1:51 table 2 A2o would you still bet your Ax here if you had no flush draw and would you still value bet such a weak ace against a reg OTR here?
3:20 table 3 with the 63s, how wide would you peel here preflop?
i would probably start valuebetting the better Ax and check the worst Ax, like maybe A2-A6 i check against a reg. if i have the Fd or not i dont think that really matters.
3:20: well in this spot u can peel pretty wide, since the they are both weaker players i think. i mean 63s is definitly still the bottom of my suited low cards defending range. so basically everything better than that.
i could also bet half pot since im not betting too often actually on this board. but its not too bad to start with 1/3 either, i think the differences are really marginal
yes exactly. in general this turn card is a really good card for our range, sure hes gonna also have sometimes a K but in general we will hit this card way better than he does, so im definitly starting to bluff with all gutshots+ and obv also valuebet any Kx and good Jx+
@36'20 : interessing hand who come back quite often v a fish i find and where we are in a shitty spot with our AK and AQ combos. I like your argument to bet the turn with this hand rather than check calling when he's going to have too many float on the flop and where we are going to be bluffed quite often when we check and in a very bad spot. I just don't understand the argument for shoving the river i would probably check fold as i don't see vilain turning an Axs very often into a bluff and i have the impression that he's calling me too often and that the shove is -ev (he has a lot combos of jx and few pp that he might fold no ?). What would you do with AK turn v a fish, do you know what we should do against a good reg turn/river with those type of hands ? I would probably check AA and AK, bet AQ/KQs (not 100% of the time for AQ), KK, QQ, JJ, 6x.
@38'50 : what do you think about check raising the flop table 1
@40'20 : table 1 i learned something, i was more inclined to c/c that particular combo before not blocking Kx that he might barrel and having a bd fd but i was wrong
ty for the vid
well normally im not turning Aq here in to a bluff, i just though in this specific spot that the weaker player is peeling way too wide, and also folding something like 88, but maybe thats actually a bit too optimistic.
38:50: i like to raise more with a backdoorflushdraw to go with it, so i have more equity on a lot of turn cards when playing a big pot.
40:20: cc is also fine, i was just raising bc of the stacksizes and my hand being pretty vulnerable on a lot of turncards
6:40 : 99 overshove. seems super exploitable imo, your range just too value heavy. you have about 15-18 combos that can overshove 1.3x pot. I doubt you have 9-12 bluffing combos in practice
Also, I'd just fold flop vs the obv big cbet
dont think thats completely true, i can easily float the turn with 55-66 and obv any flushdraw, and also my preflop calling range is way wider than normal since there is a weaker player in the bb. so i can easily find enough bluffs to balance this, and also i think overbet is definitly the right sizing here, since we really want to apply maximum pressure on his weakish capped range
im still sure its capped, most ppl dont check JT specifically, i agree he can check a set obv, but against that specific line with us having JT always probably and he doesnt and sets can be equally distributed i just think an overbet is the best sizing on this runout
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1:51 table 2 A2o would you still bet your Ax here if you had no flush draw and would you still value bet such a weak ace against a reg OTR here?
3:20 table 3 with the 63s, how wide would you peel here preflop?
i would probably start valuebetting the better Ax and check the worst Ax, like maybe A2-A6 i check against a reg. if i have the Fd or not i dont think that really matters.
3:20: well in this spot u can peel pretty wide, since the they are both weaker players i think. i mean 63s is definitly still the bottom of my suited low cards defending range. so basically everything better than that.
27 45 , 45ss why such small betsize
i could also bet half pot since im not betting too often actually on this board. but its not too bad to start with 1/3 either, i think the differences are really marginal
@34:30 does hero barrel turn with AQ and AT? We got for draws on turn AQ, AT, QT, Q9, T9, 64s, 63s,43s, A3, A2
yes exactly. in general this turn card is a really good card for our range, sure hes gonna also have sometimes a K but in general we will hit this card way better than he does, so im definitly starting to bluff with all gutshots+ and obv also valuebet any Kx and good Jx+
@36'20 : interessing hand who come back quite often v a fish i find and where we are in a shitty spot with our AK and AQ combos. I like your argument to bet the turn with this hand rather than check calling when he's going to have too many float on the flop and where we are going to be bluffed quite often when we check and in a very bad spot. I just don't understand the argument for shoving the river i would probably check fold as i don't see vilain turning an Axs very often into a bluff and i have the impression that he's calling me too often and that the shove is -ev (he has a lot combos of jx and few pp that he might fold no ?). What would you do with AK turn v a fish, do you know what we should do against a good reg turn/river with those type of hands ? I would probably check AA and AK, bet AQ/KQs (not 100% of the time for AQ), KK, QQ, JJ, 6x.
@38'50 : what do you think about check raising the flop table 1
@40'20 : table 1 i learned something, i was more inclined to c/c that particular combo before not blocking Kx that he might barrel and having a bd fd but i was wrong
ty for the vid
well normally im not turning Aq here in to a bluff, i just though in this specific spot that the weaker player is peeling way too wide, and also folding something like 88, but maybe thats actually a bit too optimistic.
38:50: i like to raise more with a backdoorflushdraw to go with it, so i have more equity on a lot of turn cards when playing a big pot.
40:20: cc is also fine, i was just raising bc of the stacksizes and my hand being pretty vulnerable on a lot of turncards
geiler typ :)
Also, I'd just fold flop vs the obv big cbet
dont think thats completely true, i can easily float the turn with 55-66 and obv any flushdraw, and also my preflop calling range is way wider than normal since there is a weaker player in the bb. so i can easily find enough bluffs to balance this, and also i think overbet is definitly the right sizing here, since we really want to apply maximum pressure on his weakish capped range
Well, showdown proved his range is not capped here, I dont see any reason why he cant check top set or turned straight
im still sure its capped, most ppl dont check JT specifically, i agree he can check a set obv, but against that specific line with us having JT always probably and he doesnt and sets can be equally distributed i just think an overbet is the best sizing on this runout
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