Hi Mark ! Nice video i liked it a lot.
I was very surprised though with the 65cc hand at 9:44 when you call the 4B oop saying it is profitable. Can you please explain why you think this is going to be a profitable call ? I know you need 25% equity to make the call and maybe you have it with 65cc, but still you are at a big disavantage being oop without initiative with a dominated hand most of the time and with a SPR of 2 otf. Do you have a specific read on the guy which could let you think this call is going to be profitable, or is this just a defaut call most of the time based on the sizing of the 4B ?
@ around 7min in you choose to ch/r flop w/ AA on 892rainbow after 3betting UTGs pfr from BB. Given your reads on villain I definitely think this play has the highest EV in a vacuum.
However, I find it difficult to balance my ch/r range in this spot and almost never do it unless villain has some special tendencies.
Did you make this play because you were up against a weaker player or is this a line you use regularly in this spot? If it's the latter, which type of hands would you use along with your overpairs and why?
This was a player specific x/r. I usually don't x/r this board without a flushdraw present. You can do it against players that are more likely to stack a pair this way than a bet bet bet line. Also this line will get the money in over 2 streets in stead of 3 which makes it so the board doesnt run out ugly for either your hand or villains hand.
first hand 65hh: Was this more a exploit check otr because I dont see him having a wide bettingrange here. I see most of the time him checking back. So not sure if the ev of checking is better then betting. We also block many 5x so can we really expect him to bet here.
I see this optimisitc and a bit too result oriented.
9Tdd: Dont you think there are like way more combos that would have called a bet or probably checkback OTR ? I dont think people in the Fullring even in 6max I see it on my limits wouldnt bet KJ,QQ-99 but would end up calling these hands alot which makes betting the higher ev. 88,77 he is going to raise anyway. So you will end up probably by getting all his stack when he starts raising.
So by checking imo you only get bets from 88,77 and KQ, sometimes KJ. Allthough someplayer dont flat KJ here many bad regs does.
Edit: I made sim by crev and looks like betting has better EV by 6 bigblinds.
Because average Player gonna checkback 99-QQ there and some TP hands, also most of his TP hands he is going to bet OTF like AK.
Looks like he can call all this hands vs our bet (at least the most of his bluffcatchers)
Against 88,77 you going to get a raise always. Even if he is not doing a raise with 77 but only 88 betting seems to have slightly better EV.
65hh: Yes this was more of a exploitive play. Occasionally he will bluff this river and we get an extra bet this way, but the times he has a 5 we can stack him by check/ jamming. It's true that when we bet he might raise a 5 but vs a larger bet he might just end up only calling. Also i expect him to double barrel the majority of Ax on a board with 2 flushdraws. Which leaves his calling range a lot smaller otr.
Not sure if i agree that we get raised otr with 77 88 often at all. Especially when we have the 9Ts in our range aswell as slowplayed KK. I think it depends on what he does with his bluffcatchers. If we get a call failrly often from 99-QQ betting is better than checking. When he folds those frequently then we want to check this combo. Anyway mixing it up here is probably best.
thanks mate. It is true that he might not raise 77,88 everytime probably I saw it alot from guys in fr just calling these hands being aware off us having T9s,KK.
So summary it depends on what he is doing w his bluffcatcher and if he raises 77,88. If he diesnt do it frequently then x/r is probably better.
Tbh I do think he could call QQ-99 alot since they block our straights(99,TT) and good TP hands(QQ,JJ) which we might play this way. But I agree on that he probably doenst raise 77,88 always.
I checked it on crev and if he never raises 77,88 or 87s then we still have a slightly better betting spot by almost +3bb. BUT if we let him only catch w 99-QQ about 50% or less then checking is the play. So yeah that fits :)
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nice vid as usual...more pls
will do!
Excelent job Mark, i would love to watch more videos with this format, keep it up.
Thanks mf,
I will make a similair one in the near future.
Very helpful - play live vs a lot of semi-competent people -- these lines are useful.
More please. Perhaps in spots that are somewhat less clear?
Love the format, please more!!
Hi Mark ! Nice video i liked it a lot.
I was very surprised though with the 65cc hand at 9:44 when you call the 4B oop saying it is profitable. Can you please explain why you think this is going to be a profitable call ? I know you need 25% equity to make the call and maybe you have it with 65cc, but still you are at a big disavantage being oop without initiative with a dominated hand most of the time and with a SPR of 2 otf. Do you have a specific read on the guy which could let you think this call is going to be profitable, or is this just a defaut call most of the time based on the sizing of the 4B ?
As long as we mix in hands like AA,JJ,AK occasionally we should be fine calling these hands vs this price.
Also 65ss flops well enough so that we can continue on some boards vs cbets either by calling or jamming.
It obviously isnt going to make us a lot of money but i think still better than folding.
@ around 7min in you choose to ch/r flop w/ AA on 892rainbow after 3betting UTGs pfr from BB. Given your reads on villain I definitely think this play has the highest EV in a vacuum.
However, I find it difficult to balance my ch/r range in this spot and almost never do it unless villain has some special tendencies.
Did you make this play because you were up against a weaker player or is this a line you use regularly in this spot? If it's the latter, which type of hands would you use along with your overpairs and why?
Nice question Hankie,
This was a player specific x/r. I usually don't x/r this board without a flushdraw present. You can do it against players that are more likely to stack a pair this way than a bet bet bet line. Also this line will get the money in over 2 streets in stead of 3 which makes it so the board doesnt run out ugly for either your hand or villains hand.
Hi Mark,
first hand 65hh: Was this more a exploit check otr because I dont see him having a wide bettingrange here. I see most of the time him checking back. So not sure if the ev of checking is better then betting. We also block many 5x so can we really expect him to bet here.
I see this optimisitc and a bit too result oriented.
9Tdd: Dont you think there are like way more combos that would have called a bet or probably checkback OTR ? I dont think people in the Fullring even in 6max I see it on my limits wouldnt bet KJ,QQ-99 but would end up calling these hands alot which makes betting the higher ev. 88,77 he is going to raise anyway. So you will end up probably by getting all his stack when he starts raising.
So by checking imo you only get bets from 88,77 and KQ, sometimes KJ. Allthough someplayer dont flat KJ here many bad regs does.
Edit: I made sim by crev and looks like betting has better EV by 6 bigblinds.
Because average Player gonna checkback 99-QQ there and some TP hands, also most of his TP hands he is going to bet OTF like AK.
Looks like he can call all this hands vs our bet (at least the most of his bluffcatchers)
Against 88,77 you going to get a raise always. Even if he is not doing a raise with 77 but only 88 betting seems to have slightly better EV.
Good questions
65hh: Yes this was more of a exploitive play. Occasionally he will bluff this river and we get an extra bet this way, but the times he has a 5 we can stack him by check/ jamming. It's true that when we bet he might raise a 5 but vs a larger bet he might just end up only calling. Also i expect him to double barrel the majority of Ax on a board with 2 flushdraws. Which leaves his calling range a lot smaller otr.
Not sure if i agree that we get raised otr with 77 88 often at all. Especially when we have the 9Ts in our range aswell as slowplayed KK. I think it depends on what he does with his bluffcatchers. If we get a call failrly often from 99-QQ betting is better than checking. When he folds those frequently then we want to check this combo. Anyway mixing it up here is probably best.
thanks mate. It is true that he might not raise 77,88 everytime probably I saw it alot from guys in fr just calling these hands being aware off us having T9s,KK.
So summary it depends on what he is doing w his bluffcatcher and if he raises 77,88. If he diesnt do it frequently then x/r is probably better.
Tbh I do think he could call QQ-99 alot since they block our straights(99,TT) and good TP hands(QQ,JJ) which we might play this way. But I agree on that he probably doenst raise 77,88 always.
I checked it on crev and if he never raises 77,88 or 87s then we still have a slightly better betting spot by almost +3bb. BUT if we let him only catch w 99-QQ about 50% or less then checking is the play. So yeah that fits :)
Cheers and nice vid!
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