Enjoyed the format - it's fun to watch 2 of the top players play with a commentary of what's going on! I often hear that Stefan11222 is a great player who also makes some unconventional, creative, but good plays. Would be cool to see a similar video with him in in the future if you ever get some footage, especially if you stumble on some creative plays to break down.
25.49 K52hh 3BP
When you looked at the 8s turn here the solver is mixing turn barreling sizes roughly equally between 1/2 pot and pot. Assuming I want to construct a 1 sizing strategy here for my betting range, how would I go about picking between the 2 sizes? Would you run multiple subtrees for the turn in each spot like this to find the highest EV single sizing? Or is there a quicker way to do it?
If 2 options are close in EV, would you default to bigger or smaller sizing, and would this change if you are IP rather than OOP? Or would you instead pick the sizing that has the most "natural" barreling range to play?
25:49 - Good question. I'd tend to pick the sizing that I feel the most comfortable playing as well as the one that I feel like it's going to work better against the field. Running multiple subtrees for each spot is really tedious. I think you should try to simplify and only use one of those 2 sizings in these spots. Using some heuristics to remember which sizing to use in which situation can also be really helpful ie: using PSB on broadway turns or using 50% on paired turns.
If 2 options are close in EV, would you default to bigger or smaller sizing, and would this change if you are IP rather than OOP? Or would you instead pick the sizing that has the most "natural" barreling range to play?
I'd usually default to the bigger sizing but it really depends on the spot. Picking the sizing that has the most ''natural'' barreling range tends to be a good idea in general.
on Uri's youtube he said this match might be cross booked. Even though its 50/100 it could actually be 500/1k. Do you know anything about this?
Doug Polk had a podcast ranking top 20 players in the world. Would you rank Berri top 20? Online players didn't get much love and became more of a popularity contest.
I barely played berri so I won't be able to say but AFAIK he's been a PLO crusher for many years and seems to be playing very solid HUNL with almost no experience on this game so yeah, that seems really impressing to me so my guess will be that he belongs to the top 20 for sure.
People were making the case that he only plays online and mostly only HU? I did hear he was crushing PLO and when he started playing HUNL he was an instant crusher as well. Also he never quits anyone. But I guess they wanted players who played mix games, tourneys, cash games, live & online to be considered in the top 20. Also no one really knows how much these guys are winning.
I stopped watching your videos for a while because I have been focused a lot on six-max, but your analysis is so good around the 29-minute mark when thinking about ranges and how hero’s hand interacts with opponents’ range and bet sizing you want to use given the blocker interactions. I'll start watching all your videos again. Love the deep analysis of these hands.
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Enjoyed the format - it's fun to watch 2 of the top players play with a commentary of what's going on! I often hear that Stefan11222 is a great player who also makes some unconventional, creative, but good plays. Would be cool to see a similar video with him in in the future if you ever get some footage, especially if you stumble on some creative plays to break down.
Thank you very much matlittle!
I agree with you, I think Stefan is a nice player to have in this format. I'll see if I find some footage of him :)
25.49 K52hh 3BP
When you looked at the 8s turn here the solver is mixing turn barreling sizes roughly equally between 1/2 pot and pot. Assuming I want to construct a 1 sizing strategy here for my betting range, how would I go about picking between the 2 sizes? Would you run multiple subtrees for the turn in each spot like this to find the highest EV single sizing? Or is there a quicker way to do it?
If 2 options are close in EV, would you default to bigger or smaller sizing, and would this change if you are IP rather than OOP? Or would you instead pick the sizing that has the most "natural" barreling range to play?
25:49 - Good question. I'd tend to pick the sizing that I feel the most comfortable playing as well as the one that I feel like it's going to work better against the field. Running multiple subtrees for each spot is really tedious. I think you should try to simplify and only use one of those 2 sizings in these spots. Using some heuristics to remember which sizing to use in which situation can also be really helpful ie: using PSB on broadway turns or using 50% on paired turns.
I'd usually default to the bigger sizing but it really depends on the spot. Picking the sizing that has the most ''natural'' barreling range tends to be a good idea in general.
on Uri's youtube he said this match might be cross booked. Even though its 50/100 it could actually be 500/1k. Do you know anything about this?
Doug Polk had a podcast ranking top 20 players in the world. Would you rank Berri top 20? Online players didn't get much love and became more of a popularity contest.
Hey RunItTw1ce.
I also heard that this is crossbooked, yeah.
I barely played berri so I won't be able to say but AFAIK he's been a PLO crusher for many years and seems to be playing very solid HUNL with almost no experience on this game so yeah, that seems really impressing to me so my guess will be that he belongs to the top 20 for sure.
People were making the case that he only plays online and mostly only HU? I did hear he was crushing PLO and when he started playing HUNL he was an instant crusher as well. Also he never quits anyone. But I guess they wanted players who played mix games, tourneys, cash games, live & online to be considered in the top 20. Also no one really knows how much these guys are winning.
I stopped watching your videos for a while because I have been focused a lot on six-max, but your analysis is so good around the 29-minute mark when thinking about ranges and how hero’s hand interacts with opponents’ range and bet sizing you want to use given the blocker interactions. I'll start watching all your videos again. Love the deep analysis of these hands.
Thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed it and hopefully you'll enjoy my future videos as well :)
Por aqui tambien tienes un gran fan de estos videos! Saludos!!
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