mike 12 years agoon the K6s hand - in general what do you think of XC-lead line in HU pots?
AA/QQ7tt doesn't the delay CB cap your turn range and put you into this spot?
also wondering why you 3x the BUT?
Adrian Milroy12 years agoI think C/C, lead turn lines are a valuable weapon. Its a kind of a slower variation of a check raise that's a non-standard line. Its a way of mixing things up to throw things at your opponent that he hasn't seen before, or does see much.
AA/QQ7tt? I dont quite understand what you're refering to...
I 3X the btn because my game is not built around blind stealing and I like playing bigger pots in position as the pfr. Its really a personal preference as well.mike 12 years ago~16:00 you use a delay CB with AA on QQ7 two tone. i really don't understand why we would play this like a WAWB spot and check back. as played we delay CB a J that completes FD which doesn't seem great. seem to me that AA should be in out CB flop range unless we think this opponent is going to auto donk turn+river with air?
if i am your opponent i am going to be very tempted to XR bluff turn as your only value hand is JJ or quad Qs? do you XB flop in this spot with any FDs or Qx combos?Adrian Milroy12 years agoMike:
I explained why I checked back the flop in the video, and I played this hand like a way ahead/way behind spot because that's what it is. Our opponent either has QX/77 or we crush him. The only middle ground hand he can have is XXdd which is less frequent because the Qd is on board.
If our opponent has KJ/JT/J9, we have now got 2 bets of value out of nothing instead of cbet/taking it down. Our value of making this play comes from letting our opponent catch up, or catching a stab on the turn, not being there for a double barrel. Not to mention we should get away from the hands that beat us cheaper, and pretty much always get to showdown.
I find it interesting that you would want to C/R bluff me over another player on the turn as my turn range would be stronger than someone who doesn't check back AA. Anyhow, it doesnt really matter, a turn C/R is repping Qx, flushes and boats. As I showed in this video, a C/R bluff would not have worked out on me as I ran him down on the turn and (incorrectly) river.
I think checking back weak queens (Q4s), NFDs with strong SD value (AKdd, ATdd) or baby FDs (34dd, 56dd) would be good candidates. We would control the pot a lot better on a paired board (we shouldn't really call a C/R on the flop with those hands) and give them the deception they need to turn a bigger profit in the long run. Strong NFDs have plenty of value in betting, but also in checking back. We gain deception when we hit our hand, we enter into a bluffcatching scenario where we hold all bluff cards (flush cards, overcards), and we have SD value.
Finally, I had no history with my opponent to that point, so balancing doesn't really apply...But I sure showed him that he's not gonna get away with C/R bluffing the turn on me :)
thedoors12 years agointeresting
which reasons do we need to have no hud > hud? i think you still have a tracker for post session analys or nothing at all?
Adrian Milroy12 years agoI have and use PT3. I've mentioned why I don't use a hud in a previous video comment section but it basically boils down to me seeing it as a crutch. At higher stakes, the tables and player pool become smaller, and knowing each player personally become more attainable. If you can do that, along with their stats retrieved from PT or HM, its much better than using any HUD. But for 100NL/200NL players, the player pool is so much bigger that it may be hard to keep track of everyone's individual tendencies. However, even back when I played 200NL, I never used a HUD. Its just my preference...
T K12 years ago@ 5:45 min you would always cr 2pair+ on 843 9 ? I would call most of the time to balance my weak cc 2x range. Generally speaking I cc more than cr in that spot.
Adrian Milroy11 years, 11 months agoIf I had any sets on the turn, I would C/R for sure at that point and get it in happily. The board is getting scary all of the sudden and he still has an infinite range (barrelling twice, btn open pre).
There's really not too many 2prs that a BB range can have here. I think I'd like to C/R, get it in, with 89, maybe 94s here, and if I happen to have 94s (maybe tops of this range)/93s/84s/83s/43s in this spot, it could be a good candidate to C/C the turn and river...
It's very common to C/C the turn here, and very rare to C/R. Personally, I like to bring rarer plays to the table more often than most players. In that realm, I like to have hands that are willing to stack off, or that have some equity, but are too weak to call a turn barrel (like 56 or 67). For the C/Cing range, we can have draws that have some SD value, A2/A5 and AdXd, or good equity that we reverse floated (JT, K/Q/JdXd) and our value hands that can go as low as 35, all the way up to 93s. I think by default from the #of combos in those ranges, we are going to be C/Cing alot more often by C/Ring. And this is assuming a basic view of this spot, that we don't want to introduce a middle merge range here, like A9, or TT if we have it here.
This is a spot where we are usually really weak, so its great to have 2 pair here and have our opponent bluff into us 3 streets, or valuetown himself. I just feel that with 94s+, we are losing value of stacking lower 2pairs, overpairs, and charging the backdoor draws. So we should reserve only the weaker part of our 2 pair range to the C/C line, even if we barely have those garbage hands here.
T K11 years, 11 months agoOkay you CC the turn with as weak hands as J-high OTT. You just happily cf the river when you miss ? If I did that, I would feel I made some mistake somwehere. Thanks =)
Adrian Milroy11 years, 11 months agoIf I decided to C/C QTdd or JTdd on the turn, I would probably fold river when I miss, and sometimes, but very rarely, C/R bluff the river.
halvadron111 years, 11 months agoWhat's your average VPIP/PFR/3bet stats in 6-max games, if it's not a secret? just curious, thank you
Not very happy with this video. Criticism: entirely too many pauses, way too much drawn out over analyzing of super standard easy spots. you are pausing for 2 minutes to explain how to play TPTK vs a 25bb fish, like really? focus more on getting through more content, and try to not waste so much time explaining information that is useless to most players that are paying for videos..
the first 12 minutes of this video are just absolutely brutal. more content, less analysis on basic spots please. The pausing is just absurd, very drawn out video. everything i mentioned is evidenced as at the end of the video you made it to 6 minutes of actual footage. plz improve
I'm sorry you didn't like the video. Sometimes the simplest spots can be broken down into a ton of information that most people miss because they write off these spots as elementary... I'm sorry you think this information is useless to other players, because I don't...
You criticism is noted though, and well received. I have felt that in my videos I do pause too much and sometimes have trouble being concise about what I want to say during those pauses. Unfortunately for you, I have already made many videos in the same style that have not come out yet. Hopefully you'll have noticed an improvement in the pace of the video flow in the coming videos (because I did feel that the pace wasn't smooth enough, and I tried to improve upon that), but otherwise you'll have to wait awhile because the new ones I make now, won't come out for a couple months.
Nice video, I like your style! Small question about the 78o hand, bottom right: When turn comes, which makes you top pair, what about geting value from it right now? When he basically told you that he got 5, he is not folding for sure, you can put a bet about 50-60, and another, small one on the river on cards like ten, which is obv very good card. I don't think, that this is a kind of player, who will checkraise you with his monster hands with frequency that makes turn value bet unprofitable. I think that on this turn he is going to bet all the hands that beat you, and will not fold a lot of hands that you beat.
I think you're right that the majority of his range is a 5, and that I'll probably never get C/Red on the turn. I could've gone for value right away on the turn. However, with a one card straight on the board, and such a measly top pair, I think that going for 2 streets of value is much too thin. If we had a set, we could think about going for value on 2 streets based on how this hand played out, but otherwise we are just going to Vtown ourselves/not get called very often on our 2nd barrel.
I would just like to express my opinion on AA hand and ask if you aggre with it. I think that calling turn check-raise and fold to river bet is just burning money against most good aggro players. Because in my experience they rarely check river because they know that our range is capped (expect maybe 3 JJ combos). So I think we need to call turn, call river or just fold on the turn. And I am not sure if he would check-raise Jx hand to protect against your Ad, Kd hands i think he would just bluffcatch most of the time (maybe AJ occasionally but you block this hand and he certainly wont do it with worse Jx hands).
I agree that a lot of aggro players would follow through with the bluff on the river by taking advantage of my somewhat capped range. I also feel this is not a merge value type raise like you said (like AJ), its a bluff, or a flush+... So we are purely bluffcatching with our hand...However, with no dynamic between us, and the fact that I don't think this player (from what I know of him) is going to run big bluffs starting from small-ish pots, I think I should fold the river in this situation. Our hand looks like a J after we call the turn, and its a risky proposition for him to try to get us to fold it in such an odd line. I called the turn thinking that perhaps he was trying to pick off my delayed cbet that doesn't rep a strong range. That's just my thoughts on the hand. Against wilder players, we would of course call.
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AA/QQ7tt doesn't the delay CB cap your turn range and put you into this spot?
also wondering why you 3x the BUT?
AA/QQ7tt? I dont quite understand what you're refering to...
I 3X the btn because my game is not built around blind stealing and I like playing bigger pots in position as the pfr. Its really a personal preference as well.
if i am your opponent i am going to be very tempted to XR bluff turn as your only value hand is JJ or quad Qs? do you XB flop in this spot with any FDs or Qx combos?
I explained why I checked back the flop in the video, and I played this hand like a way ahead/way behind spot because that's what it is. Our opponent either has QX/77 or we crush him. The only middle ground hand he can have is XXdd which is less frequent because the Qd is on board.
If our opponent has KJ/JT/J9, we have now got 2 bets of value out of nothing instead of cbet/taking it down. Our value of making this play comes from letting our opponent catch up, or catching a stab on the turn, not being there for a double barrel. Not to mention we should get away from the hands that beat us cheaper, and pretty much always get to showdown.
I find it interesting that you would want to C/R bluff me over another player on the turn as my turn range would be stronger than someone who doesn't check back AA. Anyhow, it doesnt really matter, a turn C/R is repping Qx, flushes and boats. As I showed in this video, a C/R bluff would not have worked out on me as I ran him down on the turn and (incorrectly) river.
I think checking back weak queens (Q4s), NFDs with strong SD value (AKdd, ATdd) or baby FDs (34dd, 56dd) would be good candidates. We would control the pot a lot better on a paired board (we shouldn't really call a C/R on the flop with those hands) and give them the deception they need to turn a bigger profit in the long run. Strong NFDs have plenty of value in betting, but also in checking back. We gain deception when we hit our hand, we enter into a bluffcatching scenario where we hold all bluff cards (flush cards, overcards), and we have SD value.
Finally, I had no history with my opponent to that point, so balancing doesn't really apply...But I sure showed him that he's not gonna get away with C/R bluffing the turn on me :)
which reasons do we need to have no hud > hud? i think you still have a tracker for post session analys or nothing at all?
There's really not too many 2prs that a BB range can have here. I think I'd like to C/R, get it in, with 89, maybe 94s here, and if I happen to have 94s (maybe tops of this range)/93s/84s/83s/43s in this spot, it could be a good candidate to C/C the turn and river...
It's very common to C/C the turn here, and very rare to C/R. Personally, I like to bring rarer plays to the table more often than most players. In that realm, I like to have hands that are willing to stack off, or that have some equity, but are too weak to call a turn barrel (like 56 or 67). For the C/Cing range, we can have draws that have some SD value, A2/A5 and AdXd, or good equity that we reverse floated (JT, K/Q/JdXd) and our value hands that can go as low as 35, all the way up to 93s. I think by default from the #of combos in those ranges, we are going to be C/Cing alot more often by C/Ring. And this is assuming a basic view of this spot, that we don't want to introduce a middle merge range here, like A9, or TT if we have it here.
This is a spot where we are usually really weak, so its great to have 2 pair here and have our opponent bluff into us 3 streets, or valuetown himself. I just feel that with 94s+, we are losing value of stacking lower 2pairs, overpairs, and charging the backdoor draws. So we should reserve only the weaker part of our 2 pair range to the C/C line, even if we barely have those garbage hands here.
Not very happy with this video. Criticism: entirely too many pauses, way too much drawn out over analyzing of super standard easy spots. you are pausing for 2 minutes to explain how to play TPTK vs a 25bb fish, like really? focus more on getting through more content, and try to not waste so much time explaining information that is useless to most players that are paying for videos..
the first 12 minutes of this video are just absolutely brutal. more content, less analysis on basic spots please. The pausing is just absurd, very drawn out video. everything i mentioned is evidenced as at the end of the video you made it to 6 minutes of actual footage. plz improve
I'm sorry you didn't like the video. Sometimes the simplest spots can be broken down into a ton of information that most people miss because they write off these spots as elementary... I'm sorry you think this information is useless to other players, because I don't...
You criticism is noted though, and well received. I have felt that in my videos I do pause too much and sometimes have trouble being concise about what I want to say during those pauses. Unfortunately for you, I have already made many videos in the same style that have not come out yet. Hopefully you'll have noticed an improvement in the pace of the video flow in the coming videos (because I did feel that the pace wasn't smooth enough, and I tried to improve upon that), but otherwise you'll have to wait awhile because the new ones I make now, won't come out for a couple months.
Nice video, I like your style! Small question about the 78o hand, bottom right: When turn comes, which makes you top pair, what about geting value from it right now? When he basically told you that he got 5, he is not folding for sure, you can put a bet about 50-60, and another, small one on the river on cards like ten, which is obv very good card. I don't think, that this is a kind of player, who will checkraise you with his monster hands with frequency that makes turn value bet unprofitable. I think that on this turn he is going to bet all the hands that beat you, and will not fold a lot of hands that you beat.
What time in the video is this 78o hand?
The action starts about 39 minute
I think you're right that the majority of his range is a 5, and that I'll probably never get C/Red on the turn. I could've gone for value right away on the turn. However, with a one card straight on the board, and such a measly top pair, I think that going for 2 streets of value is much too thin. If we had a set, we could think about going for value on 2 streets based on how this hand played out, but otherwise we are just going to Vtown ourselves/not get called very often on our 2nd barrel.
Nice video sir!
I would just like to express my opinion on AA hand and ask if you aggre with it. I think that calling turn check-raise and fold to river bet is just burning money against most good aggro players. Because in my experience they rarely check river because they know that our range is capped (expect maybe 3 JJ combos). So I think we need to call turn, call river or just fold on the turn. And I am not sure if he would check-raise Jx hand to protect against your Ad, Kd hands i think he would just bluffcatch most of the time (maybe AJ occasionally but you block this hand and he certainly wont do it with worse Jx hands).
Thx. Glad you like it.
I agree that a lot of aggro players would follow through with the bluff on the river by taking advantage of my somewhat capped range. I also feel this is not a merge value type raise like you said (like AJ), its a bluff, or a flush+... So we are purely bluffcatching with our hand...However, with no dynamic between us, and the fact that I don't think this player (from what I know of him) is going to run big bluffs starting from small-ish pots, I think I should fold the river in this situation. Our hand looks like a J after we call the turn, and its a risky proposition for him to try to get us to fold it in such an odd line. I called the turn thinking that perhaps he was trying to pick off my delayed cbet that doesn't rep a strong range. That's just my thoughts on the hand. Against wilder players, we would of course call.
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