Nice run and videos!
I'm wondering about the A5s hand in the cut off at 6:30. Can't suited aces be part of a flatting range? I mean, we open it from all positions. Is the big difference initiative?
How do we handle suited aces in the big blind? For instance; do we call a 2.5x opening with no callers and a 25BB stack?
I don't think we want A5s in a flatting range in this position. The reason you would flat here is because you either want to keep in hands you dominate that he folds to a 3b or you have a hand which is too strong to fold but too weak to 3b call off and plays well IP.
For sure we are just calling it in the BB scenario you said unless the opener is crazy aggro and we can do better with a 3b shv.
Nice video. At 11:30, with AA, what do you think about betting bigger- say 25k or so on that flop? As you say, if they have a piece they aren't folding.
And 17mins with KQo sb, thoughts on limping in? reduce variance and keep pots smaller vs big stacks to ensure you still cover as many players as possible?
I don't mind going a bit bigger but with my stack I don't want to be betting so big that it looks like I'm never folding to a raise. I also don't want to bet people off their 9x either. If we are much deeper stacked I think a bigger bet makes sense as the scare cards hurt us a lot more as we can get put in some difficult spots. Since we basically have pot left on the turn here its gonna be difficult to fold to anything anyway so i'd prefer to exploit them for value more than be concerned with protection.
I don't mind limping in here if you have developed a good SB limping strategy and have confidence in your posflop game. However, we still cover him and get to threaten his stack and get his bounty if we stack him so I still like having an open raise range here. I think we could open to a bigger size pre with our stacks. Make it 3x but with a tighter range.
And a hand that plays well IP, you mean a connected I guess?
Still don't get the difference between opening A5s, but not flatting. It's hard to play OOP too. The value comes from flushes and fold equity, but we still have the flush chance if we flat. And it's easy to play in some way, fit or fold.
The difference is when we open A5s we have 2 ways to win the pot.
1) Everyone folds
2) We win postflop
The fact that we will win an ok % of the time with everyone folding is huge compared to flatting with it here when the only way to win is making a hand or bluffing post flop.Plus when you call a raise here you are already playing against someone who has defined their range as being quite strong whereas when you open all the players left to act still have 100% of hands. Even if the opener is loose and opening 40% of hands ifs still a stronger range than 100%!
Great video as always. I’ve been following your review since the beginning and I’ve few questions about this interesting spot (your 78o) at 14:30.
I understand the fact to be well balanced about our combos of bluff and values to be unreadable. So let’s say if you had the king of spade here (like Ks3h), would you make the same line using the same sizing (28k) for that bluff (Ks3h) ? (Check flop, lead turn on the 6 as you got some equity and barrel small on a spade river knowing that flush is a big portion of your range and that you have King blocker) ?
You also said that It would be a perfect spot to overbet if a King or Queen non spade came at the river (bluff and value). But in the case you are on bluff, which hands will you use for that and basically what would you be represented with that hand, and what would you like him to fold?
Firstly if I was playing it today I would be leading for at least 2/3 pot on turn as I want to put pressure on his capped range with a good card for my range. My analysis in the video says no more than half pot but I disagree with that now.
On the river I think I also want to size up with my had a bit since he rarely has a flush. That also allows me to bluff more with Ks3h type hands. To determine my bluff sizing with Ks3h I would be looking at how much I would like to be betting if I had the nut flush. We'd probably want to be going about 75% to 120% pot bet with a hand that is essentially the nuts. The lower sizing vs an opponent we don't think can call much but the larger if we think we can get more calls.
As for the overbet on the river I would be doing it with any set, any straight and then as bluffs with 7x and 8x hands that don't have a spade. That means he's more likely to have a spade in his hand. When he does he's blocking our bluffs making it look as though we will have value more often.
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Nice run and videos!
I'm wondering about the A5s hand in the cut off at 6:30. Can't suited aces be part of a flatting range? I mean, we open it from all positions. Is the big difference initiative?
How do we handle suited aces in the big blind? For instance; do we call a 2.5x opening with no callers and a 25BB stack?
I don't think we want A5s in a flatting range in this position. The reason you would flat here is because you either want to keep in hands you dominate that he folds to a 3b or you have a hand which is too strong to fold but too weak to 3b call off and plays well IP.
For sure we are just calling it in the BB scenario you said unless the opener is crazy aggro and we can do better with a 3b shv.
Nice video. At 11:30, with AA, what do you think about betting bigger- say 25k or so on that flop? As you say, if they have a piece they aren't folding.
And 17mins with KQo sb, thoughts on limping in? reduce variance and keep pots smaller vs big stacks to ensure you still cover as many players as possible?
I don't mind going a bit bigger but with my stack I don't want to be betting so big that it looks like I'm never folding to a raise. I also don't want to bet people off their 9x either. If we are much deeper stacked I think a bigger bet makes sense as the scare cards hurt us a lot more as we can get put in some difficult spots. Since we basically have pot left on the turn here its gonna be difficult to fold to anything anyway so i'd prefer to exploit them for value more than be concerned with protection.
I don't mind limping in here if you have developed a good SB limping strategy and have confidence in your posflop game. However, we still cover him and get to threaten his stack and get his bounty if we stack him so I still like having an open raise range here. I think we could open to a bigger size pre with our stacks. Make it 3x but with a tighter range.
And a hand that plays well IP, you mean a connected I guess?
Still don't get the difference between opening A5s, but not flatting. It's hard to play OOP too. The value comes from flushes and fold equity, but we still have the flush chance if we flat. And it's easy to play in some way, fit or fold.
The difference is when we open A5s we have 2 ways to win the pot.
1) Everyone folds
2) We win postflop
The fact that we will win an ok % of the time with everyone folding is huge compared to flatting with it here when the only way to win is making a hand or bluffing post flop.Plus when you call a raise here you are already playing against someone who has defined their range as being quite strong whereas when you open all the players left to act still have 100% of hands. Even if the opener is loose and opening 40% of hands ifs still a stronger range than 100%!
Got it, thanks!
Hi Owen Shiels
Great video as always. I’ve been following your review since the beginning and I’ve few questions about this interesting spot (your 78o) at 14:30.
I understand the fact to be well balanced about our combos of bluff and values to be unreadable. So let’s say if you had the king of spade here (like Ks3h), would you make the same line using the same sizing (28k) for that bluff (Ks3h) ? (Check flop, lead turn on the 6 as you got some equity and barrel small on a spade river knowing that flush is a big portion of your range and that you have King blocker) ?
You also said that It would be a perfect spot to overbet if a King or Queen non spade came at the river (bluff and value). But in the case you are on bluff, which hands will you use for that and basically what would you be represented with that hand, and what would you like him to fold?
Firstly if I was playing it today I would be leading for at least 2/3 pot on turn as I want to put pressure on his capped range with a good card for my range. My analysis in the video says no more than half pot but I disagree with that now.
On the river I think I also want to size up with my had a bit since he rarely has a flush. That also allows me to bluff more with Ks3h type hands. To determine my bluff sizing with Ks3h I would be looking at how much I would like to be betting if I had the nut flush. We'd probably want to be going about 75% to 120% pot bet with a hand that is essentially the nuts. The lower sizing vs an opponent we don't think can call much but the larger if we think we can get more calls.
As for the overbet on the river I would be doing it with any set, any straight and then as bluffs with 7x and 8x hands that don't have a spade. That means he's more likely to have a spade in his hand. When he does he's blocking our bluffs making it look as though we will have value more often.
Many thanks for your prompt reply Owen Shiels . I've learned a lot with your videos.
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