Hello yonatan. For me that label identifies a low or midstakes reg that I don't have much detailed information on. When I see that color on a player I can know a few things very quickly: 1. He is likely some kind of pro. This means he will be taking the game seriously, and usually taking lines in hands that I'm familiar with. 2. That I'll be seeing this player fairly often in tournaments and I need to be focused on getting more specific notes on them.
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hi, whats mean player with label pink?
Hello yonatan. For me that label identifies a low or midstakes reg that I don't have much detailed information on. When I see that color on a player I can know a few things very quickly: 1. He is likely some kind of pro. This means he will be taking the game seriously, and usually taking lines in hands that I'm familiar with. 2. That I'll be seeing this player fairly often in tournaments and I need to be focused on getting more specific notes on them.
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