can you explain what the numbers mean in the table shown at 9 min in? There are almost no labels and I understand that I'm looking at equities and distributions of that equity but I'm not sure what is what. In the future I think you should add some labels and descriptions of what is what in every row and column (it would probably help to do an example) before you start breaking down what you learned by checking the distributions. I know some people may get it right away, and this would be a time waster for them, but I've rewound and replayed that section 3 times now and I still am not exactly sure what you're referring to.
much appreciation for all of the work you've put into this, I just want to get as much out of it as I can. Thanks
Tom Coldwell11 years agoThanks for the comment - you're almost certainly right, I probably should label better. I was kinda relying on myself to explain it all, but I might have messed that up a little!
The table at the 9min mark is showing the frequency with which certain top hands in the various categories I'm using (hands at the top of the columns) flop >50% equity and >33% equity 3-ways against the range on the left-hand side (~30%, 50%, and 66% of hands) and the calling range I mentioned earlier in the vid. The aim is to get a quantitative idea of whether a hand will do well multi-way (flop good or poor equity most of the time) or whether it would benefit from isolation (flops a lot of middling equity which could lead to tricky spots later in the hand).
Hope that makes sense. If not, feel free to ask more questions - I'm more than happy to help make sense of all the numbers I filled the screen with :)
Hey Tom, could you please say sth. about the big rundowns, other RDs and suited aces graphs? I didnt really get what kind of Rundowns are assigned to what graph :D And for the last 3 minutes, against what ranges were those 3bet ranges? 66% and 35% opening CO? I didnt really understand that either...
tyvm and sorry for the inconvenience. Great vid!
Tom Coldwell11 years agoHey, thanks for the question. I should probably have clarified slightly better.
Big rundowns were the ones w/ the broadway cards (the QJT9-QT87 ones) whereas the others were the 9-high and worse (9876 to like 7543). The suited aces were those two hand categories which included Ax*x w/ either one or zero extra broadway cards (AK99ss, AT76ss, A876ss, A752ss etc.).
As for the final ranges, they are what we could think about 3-betting against the custom 30% range (the tightest I worked with) and PPT's 66% range (the loosest I did distributions for).
FWIW, the custom range was shown in the previous vid. It looked like this: AA, KK, QQ, JJ:xx, xxyy, RROO, ([T+][T+][T+][T+]), ([8+][8+][8+][8+]:xx), AKQJ-, 15%, Ax*x:([T+][T+][T+][T+]).
Yeah, that already helped a lot, but the differentiation e.g. for the big rundown graphs is on the left side QJT9 and on the right side QT87 right? Same for other RDs?
Tom Coldwell11 years agoThat is correct, yes. However, because I was treating all hands in those categories as the same, the graphs were there to illustrate trends, not to function as specifics. As such, it's not really important which specific hands they represent as much as what their shape is and how that relates to my decision-making process.
I really took a lot away from this vid, so good job Tom. I was thinking about a video where you go through the opening ranges of your pf positions at 6 max one by one. Can't remember if you've done something like that, if you have, you can just point me in the right direction.
Tom Coldwell10 years, 11 months agoSorry, I didn't see this comment until just now. I have not made a vid on my exact opening ranges because being honest, I don't have a really strict preflop strategy (there are hands I open, hands I don't, and hands I play depending on what I feel like) - I should probably work on this, but I never feel like completely nailing whether I wanna open the close decision hands will be that beneficial (if it's a break-even open, it's a decision which doesn't matter). However, I am certainly looking at this aspect of my game and if I come to concrete conclusions AND if I can find a way to present the information in an interesting manner, I will certainly do this in the future.
Hey, for the graph on 38:00min mark I'm not too sure how to properly read it. I think you were saying that green was viable to 3bet? and not sure what it means for different percentages for the same hand for viable 3-bets
The table shows hand categories across the top (defined by the weak hands within them) and villain opening ranges down the side. The green sections are hand categories I would always 3-bet against the given opening range (ie even the weakest hand in that category can be 3-bet), the red are ones I wouldn't, and the yellow are ones where it would depend on the strength of the hand, usually 3-betting the stronger ones and flatting the weaker ones (the exception being the double pairs where I 3-bet the weaker ones and flat the stronger ones for reasons outlined in the vid).
How much does you conclusion change gets deeper. Ex 200bb stacks or even 300bb stacks, would it make more hands better to 3bet or would we be more inclined to flat and go multiway?
Tom Coldwell10 years, 11 months agoAs we get deeper, the importance of position increases and the importance of preflop equity decreases. I would therefore suggest 3-betting a wider range super deep.
What is the better play when for a rundown hand ex9865 when we expect no one to fold after having 1raiser and 2-3callers deep(3bet squeeze? call? fold because we are almost certain to go multiway and as you said these hands play a bit poorly in multiway hands? although it's probably not too bad given odds?)
Tom Coldwell10 years, 11 months agoUm... My play is usually to call 'cas I don't really see the 3-bet doing a lot for me (no isolation so all I'm doing is randomly bloating a pot). I must admit though, the vast majority of the work I've done, not just on 3-betting, but on PLO in general, focuses on 40-200bb stacks (ie min buyin to double buyin at normal tables). I am not hugely familiar with ideal strategy for a game with multiple, very deep players (like live poker). You would probably be better posing questions like this to the forum in general.
Sorry I can't offer any more than that. Perhaps you could watch a few of Sam Lang's vids - I know he specializes in deep-stacked games so it's possible you'll find the answer in those.
In your 3bet ranges in the end of the video i think there shouldnt be a colon in KK:([A-9][A-9])!RRR and no parentheses right? Like this, it counts for almost all KK combos but KKK. It should look like "KK[A-9][A-9]!RRR" am i right? also the T9+:65+:xyxy should be [T9+][65+]:xyxy right? if u alter these u get like 2% less combos
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can you explain what the numbers mean in the table shown at 9 min in? There are almost no labels and I understand that I'm looking at equities and distributions of that equity but I'm not sure what is what. In the future I think you should add some labels and descriptions of what is what in every row and column (it would probably help to do an example) before you start breaking down what you learned by checking the distributions. I know some people may get it right away, and this would be a time waster for them, but I've rewound and replayed that section 3 times now and I still am not exactly sure what you're referring to.
much appreciation for all of the work you've put into this, I just want to get as much out of it as I can. Thanks
The table at the 9min mark is showing the frequency with which certain top hands in the various categories I'm using (hands at the top of the columns) flop >50% equity and >33% equity 3-ways against the range on the left-hand side (~30%, 50%, and 66% of hands) and the calling range I mentioned earlier in the vid. The aim is to get a quantitative idea of whether a hand will do well multi-way (flop good or poor equity most of the time) or whether it would benefit from isolation (flops a lot of middling equity which could lead to tricky spots later in the hand).
Hope that makes sense. If not, feel free to ask more questions - I'm more than happy to help make sense of all the numbers I filled the screen with :)
Hey Tom, could you please say sth. about the big rundowns, other RDs and suited aces graphs? I didnt really get what kind of Rundowns are assigned to what graph :D And for the last 3 minutes, against what ranges were those 3bet ranges? 66% and 35% opening CO? I didnt really understand that either...
tyvm and sorry for the inconvenience. Great vid!
Big rundowns were the ones w/ the broadway cards (the QJT9-QT87 ones) whereas the others were the 9-high and worse (9876 to like 7543). The suited aces were those two hand categories which included Ax*x w/ either one or zero extra broadway cards (AK99ss, AT76ss, A876ss, A752ss etc.).
As for the final ranges, they are what we could think about 3-betting against the custom 30% range (the tightest I worked with) and PPT's 66% range (the loosest I did distributions for).
FWIW, the custom range was shown in the previous vid. It looked like this: AA, KK, QQ, JJ:xx, xxyy, RROO, ([T+][T+][T+][T+]), ([8+][8+][8+][8+]:xx), AKQJ-, 15%, Ax*x:([T+][T+][T+][T+]).
Hope that helps.
Yeah, that already helped a lot, but the differentiation e.g. for the big rundown graphs is on the left side QJT9 and on the right side QT87 right? Same for other RDs?
I really took a lot away from this vid, so good job Tom. I was thinking about a video where you go through the opening ranges of your pf positions at 6 max one by one. Can't remember if you've done something like that, if you have, you can just point me in the right direction.
Hey, for the graph on 38:00min mark I'm not too sure how to properly read it. I think you were saying that green was viable to 3bet? and not sure what it means for different percentages for the same hand for viable 3-bets
The table shows hand categories across the top (defined by the weak hands within them) and villain opening ranges down the side. The green sections are hand categories I would always 3-bet against the given opening range (ie even the weakest hand in that category can be 3-bet), the red are ones I wouldn't, and the yellow are ones where it would depend on the strength of the hand, usually 3-betting the stronger ones and flatting the weaker ones (the exception being the double pairs where I 3-bet the weaker ones and flat the stronger ones for reasons outlined in the vid).
Hope that helps.
How much does you conclusion change gets deeper. Ex 200bb stacks or even 300bb stacks, would it make more hands better to 3bet or would we be more inclined to flat and go multiway?
What is the better play when for a rundown hand ex9865 when we expect no one to fold after having 1raiser and 2-3callers deep(3bet squeeze? call? fold because we are almost certain to go multiway and as you said these hands play a bit poorly in multiway hands? although it's probably not too bad given odds?)
Sorry I can't offer any more than that. Perhaps you could watch a few of Sam Lang's vids - I know he specializes in deep-stacked games so it's possible you'll find the answer in those.
Hi Tom. Is the graphs showing how the equity distribution will be if we dealt a million flops?
And if so, is this the same as All-in preflop?
Thx in advance
In your 3bet ranges in the end of the video i think there shouldnt be a colon in KK:([A-9][A-9])!RRR and no parentheses right? Like this, it counts for almost all KK combos but KKK. It should look like "KK[A-9][A-9]!RRR" am i right? also the T9+:65+:xyxy should be [T9+][65+]:xyxy right? if u alter these u get like 2% less combos
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