At the 51min mark, where you discuss barrelling 22 on 53A86 and want to see your bluff:value ratio in PPT, I think there is a mistake w/ the combos.
It should be 32 combos of AA,88,55,33,A8s,A5s,A3s,A8o,A5o, instead of 30 combos as shown in PPT.
I think it´s because the suited combos of A3 are missing, which happens if you write them down as "A3s", which in PPT means Ax3s (0 combos of that, since 3s is on the board).
So all combos of A8s,A5s,A3s should be written out as Ax8x,Ax5x,Ax3x in PPT.
Or am I missing anything?!
In the QTs hand you look at the EVs of your opponents callingrange vs the HRC ranges - i think you should first edit your actual openshuvrange and THEN look up their EVs. I think in todays games where people often play kind of "polariszed" openranges and just shuving the middlish part, people can adapt by calling a slightly wider range than HRC suggests.
I disagree with this, players shoving the top of their range also means they don't shove the bottom of their range typically in spots like this players choose to shove the middle of their range, and raise/fold the bottom, this means a lot of the worst hands in the nash shoving range are not being shoved and it does not allow anyone behind to call substantially wider.
Are you always leading 8x and KQ on the river in the last hand? If so, I guess this really weakens (and caps) your checking range and villain can apply a tonne of pressure by betting fairly big. What do you think?
I don't think we should always lead river with 8x or KQ. While you are correct that leading makes our checking range weaker villain will likely only take advantage of that with his bluffs.Villain has several value bets OTT that will almost always choose to check back river. I haven't done the numbers but I suspect we have enough 8x that we can lead it sometimes and check it sometimes and still be relatively balanced, especially if it gives the opportunity to win the pot with some air.
24min- K6o hand defending the BB. I feel that if you choose to defend this spot shoving the flop is a good way to go. Im guessing we are shoving a lot of Ax pre, the villain might be aware of this fact and be over c betting the flop as we rarely have a strong hand (Ax, pocket pair) on this flop and he has a lot of Ax in his range. Shoving and getting called by Ax sucks but thats a relatively small part of his range that will cbet. By shoving we wont fold out better but we will make him fold all of his hands that have a good amount of equity vs our hand and when the stack to pot is so low its great if we get him to fold overcards to our 6?
I agree with this, shoving the flop is def fine, the reason I chose to call was because my x.c range is fairly weak and adding this hands strengthens it because I can continue on any heart turns
Why are we giving our BB opponent a 10-25% range on the JsTc8h flop after our cutoff minraise open when you said we should have a 10-60% range as BB versus an earlier 2.2x open (on the 7 7 6 flop)?
I went through my equity vs various ranges, 10-25% is a range that is a head of me on the flop. If he is defending wider (as he should) My hand has an equity advantage, however as I explained, a lot of the hands I have an equity advantage against are hands like Ax and Kx without a pair, which will fold to a bet and have very little equity vs me. I also had a read on this specific player that he was defending bb too tight.
oops commented on the wrong hand, I think overbetting the river with 7x is def a fine play here, I don't think its mandatory, and we prob want to mix it but choosing to overbet 7x or better is completely acceptable, even though he did check back a boat OTT, he can still call this bet with any pair potentially,
Great choice of hands! interesting analysis, thanks Lucas.
Regarding the Kh6s hands @23:00, i was interested to see you XC that hand as I generally tend to XRAI all the range I want to play here [like SoZick commented as well]. But running into PIO, it turned you made the correct play of XC with K6 on flop; we XRAI all our FD and top 2ps [note aside because our range is so capped with only few Ax, PIO makes IP player c-bet 95% of his range on this flop]. However river Kh6s is a better hand to bluff-catch benefiting from blocking some FD & straight, interesting hand and made me rethink my play in such spot
@29:00 i'm glad you brought that spot as this is one that gave me a lot of thoughts lately. i agree totally with your strategy and I'd would add that we can include some more hands to the 60 combos of raise-folding/deciding: the weak offsuit Ax hands [A2-A9o] and the offsuit broadway hands [JT, QT, KT, QJ, KJ] that are not profitable shove.
These open very well on sub-20bb stack, also because blocking 50% more combos of suited aces/broadways that villain could re-shove on us. As a result the suited broadways/aces block less re-shoving combos of villain and as you said are better open-shoved due to high EV but don't want to induce as re-shoved more often and play worse as raise-call
@57:00 we have like 82 combos of 8x/KQfor value here OTR so we can effectively check some and still remain balanced. great play!
Thanks for the comments, and I appreciate that you did your own analysis and shared it with the group. Glad to know that my lead in the last hand is fine, as well my x/c with k6 is approved by PIOsolver
I think shoving and call are both fine, an advantage of shoving is we fold out a lot of hands that we are nearly flipping against, we get to realize 100% of our equity and our hand plays fairly well against a calling range even though it will be behind. Vs loose openers I think shoving is clearly better than calling.
very good video like always. you and your brother rock this site!!!
min29 Would you not reccomend to shove all this small edges like Q8s,J8s,K8s,33 etc ? And is AT-AJ not also good to openraise/call especially on a agressive reshove table ? But your ranges seem very accurate.
We should probably just jam every edge spot if the tables is tough like good player/good bigblind or if thr structure is turbo/hyper and on a good table I think your strategy is very good which I also prefer.
p.s you didnt count 33 for shoving since it very marginal but would you rather openraise/fold or tend to just muck it ( vs bb we can easily openraise call but i mean vs the other stacks)
I disagree with this, raise folding has equity as well, its a mistake to think that because shoving is profitable it is optimal. In this case the hands I would opt to raise fold, are hands that have poor equity vs likely reshoving ranges and are clear folds if it goes 3 ways. You can even make a case for min opening ATo and AJo because even though they have enough equity to get it in HU, they do very poorly vs 3 way ranges, because the third player has us crushed so badly. I'd also add Holdem resources probably slightly overvalues the EV of shoving because, at a FR table when the first 4-5 players fold, everyone behind as a slightly stronger range.
I just would like to point how I think the 16k bet with so many possible bluffs in your range is brilliant, lol. Shoving for 40k seems you're representing only KQ, since he has all combos of KQ, so you wouldn't feel so comfortable to make this overbet with the 8's. And betting 32k might encourage him to call, since you have so many bluffs and this gives him better odds to do so (while also looking bluffy). But 16k.."Who would bluff 16k? Ofc he wants to be called, he has so many 8's and KQ, I have to fold" :D
I agree with you that a shove I am only repping KQ, the small bet allows me to more credibly rep an 8 and also gives me a better price on a bluff, especially because villain is playing an uncapped range and can have the nuts and some 8s as welll.
Great video, in that K6o hand I agree with the XC on flop and do so as well partially because like people said we don't really have many Ax so we aren't repping much value. I wonder what piosolver does choose to shove and if it includes most draws.
If we shove most draws, our river range is pretty weak so I guess K6 is near the bottom of our range. My question is what other value hands do you shove on river that get to the river like this?
Also since we don't have many bluffs to protect is bet folding river a good option?
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Awesome video! Love the last hand - hahaha :) gj
Nice video, Luc. In the hand with 22 (at around 51:00) you made a small mistake putting 97s into your bluffing-range, since its the nuts OTR :)
Haha yes that's correct, Thanks for pointing that out
At the 51min mark, where you discuss barrelling 22 on 53A86 and want to see your bluff:value ratio in PPT, I think there is a mistake w/ the combos.
It should be 32 combos of AA,88,55,33,A8s,A5s,A3s,A8o,A5o, instead of 30 combos as shown in PPT.
I think it´s because the suited combos of A3 are missing, which happens if you write them down as "A3s", which in PPT means Ax3s (0 combos of that, since 3s is on the board).
So all combos of A8s,A5s,A3s should be written out as Ax8x,Ax5x,Ax3x in PPT.
Or am I missing anything?!
Nope, I made a mistake you are correct, ty for pointing it out
In the QTs hand you look at the EVs of your opponents callingrange vs the HRC ranges - i think you should first edit your actual openshuvrange and THEN look up their EVs. I think in todays games where people often play kind of "polariszed" openranges and just shuving the middlish part, people can adapt by calling a slightly wider range than HRC suggests.
I disagree with this, players shoving the top of their range also means they don't shove the bottom of their range typically in spots like this players choose to shove the middle of their range, and raise/fold the bottom, this means a lot of the worst hands in the nash shoving range are not being shoved and it does not allow anyone behind to call substantially wider.
sorry but this was just unwatchable. u need more structure and planning when making vids like this. tilted so hard trying to watch this.
Are you always leading 8x and KQ on the river in the last hand? If so, I guess this really weakens (and caps) your checking range and villain can apply a tonne of pressure by betting fairly big. What do you think?
I don't think we should always lead river with 8x or KQ. While you are correct that leading makes our checking range weaker villain will likely only take advantage of that with his bluffs.Villain has several value bets OTT that will almost always choose to check back river. I haven't done the numbers but I suspect we have enough 8x that we can lead it sometimes and check it sometimes and still be relatively balanced, especially if it gives the opportunity to win the pot with some air.
24min- K6o hand defending the BB. I feel that if you choose to defend this spot shoving the flop is a good way to go. Im guessing we are shoving a lot of Ax pre, the villain might be aware of this fact and be over c betting the flop as we rarely have a strong hand (Ax, pocket pair) on this flop and he has a lot of Ax in his range. Shoving and getting called by Ax sucks but thats a relatively small part of his range that will cbet. By shoving we wont fold out better but we will make him fold all of his hands that have a good amount of equity vs our hand and when the stack to pot is so low its great if we get him to fold overcards to our 6?
I agree with this, shoving the flop is def fine, the reason I chose to call was because my x.c range is fairly weak and adding this hands strengthens it because I can continue on any heart turns
Why are we giving our BB opponent a 10-25% range on the JsTc8h flop after our cutoff minraise open when you said we should have a 10-60% range as BB versus an earlier 2.2x open (on the 7 7 6 flop)?
I went through my equity vs various ranges, 10-25% is a range that is a head of me on the flop. If he is defending wider (as he should) My hand has an equity advantage, however as I explained, a lot of the hands I have an equity advantage against are hands like Ax and Kx without a pair, which will fold to a bet and have very little equity vs me. I also had a read on this specific player that he was defending bb too tight.
hi lucas, i was wandering about the river size in the first hand. Would we also bet that much with our value hands?
Yes I think so, we don't want to overbet 8x because villain can have KQ and 8x is a substantial part of our value range.
he said first hand lucas
oops commented on the wrong hand, I think overbetting the river with 7x is def a fine play here, I don't think its mandatory, and we prob want to mix it but choosing to overbet 7x or better is completely acceptable, even though he did check back a boat OTT, he can still call this bet with any pair potentially,
Great choice of hands! interesting analysis, thanks Lucas.
Regarding the Kh6s hands @23:00, i was interested to see you XC that hand as I generally tend to XRAI all the range I want to play here [like SoZick commented as well]. But running into PIO, it turned you made the correct play of XC with K6 on flop; we XRAI all our FD and top 2ps [note aside because our range is so capped with only few Ax, PIO makes IP player c-bet 95% of his range on this flop]. However river Kh6s is a better hand to bluff-catch benefiting from blocking some FD & straight, interesting hand and made me rethink my play in such spot
@29:00 i'm glad you brought that spot as this is one that gave me a lot of thoughts lately. i agree totally with your strategy and I'd would add that we can include some more hands to the 60 combos of raise-folding/deciding: the weak offsuit Ax hands [A2-A9o] and the offsuit broadway hands [JT, QT, KT, QJ, KJ] that are not profitable shove.
These open very well on sub-20bb stack, also because blocking 50% more combos of suited aces/broadways that villain could re-shove on us. As a result the suited broadways/aces block less re-shoving combos of villain and as you said are better open-shoved due to high EV but don't want to induce as re-shoved more often and play worse as raise-call
@57:00 we have like 82 combos of 8x/KQfor value here OTR so we can effectively check some and still remain balanced. great play!
Thanks for the comments, and I appreciate that you did your own analysis and shared it with the group. Glad to know that my lead in the last hand is fine, as well my x/c with k6 is approved by PIOsolver
3mins in or so; Why would you shove KQs in the BB when you can defend uber profitably?
I think shoving and call are both fine, an advantage of shoving is we fold out a lot of hands that we are nearly flipping against, we get to realize 100% of our equity and our hand plays fairly well against a calling range even though it will be behind. Vs loose openers I think shoving is clearly better than calling.
very good video like always. you and your brother rock this site!!!
min29 Would you not reccomend to shove all this small edges like Q8s,J8s,K8s,33 etc ? And is AT-AJ not also good to openraise/call especially on a agressive reshove table ? But your ranges seem very accurate.
We should probably just jam every edge spot if the tables is tough like good player/good bigblind or if thr structure is turbo/hyper and on a good table I think your strategy is very good which I also prefer.
p.s you didnt count 33 for shoving since it very marginal but would you rather openraise/fold or tend to just muck it ( vs bb we can easily openraise call but i mean vs the other stacks)
I disagree with this, raise folding has equity as well, its a mistake to think that because shoving is profitable it is optimal. In this case the hands I would opt to raise fold, are hands that have poor equity vs likely reshoving ranges and are clear folds if it goes 3 ways. You can even make a case for min opening ATo and AJo because even though they have enough equity to get it in HU, they do very poorly vs 3 way ranges, because the third player has us crushed so badly. I'd also add Holdem resources probably slightly overvalues the EV of shoving because, at a FR table when the first 4-5 players fold, everyone behind as a slightly stronger range.
I just would like to point how I think the 16k bet with so many possible bluffs in your range is brilliant, lol. Shoving for 40k seems you're representing only KQ, since he has all combos of KQ, so you wouldn't feel so comfortable to make this overbet with the 8's. And betting 32k might encourage him to call, since you have so many bluffs and this gives him better odds to do so (while also looking bluffy). But 16k.."Who would bluff 16k? Ofc he wants to be called, he has so many 8's and KQ, I have to fold" :D
I agree with you that a shove I am only repping KQ, the small bet allows me to more credibly rep an 8 and also gives me a better price on a bluff, especially because villain is playing an uncapped range and can have the nuts and some 8s as welll.
Great video, in that K6o hand I agree with the XC on flop and do so as well partially because like people said we don't really have many Ax so we aren't repping much value. I wonder what piosolver does choose to shove and if it includes most draws.
If we shove most draws, our river range is pretty weak so I guess K6 is near the bottom of our range. My question is what other value hands do you shove on river that get to the river like this?
Also since we don't have many bluffs to protect is bet folding river a good option?
hand at 56 mins w 73ss. You say he would never bet J 8 on turn? Why dont you think this is a fine bet?
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