2 min Mark As-Ts-4s-Kd-4d You mentioned Linus should have polar over betting range here for A10+ then bluffs like 5s3x. Would a hand like Ax9s ever over bet here given spade blocker and to get other AX off a chop?
Seems like there are a lot of standard bet sizing being used as you correctly predict their sizing choice over and over again. I hear things like should be polarized here and this is bottom of their range etc. Given most people are not check raising unless it is part of a blocker range, what are your thoughts on using multiple bet sizes with TP, MP, small bluff, medium bluff, large bluff based on blockers. For example if a front door flush completes on the river and Linus has something like 9s6x with no sdv maybe he uses a medium bet size with a medium flush blocker? Then a bigger bluff size with Ks7x type hand for a higher blocker. Do you think this is a bad strategy? I notice Pio does something similar with flushes as well, small flush will use smaller bet size depending on blockers and larger bet if he has nut flush with a low kicker to unblock medium flushes.
Who do you think the better player is? There was an interview with limitless on Joey Ingram where limitless said he would play anyone HU at any stakes(Even drunk), but vs Linus would only play up to 40kNL (200/400).
2 min Mark As-Ts-4s-Kd-4d You mentioned Linus should have polar over
betting range here for A10+ then bluffs like 5s3x. Would a hand like
Ax9s ever over bet here given spade blocker and to get other AX off a
No, this will never happen given that the hand has way too much EV just checking and the cost of reopening the action in a spot in which the BB is fairly uncapped is very high. FWIW I just checked this hand on PIO and even AT is a somewhat clear check back and AK is almost a pure check as well. I think that shows pretty well how tight we're supposed to play in these spots after betting twice.
Seems like there are a lot of standard bet sizing being used as you
correctly predict their sizing choice over and over again. I hear
things like should be polarized here and this is bottom of their range
etc. Given most people are not check raising unless it is part of a
blocker range, what are your thoughts on using multiple bet sizes with
TP, MP, small bluff, medium bluff, large bluff based on blockers. For
example if a front door flush completes on the river and Linus has
something like 9s6x with no sdv maybe he uses a medium bet size with a
medium flush blocker? Then a bigger bluff size with Ks7x type hand for
a higher blocker. Do you think this is a bad strategy? I notice Pio
does something similar with flushes as well, small flush will use
smaller bet size depending on blockers and larger bet if he has nut
flush with a low kicker to unblock medium flushes.
This strategy idea seems overly complicated and also very susceptible to counter strategies as well as imbalances on its application. I think that we should always look for simple and easy to apply strategies and complicate them little by little. I have a theory video on this specific topic coming up soon so stay tuned! :)
Who do you think the better player is? There was an interview with
limitless on Joey Ingram where limitless said he would play anyone HU
at any stakes(Even drunk), but vs Linus would only play up to 40kNL
Yeah I saw that interview, it was quite funny. I think that Linus is currently the best HUNL player in the world and it's not even close!
17 min mark can you talk about what type of range is using this 6x 3bet sizing (15bb) and what type of range is calling vs this sizing? Also any insights into six max using this sizing? I find this EXTREMELY HARD TO PLAY AGAINST!
Also although I enjoyed this video, I would like to see a mix of videos and not just review of other players. Some live play or post Audio of your own play would be really nice to see.
17 min mark can you talk about what type of range is using this 6x
3bet sizing (15bb) and what type of range is calling vs this sizing?
I ran a preflop sim some time ago and according to PIO the 3B range for this sizing is fairly linear. The defense range for IP is fairly standard as well, just a little bit tighter than usual!
Also any insights into six max using this sizing? I find this
It must be extremely hard to play against indeed!
Intuitively, I think that this sizing could have merit on high polarization spots such as BB vs BU but I don't play 6max at all so take this with a grain of salt. I think the best way to find out these type of things it's to observe what the best players are doing these days and try to apply it in our own strategy.
Also although I enjoyed this video, I would like to see a mix of
videos and not just review of other players. Some live play or post
Audio of your own play would be really nice to see.
Glad that you enjoyed it man! Yeah a few of those are coming up next :)
Surprised this sizing (6x) is linear, I was thinking it would be polar given the size. Also I see a lot of stuff in six max where coaches will call 2.5bb open, but fold SCs or AXs to 3bb open. Given that is only half a BB defense and this 3 bet is 15bb instead of 10bb, I would think calling range would shrink drastically as well. AQo depending on RFI position can be a pure call vs a lot of 3 bets, but vs a large 3 bet, I would assume AQo is a pure fold for six max of course. Also would assume a lot of these suited broadways K10s, QTs or even A10s may be folds against this sizing as well as medium pairs. I would assume, you don't really need to defend much of your range at all.
If CO RFI 2.5 and BTN 3 bet 6x (15bb), CO has to call 12.5bb to win 31.5bb so needs 40% equity? What hands would you be calling with here OOP?
If BTN RFI 2.5 and SB 3 bet 6x (15bb), BTN has to call 12.5bb to win 31bb so needs 40% equity? What hands would you be calling with here IP?
Both of these are assuming 100bb effective. Snowie is 3 betting pretty polar in this spot IP & OOP of some J10s+ AQ+, AQs+ 99+ and wheel aces for oop. IP Is AA+ AK+ wheel aces. KK is only 14% for snowie.
Here are the IP and OOP calling / 4 betting ranges for snowie. Do these seem correct? Wider than I thought IP actually.
Interesting discussion
I belive OOP vs 15BB you have no incentive to be calling anything(100bb deep) and I would not be trusting snowie on that too. Does it include rake? Does it have multiple options postflop?
Anyway, EV loss if playing simple shove/fold or 4bet/fold is pretty low and likely easier to play than having some kind of calling range.
IP response seems solid. I've actually seen plenty of low-midstake regs who are squezzing, 4betting, or 3betting for insanse size and playing postflop innapropriate manner by that I mean they not exactly think it through. Because after huge sizing caller have very tight range and at most agressor have to play much more carefull posflop.
Jeff_ Snowie does include rake but you can select no rake as well. There will be different options postflop of course for different sizing options. Not as advanced as PIO, but it helps.
One last question for bet sizing I see a ton of coaches for six max using 1/3 flop and 3/4 turn sizing and they seem to almost never use 2/3 sizing. In HU between these two players though, there is a ton of 2/3 sizing being used. Can you explain why six max is using 3/4 and not 2/3? They seem to make a big deal about it. Not sure if it's a pot geometry thing, pot odds, or something else. If anyone else wants to answer or chime in on this, I would appreciate it as well.
As far as I know, the EV difference between 66% or 75% is negligible in most scenarios for HUNL.
The fact that the ranges are more narrow for 6max in most cases might increase the value of using the slightly larger sizing but I'm just guessing here given that I don't play 6max.
Great video series! Thank you. I hope to see more like this.
Question about check down hand at 31:00 on left-hand table. Limitless does not bluff river with QTo on 8s7d5s8h6d. He does not have a spade and you say the bluff would be better if he had one. Can you explain this a bit more? In the video, you say having a spade unblocks more folds. Why is that? If IP often bets flush draws at some point, then he doesn't get to the river with many 2-spade hands (even though Linus actually has one here). But, if IP does get to the river with spades, aren't those hands he mostly folds? So why do we want to block them? Since having a spade makes it less likely IP has spades, are you just saying that this means it is more likely IP just has a give-up? Is that why having a spade is good? But doesn't IP also just check down a bunch of marginal strength hands that will call a single river bet? When we block spades, isn't it more likely IP has actual showdown value that he is just trying to get to showdown with - maybe some 5x, 33, 22, or high card hands that are more likely to bluff-catch than spade hands are? I am not saying you are wrong here, I just don't quite understand your point and could really benefit from some clarification. Thank you.
31:00 - The idea is that Linus's folding range OTR on this line doesn't contain a lot of spades since he would have bet those earlier fairly often, therefore, when the OOP player has a spade on his hand, he unblocks more folding combos on the IP player range.
Since having a spade makes it less likely IP has spades, are you just
saying that this means it is more likely IP just has a give-up? Is
that why having a spade is good?
But doesn't IP also just check down a bunch of marginal strength
hands that will call a single river bet? When we block spades, isn't
it more likely IP has actual showdown value that he is just trying to
get to showdown with - maybe some 5x, 33, 22, or high card hands that
are more likely to bluff-catch than spade hands are?
IP does indeed check a bunch of marginal hands that will call a bet but when we have QTo, having a spade is strictly better than not having it anyway!
I run the sim on the actual hand so you can see it better, you can find it here.
As you can see, the EV of bluffing the QT combos with a spade is higher than the EV of bluffing the combos without a spade.
I got a question. It is not about specific spot as much, as general one.
Situation (for example from video) TT7o board Linus cb 1/3 or 1/4 (dont remember); turn Qo 2 checks and river 5o Limitless block bet. You mentioned that OOP (Lim) don't need to be putting many strong hands into that sizing. Do you know rough frequecny?
I know that Range Explorer from PIO can show it, just curios anyway as rule of thumb (or simplification)
I don't use the blockbet strategy OTR in SRP for simplicity reasons but I think the idea is that you're not supposed to sacrifice EV putting your very strong hands to protect the small sizing since your opponent is not going to be shoving against it.
For the most part, you just need to bet your ''weak'' valuebets for that sizing and then defend vs raise with the best bluffcatchers to reach the MDF rather than ''overprotect'' the small sizing by sacrificing EV betting really small with your really strong hands.
Regarding frequencies, I think those are really sensitive to the raise sizings that we give to the IP player and also to each specific runout.
Hi Nuno,
I'm a long time HU player and fan of your work.
~41.18 left table you are expecting a lot of OOP checking on J32r in 3b pot. Lately in practice I am overthinking textures similar to this. What hand class behaves unintuitively here?
I think that if you're having trouble with these scenarios you can try to simplify them. Range betting in these boards is not losing that much EV and it's obviously way easier to apply and also harder to counter for the IP player.
Regarding your question, most hands are mixing as you can see here and that's why I find these strategies very hard to apply for a very low EV gain in return.
Loading 18 Comments...
2 min Mark As-Ts-4s-Kd-4d You mentioned Linus should have polar over betting range here for A10+ then bluffs like 5s3x. Would a hand like Ax9s ever over bet here given spade blocker and to get other AX off a chop?
Seems like there are a lot of standard bet sizing being used as you correctly predict their sizing choice over and over again. I hear things like should be polarized here and this is bottom of their range etc. Given most people are not check raising unless it is part of a blocker range, what are your thoughts on using multiple bet sizes with TP, MP, small bluff, medium bluff, large bluff based on blockers. For example if a front door flush completes on the river and Linus has something like 9s6x with no sdv maybe he uses a medium bet size with a medium flush blocker? Then a bigger bluff size with Ks7x type hand for a higher blocker. Do you think this is a bad strategy? I notice Pio does something similar with flushes as well, small flush will use smaller bet size depending on blockers and larger bet if he has nut flush with a low kicker to unblock medium flushes.
Who do you think the better player is? There was an interview with limitless on Joey Ingram where limitless said he would play anyone HU at any stakes(Even drunk), but vs Linus would only play up to 40kNL (200/400).
Hey RunItTw1ce!
No, this will never happen given that the hand has way too much EV just checking and the cost of reopening the action in a spot in which the BB is fairly uncapped is very high. FWIW I just checked this hand on PIO and even AT is a somewhat clear check back and AK is almost a pure check as well. I think that shows pretty well how tight we're supposed to play in these spots after betting twice.
This strategy idea seems overly complicated and also very susceptible to counter strategies as well as imbalances on its application. I think that we should always look for simple and easy to apply strategies and complicate them little by little. I have a theory video on this specific topic coming up soon so stay tuned! :)
Yeah I saw that interview, it was quite funny. I think that Linus is currently the best HUNL player in the world and it's not even close!
17 min mark can you talk about what type of range is using this 6x 3bet sizing (15bb) and what type of range is calling vs this sizing? Also any insights into six max using this sizing? I find this EXTREMELY HARD TO PLAY AGAINST!
Also although I enjoyed this video, I would like to see a mix of videos and not just review of other players. Some live play or post Audio of your own play would be really nice to see.
I ran a preflop sim some time ago and according to PIO the 3B range for this sizing is fairly linear. The defense range for IP is fairly standard as well, just a little bit tighter than usual!
It must be extremely hard to play against indeed!
Intuitively, I think that this sizing could have merit on high polarization spots such as BB vs BU but I don't play 6max at all so take this with a grain of salt. I think the best way to find out these type of things it's to observe what the best players are doing these days and try to apply it in our own strategy.
Glad that you enjoyed it man! Yeah a few of those are coming up next :)
Surprised this sizing (6x) is linear, I was thinking it would be polar given the size. Also I see a lot of stuff in six max where coaches will call 2.5bb open, but fold SCs or AXs to 3bb open. Given that is only half a BB defense and this 3 bet is 15bb instead of 10bb, I would think calling range would shrink drastically as well. AQo depending on RFI position can be a pure call vs a lot of 3 bets, but vs a large 3 bet, I would assume AQo is a pure fold for six max of course. Also would assume a lot of these suited broadways K10s, QTs or even A10s may be folds against this sizing as well as medium pairs. I would assume, you don't really need to defend much of your range at all.
If CO RFI 2.5 and BTN 3 bet 6x (15bb), CO has to call 12.5bb to win 31.5bb so needs 40% equity? What hands would you be calling with here OOP?
If BTN RFI 2.5 and SB 3 bet 6x (15bb), BTN has to call 12.5bb to win 31bb so needs 40% equity? What hands would you be calling with here IP?
Both of these are assuming 100bb effective. Snowie is 3 betting pretty polar in this spot IP & OOP of some J10s+ AQ+, AQs+ 99+ and wheel aces for oop. IP Is AA+ AK+ wheel aces. KK is only 14% for snowie.
Here are the IP and OOP calling / 4 betting ranges for snowie. Do these seem correct? Wider than I thought IP actually.

Interesting discussion
I belive OOP vs 15BB you have no incentive to be calling anything(100bb deep) and I would not be trusting snowie on that too. Does it include rake? Does it have multiple options postflop?
Anyway, EV loss if playing simple shove/fold or 4bet/fold is pretty low and likely easier to play than having some kind of calling range.
IP response seems solid. I've actually seen plenty of low-midstake regs who are squezzing, 4betting, or 3betting for insanse size and playing postflop innapropriate manner by that I mean they not exactly think it through. Because after huge sizing caller have very tight range and at most agressor have to play much more carefull posflop.
Hey RunItTw1ce I'm afraid I won't be able to help you here since I'm not a 6max player and I don't play 6max at all.
Jeff_ Snowie does include rake but you can select no rake as well. There will be different options postflop of course for different sizing options. Not as advanced as PIO, but it helps.
One last question for bet sizing I see a ton of coaches for six max using 1/3 flop and 3/4 turn sizing and they seem to almost never use 2/3 sizing. In HU between these two players though, there is a ton of 2/3 sizing being used. Can you explain why six max is using 3/4 and not 2/3? They seem to make a big deal about it. Not sure if it's a pot geometry thing, pot odds, or something else. If anyone else wants to answer or chime in on this, I would appreciate it as well.
As far as I know, the EV difference between 66% or 75% is negligible in most scenarios for HUNL.
The fact that the ranges are more narrow for 6max in most cases might increase the value of using the slightly larger sizing but I'm just guessing here given that I don't play 6max.
Great video series! Thank you. I hope to see more like this.
Question about check down hand at 31:00 on left-hand table. Limitless does not bluff river with QTo on 8s7d5s8h6d. He does not have a spade and you say the bluff would be better if he had one. Can you explain this a bit more? In the video, you say having a spade unblocks more folds. Why is that? If IP often bets flush draws at some point, then he doesn't get to the river with many 2-spade hands (even though Linus actually has one here). But, if IP does get to the river with spades, aren't those hands he mostly folds? So why do we want to block them? Since having a spade makes it less likely IP has spades, are you just saying that this means it is more likely IP just has a give-up? Is that why having a spade is good? But doesn't IP also just check down a bunch of marginal strength hands that will call a single river bet? When we block spades, isn't it more likely IP has actual showdown value that he is just trying to get to showdown with - maybe some 5x, 33, 22, or high card hands that are more likely to bluff-catch than spade hands are? I am not saying you are wrong here, I just don't quite understand your point and could really benefit from some clarification. Thank you.
Thanks a lot flansens!
31:00 - The idea is that Linus's folding range OTR on this line doesn't contain a lot of spades since he would have bet those earlier fairly often, therefore, when the OOP player has a spade on his hand, he unblocks more folding combos on the IP player range.
IP does indeed check a bunch of marginal hands that will call a bet but when we have QTo, having a spade is strictly better than not having it anyway!
I run the sim on the actual hand so you can see it better, you can find it here.
As you can see, the EV of bluffing the QT combos with a spade is higher than the EV of bluffing the combos without a spade.
I got a question. It is not about specific spot as much, as general one.
Situation (for example from video) TT7o board Linus cb 1/3 or 1/4 (dont remember); turn Qo 2 checks and river 5o Limitless block bet. You mentioned that OOP (Lim) don't need to be putting many strong hands into that sizing. Do you know rough frequecny?
I know that Range Explorer from PIO can show it, just curios anyway as rule of thumb (or simplification)
Hey Jeff!
I don't use the blockbet strategy OTR in SRP for simplicity reasons but I think the idea is that you're not supposed to sacrifice EV putting your very strong hands to protect the small sizing since your opponent is not going to be shoving against it.
For the most part, you just need to bet your ''weak'' valuebets for that sizing and then defend vs raise with the best bluffcatchers to reach the MDF rather than ''overprotect'' the small sizing by sacrificing EV betting really small with your really strong hands.
Regarding frequencies, I think those are really sensitive to the raise sizings that we give to the IP player and also to each specific runout.
Awesome series ! I enjoyed it a lot
Thank you very much zache!
Hi Nuno,
I'm a long time HU player and fan of your work.
~41.18 left table you are expecting a lot of OOP checking on J32r in 3b pot. Lately in practice I am overthinking textures similar to this. What hand class behaves unintuitively here?
Hey Js527 thanks a lot for the kind words!
I think that if you're having trouble with these scenarios you can try to simplify them. Range betting in these boards is not losing that much EV and it's obviously way easier to apply and also harder to counter for the IP player.
Regarding your question, most hands are mixing as you can see here and that's why I find these strategies very hard to apply for a very low EV gain in return.
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