As I think I tried to outline in the video, if you're unfamiliar with a situation, try to group rivers into "like rivers" and estimate how those play in your head. Then you've got say 5 possible groups each occurring at some frequency with some related EV (that you approximate).
You should also familiarize yourself with this stuff off the table so that you recognize spots in game
Late comment, hopefully you still look at these Apothesois.
So as we know, the chip EV of folding in that turn spot is 15,529.
For shoving, Let's say crack is opening 40%. He's delay cbetting 30%, and in that turn spot, he's calling a shove with the top 5%. The outcomes are as follows:
You shove: he folds: your stack is 16939
You shove: he calls: you win: your stack is 26730
You shove: he calls: you lose: your stack is 5519
If he's opening 40%, delay cbetting 30%, and calling your shove with the top 5% of hands, then the frequency of the him folding outcome is 30/40 * 35/40. The frequency of the second outcome is 30/40 * 5/40. First of all, are these frequencies correct?
He folds: 16939 * (30/40) * (35/40) = 11,116.22.
He calls: 26730 * (30/40) * (5/40) * .43(equity against a 5% range on that board) = 1077.55
On a river spot, the percentage of bluffs in a player's betting range must be the same as the pot odds the other player has to call, to stay balanced. E.g If a player bets 1/3 on the river, he has to have 20% combos of bluffs on his range, otherwise he will be exploitable
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How much math are you doing while playing? Do you know any tricks/abstraction that allowed us to simplify the calculation?
As I think I tried to outline in the video, if you're unfamiliar with a situation, try to group rivers into "like rivers" and estimate how those play in your head. Then you've got say 5 possible groups each occurring at some frequency with some related EV (that you approximate).
You should also familiarize yourself with this stuff off the table so that you recognize spots in game
I enjoyed your video Mr High Point! what are your favourite NLHE books BTW? I know you've mentioned MOP but are there any others you'd recommend?
Late comment, hopefully you still look at these Apothesois.
So as we know, the chip EV of folding in that turn spot is 15,529.
For shoving, Let's say crack is opening 40%. He's delay cbetting 30%, and in that turn spot, he's calling a shove with the top 5%. The outcomes are as follows:
You shove: he folds: your stack is 16939
You shove: he calls: you win: your stack is 26730
You shove: he calls: you lose: your stack is 5519
If he's opening 40%, delay cbetting 30%, and calling your shove with the top 5% of hands, then the frequency of the him folding outcome is 30/40 * 35/40. The frequency of the second outcome is 30/40 * 5/40. First of all, are these frequencies correct?
He folds: 16939 * (30/40) * (35/40) = 11,116.22.
He calls: 26730 * (30/40) * (5/40) * .43(equity against a 5% range on that board) = 1077.55
Is this correct?
How can we calculate the balance of value and bluff combos on the rvr relative to bet size ?
On a river spot, the percentage of bluffs in a player's betting range must be the same as the pot odds the other player has to call, to stay balanced. E.g If a player bets 1/3 on the river, he has to have 20% combos of bluffs on his range, otherwise he will be exploitable
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