if JJ and some of your Jxxxcc is your only crai value range its going to be fairly unbalanced no?
Hey goldy,
My reasoning for x/r T955cc on j32cc, was that I felt I couldnt x/c profitable (since our villain was cbetting 85% and double barreling 70% of turns) I will have a hard time on alot of turns vs. him by x/c this hand. So I therefore decided to put it into my x/r range. His high cbet% should gain me a lot of immidate FE (since he would be cbetting alot of air.)
When you decide to x/r alot of marginal/weak holdings your x/r range will obviously become pretty weak, so I including as many J3**,J2** and and nutfd draws as you can is good to strenghten my x/r range. However the most vakum+EV line would be to be x/c flop and x/r turn with our strong value vs this opponent for vacum since he is double barreling so much with marginal holdings. So its kinda of a give and take situation, I would probably advice to start out x/r alot of marginal hands and see how villain reacts, just when villain starts adjusting you should stop x/c marginal and x/r more strong value, however the stronger our villain is the more balanced and less exploitive your x/r range should be to not be burning money vs GTO.
Hope this clearified your question.
Good video. As for next recording, I would suggest doing maybe a live 4 table 6 max PLO at 2/4, 3/6 or the stakes you are playing normally.
Zachary: You asked a good question about the potential 3 barreling hand on AK766. I think Odd was disappointing exactly because he very often plays his sets that way, meaning he would barrel on mono boards.
I'd like to see 5/10 6max against unknowns. Doesn't have to be live. 10/20 and 25/50 is great because you get to see super tough opponents and need to be very balanced. At the same time since the player pool is small you have very detailed reads and make plays based off of them which are hard to learn from when most of us play unknowns.
variety spice of life, etc
Hello Vladimir,Thanks, I would probably have to talk to my boss :) about making mid stakes videos as I was mainly hired for making 10/20+. But if thats what you want Im sure we can figure something out.
Yes atleast i 3barrel some of those combinations, look some posts above for my answer to Zachary.
Hi there 4FT,
I've got some other suggestions about making midstakes aswell videos with alot less reads vs unknowns, since there is a lot if interest in it Im sure I can try work something out, I currently have two "empty videomaking slots", and im sure I can chime in with some midstakes videos in thoose.
Thanks very much for the in depth reply. I have a followup question regarding playing AA and KK in that spot as a general game plan on mono flop.
Basically I can see merits to cbet flop to induce floats and bluffs, likewise its a protection bet vs broadway wraps. Also sets are better candidates than smaller flushes to cbet given we can call cr with equity vs his value range.
I can also see wanting to cbet sets as a semi bluff firing flop and turn given they are the hands with most equity vs villains medium flushes which makes our required FE lower. However I also imagine myself in villains spot and in a 3bet pot low SPR I'm not folding any flopped flush often just from placement in my range perspective. So if FE is low vs small flushes then that line is less attractive.
What's your approach?
You are spot on right with every assumptions, however there is one thing you have left out, which is super important: You wanna be cbetting alot on AK* (monotone) boards with your air/missed hands, now in order to do that you have to include alot of them topsets. Else your cbetting range becomes very polarized (flushes and air) and hence very unbalanced.
I realize after writing this you really did cover what I asked above quite well, I supposed I just find that spot to be particularly tricky for planning our goal and line.
I'm grateful for your videos.
"6Min table1"Can you explain me how do you proced to estimate mentally combinatorics. I know how to calculate it at holdem but i have a hard time to estimate it at plo.
When Oddsen says based on combinatorics he is probably folding too much if he folds there he is estimating what SD strength hands he has overall with that line and where J9xx fits in that range. To determine that do the following:
First, evaluate how many better hands Oddsen can have at river taking this line. He likely bets most 2pr on flop. Likewise QQ, KK, AA are betting both becasue they beat all Jxxx but also because there are less favorable turns for overpairs than TP+kickers. He is also betting JXXX+ good draw like JQ9, JQK. Given all that, we can see that the only better hands than J9 that we arrive to this river are flopped naked AJ, KJ, QJ along with hands containing a deuce. Those hands would be naked open enders that chose to check flop like KQ2x,Q92x or T2xx and 62xx hands that were giving up until turning 2pair.
Now you should consider all the hands worse than J9 that we arrive to river given we did call turn. Surprisingly given the lack of a FD present and the deuce only presents an inside low wrap there arent that many hands to call turn with. Hands worse than J9 at river that call turn would be naked double straight draws like (8945, 8935,8934,Q934,Q945, etc.) turned low wrap 345x. He can also have hands like T89x, Q9Tx, KQTx, KQ6x, Q96x (flopped mid pair+OESD) The low wrap and double straight draw hands will be very weak on flop and may choose to cbet as a bluff so we can discount them slightly. Given all above he surprisingly wont have that many hands that arrive to river with worse than J9.
So we combine those ranges the better and the worse and see where J9 fits. Based on above I would mentally do the following in game play. There is where I see J9xx:
If my assesment of his ranges is accurate (Oddsen would only know) then surprisngly he isnt that far up in his range and a fold combinatorically wouldnt be as exploitable as it initially looked.
That all being said Oddsen can still fold regardless as he mentioned because Channing's PF range is tight and coincides with JTx flops quite well.
I think Zachary explained this concept really well. Im not doing alot combinatoric analysis off my game (how often I arrive on the river with x hand and y range. (as I know some GTO guys do). But my logic/instinct/intuition (almost like Zachary visualize it) just said that I was probably overfolding in that spot - but I don't think this particiulair villain (or many other regulars will go ahead an exploit that).
I think the fold is ok, and as Zachary mentioned it might even not be as exploitive as I first thought.
If the turn went check-check then its a different story!
i counted 5 yawns :)
Im sorry :(
Hey Oddsen,
first of all, really good video series, very nice job there!
One request from my side: could you explain what each note colour you use stands for and how you are using the colour notes for your table/seat selection, thanks.
Im sorry for the late responses, ive been in Vegas for the world series + vacation
the last 18 days, my brain just started working again due to jetlag.
My coloring system is just an old habit from back in the days when
I was playing 16-24 tables of low/midstakes, to get a feel for the
pool of players and for getting to table select abit when there
were alot of tables running.
Here is my system:
Yellow: MTT regs
Light green: Loose passive recreationals
Green: Recreationals
Dark green: Super recreationals
Light blue: Loose agressive regulars both pre and post, very splashy
Blue: Very tight agressive regular
Dark Blue: Tighter version of Light blue, but still splashy
Pink: Tight TAG
Red: Solid TAG
Orange: Super though LAG
White: 8-game/mixed reg
Black: NL reg
I would likewise enjoy watching a live 10/20+ PLO video
I will for sure try to make some live footage in the future, I think as for the schedule goes I will make it happen after the next 3-part video series.
Oddsen vs Galfond or other runitonce coach HU vid pls with footage from both sides.
That would for sure be amazing and very educational both for me and the viewers id guess, I am afraid im going to get humiliated on tape tho.
Hi Oddsen, my question is also about T955cc on J32cc.
You opted to x/r cuz you said you are afraid of villain double barreling you too light, but if this is the case then why wouldn't you prefer to opt for a line like x/c flop then x/c again on club turns but to x/r brick turns?
It just seems to me that every time he peels you on the flop you are in an even worse spot on the turn.
I definitely see merit to that line as well but Oddsen did mention that based on villains high cbet freq he will just fold his air a lot on flop to xr.
Hi Fastbreak10,
Thats for sure a valid option and I might like this line more the deeper we are vs this given opponent. But I think id just have a vacum +EV spot to be x/r this flop given his tendencies (cbetting 90%+ of flops with a weak BTN stealing range and barreling 65%+ of turns.) I want to choose some hands to have in my x/r range such that a) im not over x/r'ing this flop (but still exploiting him) (for exampe; if i start x/r random air then im really fast going to be over x/ring this board) b) hands with some sort of equity that is not strong enough to x/c, x/c.
"It just seems to me that every time he peels you on the flop you are in an even worse spot on the turn."
This is kind of true in that I will have alot of hard spots on future streets OOP with marginal holdings, but Id rather have some sort of equity then start x/r totally empty just because my life will be easier on future streets
I think this concept of constructing x/r ranges in PLO is way different than in NL, I think you should prefer to choose hands with equity instead of empty hands (like you can in nl (poarized))
Hope this helped clearify my thought process...
well in NL you are leaving money on the table if you are just going for the flop x/r expecting villain is gonna fold enough with these parameters in place. i'm wondering if there is some other variable in PLO that i need to be aware of which would not make the line i'm suggesting more +ev than just x/r the flop.
Good question, one paramater to be thinking through if debating between x-c,x-r or x-r flop is to get a grasp of how light villain is bet-calling turns, the more villain bet-folds the more I like your line.
I also think that waiting for turns in plo will make villains catch up alot of hands he woulda just b-f flop with, atleast more so in PLO than in NL. One thing that I can agree on is that versus this villain we can't peel hands like above and check-folds turns unimproved, then we are burning money.
Great Video Odd,
I am interested in your game plan for low board in Later Position scenarios. In the video you opened AsTs84s from CO and got flatted by N Channing OTB (100bb effective stacks). The flop came 246r and you argue that this Flop should be checked a lot and in a perfect world this board should get checked down a lot.
My strategy here is to CB 100% here and the majority of players I play against play with a very high CB on this board. My reasoning for doing so is that I think our range is stronger than Channings (not done PPT). Channing flatting range here does not include as many low combinations as our CO stealing range and we are also going to have many more AA/KK combos here that we can bet twice with here.
I find that I get a lot of folds in this situation and the only situation where I could understand your strategy is vs somebody that is going to raise this board at a very high % but I don't find that almost anybody is doing that. Since they know that they rep so thin and our range should be stronger than theirs.
So I like to know more about your reasoning for not playing with a high CB % here and what benefits your strategy has.
Good video series! I'd love to see you playing live on regular 10/20 tables, but actually anything else than shorstack/CAP Plo would be great.
Very newbeginner question here..
After 23:45 you fold 10856 singelsuited after utg-open on BTN. When I see those hand you like to call with from the btn in my world 10856 ss is stronger than hands like aJ105 singelsuited that you call with or jjds.
Why is this kind of hands a fold? Would you call with JJ'ds for example? Would you be more likely to call on btn with Ad3dKh5s type kind of hand than the middelstraight-rundownhands and why?
Thank you :)
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