I change my sizings based on two main factors.
1. Players behind
2. IP or OOP
IP you can 3bet more polarized and the best sizings are usually 7 to 8 bbs (100bbs)
OOP as I said in the video I do 9bbs from the SB and 12bbs from the BB. In the BB with no players behind we can polarize and that´s why we want to do a higher size, in SB we must 3bet non-polarized ranges and 9bbs seems to work the best so far.
27:10 64cc on Qs3s2c , what do you think about x/r ?
How do you construct your xr range in that spot ?
I think this is one of the hands we could x/r because of the bdfd we can barrel additional turns + our gutshot equity, I also think that BTN could stab this one wide but I don't play these games so idk really.
It´s a good default sizing in a paired board QQ6, 30% or 25% could work pretty well also, it depends of the style you are doing, you need to spend hours checking stuff like this in Pio solver in order to choose a strategy.
the hand at 25minutes w K4s 4b BUvBB,... Wouldnt be better just cbet 100% of our 4b range for a small sizing and keep it simplified and unexpolitable rather than make our game tree way too complex by incuding Xback range lines?
I am totally ok with that Style in 90% of AXX situations. In AK5 in particular I dont love it because I am not expecting many calls from hands like 99, TT, JJ, QQ or JT QJ QT so I think my Spots on the River could be more difficult by betting on the flop than checking behind.
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Why do you sometimes 3-bet large and other times 3-bet very small? I noticed BTN vs CO, one time you 3-bet to 2.3x and another time to 3.5x
I change my sizings based on two main factors.
1. Players behind
2. IP or OOP
IP you can 3bet more polarized and the best sizings are usually 7 to 8 bbs (100bbs)
OOP as I said in the video I do 9bbs from the SB and 12bbs from the BB. In the BB with no players behind we can polarize and that´s why we want to do a higher size, in SB we must 3bet non-polarized ranges and 9bbs seems to work the best so far.
Yay SinKarma vod!!! xD
Ohh, i think you have some private messages Elias!!!
27:10 64cc on Qs3s2c , what do you think about x/r ?
How do you construct your xr range in that spot ?
I think this is one of the hands we could x/r because of the bdfd we can barrel additional turns + our gutshot equity, I also think that BTN could stab this one wide but I don't play these games so idk really.
1 vs 1 I like it, 3way pots I rather Xraise with something with good backdoor equity + pair blocking Sets.
Ty Elias makes sense! Love your video style and good luck in 2019!
at 28min on qq6, could you please explain why do we choose almost half pot sizing?
It´s a good default sizing in a paired board QQ6, 30% or 25% could work pretty well also, it depends of the style you are doing, you need to spend hours checking stuff like this in Pio solver in order to choose a strategy.
the hand at 25minutes w K4s 4b BUvBB,... Wouldnt be better just cbet 100% of our 4b range for a small sizing and keep it simplified and unexpolitable rather than make our game tree way too complex by incuding Xback range lines?
I am totally ok with that Style in 90% of AXX situations. In AK5 in particular I dont love it because I am not expecting many calls from hands like 99, TT, JJ, QQ or JT QJ QT so I think my Spots on the River could be more difficult by betting on the flop than checking behind.
by watching these videos im very tempted to also buy the high stakes videos you offer in your spanish site , very nice work bro :)
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