Nice. It's less general than the first, and contains more content about what's actually going on. The last A3o hand sticks out as a solid read that you can value bet this guy (even though the format means you can actually never value bet anyone, ever.) I think the more you shy away from talking about things in general and concentrate on talking about things that actually happen, the better. So: don't be afraid of not talking. You can't talk and watch at the same time, and your ability to watch is what makes you good and useful to learn from.
I got a lot out of both of your comments Sean, but your last line in the above post especially stands out. I definitely consciously try to maximize the content by constantly talking, but have noticed to myself that it at times diverts attention from the action, and thus can have the effect of lessening the quality of the content to some degree. I'll keep this in mind going forward. Gl
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Nice. It's less general than the first, and contains more content about what's actually going on. The last A3o hand sticks out as a solid read that you can value bet this guy (even though the format means you can actually never value bet anyone, ever.) I think the more you shy away from talking about things in general and concentrate on talking about things that actually happen, the better. So: don't be afraid of not talking. You can't talk and watch at the same time, and your ability to watch is what makes you good and useful to learn from.
I got a lot out of both of your comments Sean, but your last line in the above post especially stands out. I definitely consciously try to maximize the content by constantly talking, but have noticed to myself that it at times diverts attention from the action, and thus can have the effect of lessening the quality of the content to some degree. I'll keep this in mind going forward. Gl
Folding aces on second table, pure gold :))
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