Sorry for asking such a beginner oriented question about this high level content , can you explain the strategy to raise first in bigger on the button and size down on other positions?
I would have imagine that having less ranges to fold out would be an argument to size down.
Raise bigger otb to play a bigger pot IP. Raise smaller from earlier positions to lose less when 3b. That's at least the gist of how I understand it. I'm only taking solver extrapolations and generally following what others seem to be doing in this spot :P
Hey, in the 3b pot, bb vs hi vs TopKat on J86, with an SPR of 6—you go for a check raise even though you said you can't really stack off with over pairs on a blank turn. So why have a check raise range in the first place?
Good question. I re-watched the hand and sorta disagreed with my own assertion that I can't stack off, but I was unsure. A quick PIO sim with the chosen parameters liked mostly just barreling and shoving river after xr.
TBF, I don't think it's necessarily incorrect to xr just because we don't want to play for stacks, even at this SPR. I was flat out wrong though about this hand anyway.
hey, this is not a personal attack in any way, you are a good player and seem like a nice guy as well.
first of all I wanted to clarify the difference between the two levels of memberships; it seems that essential (at least in terms of cash game coaches) seems to be 200z and lower, and elite seems to be 500z+ (roughly speaking.) so when people are opting to pay for the Elite membership, in my opinion they should be watching coaches who regularly play that stake, or play higher. because they are paying quite a lot of money per month, as far as subscriptions go.
the issue I have is that I don't feel these videos are representative of what you actually play. these hands I played vs you in this video were the first hands I had played vs you at 500z in 4 months, and I am in there most days and if not playing then I am observing and I never see you play then either. this is not just specific to you, either. Teunuss, I know for a fact as I occasionally talk to him, is now grinding 200z pretty much exclusively. yet when one of his videos are released, lo and behold it's back to 500z again.
I am not sure whether or not one of the mandates when signing up to be an Elite Pro is that you have to mostly release videos of a certain stake or higher, but if it is then the paying members on this site are being duped to an extent because neither of you guys are regulars in these games and only play them when making coaching videos.
This is not a personal attack, so please I hope that you don't take it the wrong way. but as a paying member i am entitled to my opinion whether it's controversial or not. i know that both of you guys' content is of good quality, but that should be a given on this training site. perhaps dropping both of you back to essential would free up more room for other 500z+ regs to create some content on the site. which would be very beneficial to all involved imo.
no hard feelings, and hope your grind is going well this year :)
Everything below is superfluous detail. The best way to deal with this is to get in touch with support@runitonce.com.
I'm definitely not intending to dupe anyone. I have no problem saying I've chosen to play way more 200z in 2019 than 500z. I've even made 200nl content (see my last vid). When I'm done my upper division courses later this year and can dedicate 8 hrs/day to poker, I'll happily switch more heavily to 500z. Until then, I'm probably favouring the easy life at 200 for my daily grind.
I recognize that my reasoning for game selection is irrelevant to subscribers. If me not playing 500z daily is hindering my content for you as a viewer, that's fair. My goal when creating videos isn't to boast of myself as a Xnl player, it's to make something that is educational and hopefully enjoyable to watch for people playing midstakes and lower. I generally assume viewers prefer to watch me playing against tougher opponents (though I do the opposite in a coming vid), and that's why I often like 500z over something lower. Similarly, I think I have some EV at 500z when I play (you won't see me just battling you, Ishter, Jericho, Luck, etc), so I feel that I have value to offer viewers when I make these.
IMO, the question is whether my content is to the quality to be expected from an Elite Pro; one would be totally fair to argue that it's not! FWIW, years ago when I was playing micros, one of the most beneficial content creators for me was Janda who had quit playing poker at the time.
You're an excellent player, and admittedly I can't help but be a little hurt, but I understand where you're coming from. I hope most people enjoy my videos as much as I enjoy making them.
Paul Atwal yeah that's fair. I just wanted to address the issue because we only have a few Elite RIO coaches who play NLH cash on this site and I was just a little frustrated that these were not even regulars in the games and would just show up to record a training video and then disappear again.
fwiw when you got your Elite Coaching 'upgrade' I felt that it was very well earned, you had improved a lot and were a frequent fixture in the 500z games. since then I wasn't sure if you had just taken your foot off the gas or what had happened but I didn't see you playing any more. like I said, the quality of your content has never been in question, and we all know how you have successfully grinded up through the lower limits to where you are now, which has to be respected.
Please do not feel insulted, like I said, I could have easily commented the exact same on Teunuss' video, it was just because this was the most recent one so apologies if it looks like I am singling you out in any way :P as far as I am aware, has no intention on moving back up in the coming months/years. where as everybody is aware that you have done the opposite and moved up through the micros/low stakes to mid stakes and done well.
I like/respect both of you, but this training site is about getting better as poker players so sometimes i have to just call a spade a spade. Elite content, at least in my eyes, should be elite players who are crushing the stakes they are playing at and are able to help the viewers to eventually (hopefully) do the same. your content is clearly very beneficial to many and i hope you continue to make videos for the coming years on this site! but, like in poker, i don't see the problem of 'moving down limits' in coaching terms. if you can drop down to 200z for 6 months or so then i don't see why you can't do the same and drop down to essential for 6 months until you have the time to study/grind a lot again. and this goes for all coaches not just you of course.
at the moment we have very few 500z+ regular coaches on the site making content, i think it is only Chaps, Erazer and Pastorcito. as this is (in my opinion) the best training site out there, i feel that we are really lacking in this department. of course you do not need to be playing x or y stake to be making elite content, but i feel that that is more the case for Theory videos where some of the coaches are excellent thinkers but just not very good at poker. you clearly make money at poker so this is not the case for you.
maybe we need to create constraints for becoming Elite coaches, play x amount of hands per year at x stake and higher and obv be winning. this would protect the quality and integrity of the content and would mean that it would be easy for coaches to move between the two levels of coaching if they didn't have the time to play/study much poker. because, as we all know, some guy who was winning yesterday can be losing today, such is the competitiveness of poker.
even at the end of the year all coaches could post their cash game results. i dk. i just want more transparency because at the end of the day the coach is getting paid by us members to make content that will improve us.
these comments are just general ideas they are not specific to you. anyways, like i said, no hard feelings and i can totally understand why grinding 200z would be more appealing, i think my hourly is actually higher there than at 500z lol :D
IMO, the question is whether my content is to the quality to be expected from an Elite Pro; one would be totally fair to argue that it's not!
I completely agree with this statement. For the time I’ve been a RIO member I always thought that Paul Atwal ‘s content was way better than most other elite coaches (including the time when he was an essential pro) I also understand what Demondoink is talking about here and I actually agree with as well.
My conclusion would be that I think that the metric we should use to evaluate RIO coaches can’t be almost exclusively be the main stake that they’re playing. There can be many cases of highstakes players that are great minds but they’re really bad at teaching and explaining their thoughts on the game and there can be the opposite, lower stakes players that have put a lot of study and work on their games that explain their approach very well but they may have not been able to move up for a variety of different reasons (sometimes even non poker-related)
Paul Atwal - I'm sure that enough time has elapsed that you no longer have any negative emotions regarding this post, but in the rare occurrence that you are still lying awake at night thinking about this, have no fear. I just uncovered a bit of a conspiracy that never quite got off the ground regarding forcing you back down to the Essential level so that I, and others like myself, can then lower our memberships to Essential and thus save a significant amount of money. I'm slightly disappointed that this ill-fated attempt failed, but I nonetheless appreciate the effort put forth by our fearless leader, Demondoink. =D
Not everyone choose to dedicate life just to play midstake online. Not sure that's even smart.
And as an annual subscriber, I'm not watching videos entirely for educational purpose. I'll say 75% for me is entertainment and relaxation. Take what you like from each coach ... the more coaches the better ... won't be a too horrible strategy.
At the 22:15 mark of the video would you bet turn and then barrel river heads up in position with the 8s9s? also At the 31:15 mark what factors would make you consider calling or folding to a river stuff against your AA after your bet?
22:15 - I don't think so. My hand is too good to bluff imo and struggles to get called worse often enough. I still have lots of air in my range ott.
31:15 - good question. Probably no way I ever actually find a fold here, it'd just annoying though :P. The things I would want to consider in this spot are: how often opponent stabs turn when checked to, river 2b%, and WWSF. Villain is a good player and can find enough bluffs here even though it's not particularly easy to do so.
almost 12min (11 something). Think 88 is too to strong to be folding(vs 3bet) vs any 500z reg. If you opening around 20% from MP, you won't have enough defends right? and 88 is debatable better than 87s,76s,89s.
24 minute. 4bet spot, what is the best play there( if not x/R flop), don't think J improves him a lot, but a bit yes (some KJ and little AJ + JJ).
88 - The solutions I've seen seem to mix folds and calls here. Regarding defense frequency, it doesn't work in a direct 1-alpha way in these positions. CO still has to fade 4bs from all players behind which "protect" me from getting 3b relentlessly. Solutions fold more than 1-alpha. Similarly, I will 4b a lot here to reduce incentive to 3b.
24 - I should have just xr'd flop. Looks like that's basically the only play from a quick sim.
Demondoink Think you make a fair point about the site generally.
For example, Checkraiser is an elite coach for HU, which given he hasnt beat 1k+ over any sample (last time I checked) is confusing to me. Its often difficult to persuade players who crush a stake to make high level videos which may take a few hours to make, for less than their hourly at their regular games (which I think should be addressed first, as increasing the $ paid per video to coaches would attract more top players to elite coaching here.) When you factor in that they have to give away EV by doing these on top of this, its even more unattractive for them.
Side point, I think Paul articulates himself better than most of the 500z coaches you listed above, even if he is rusty at the moment.
I think its accepted that RIO is still a thought leader in the training site world, and as far as I'm aware, the best site out there. Elite level content that is of good value to winning 500z+ regs is for sure harder and harder to come by, but for $100 a month, imo you are still getting value, esp if you consider the individual coaching hourly for most coaches at that level.
For example, Checkraiser is an elite coach for HU, which given he hasnt beat 1k+ over any sample (last time I checked) is confusing to me. Its often difficult to persuade players who crush a stake to make high level videos which may take a few hours to make, for less than their hourly at their regular games (which I think should be addressed first, as increasing the $ paid per video to coaches would attract more top players to elite coaching here.) When you factor in that they have to give away EV by doing these on top of this, its even more unattractive for them.
First of all, I don’t think this is the place to talk about this. I know you dislike me and my work and that’s completely fine but I just wanted to clarify for everyone else that 1KNL isn’t my main stake. I’m a 500Z reg (as most NL cash game RIO elite coaches) and I’ve beat the stake with a good winrate over a large sample (you can find out on my blog)
I don't share some hate to this video or to coach (:P), it is not top10 Paul's video and he did some mistakes/rust in some spots. But don't mind seeing some mistakes, from which ones I can learn. Than blindly believe in everything someone say
Other than that pretty silly to throw other coaches name in discussion/compare. Maybe need overall feedback thread or something along those lines, sounds like much better place for positive/negative evaluation
Will agree on that quality of content on RIO have been dropping a bit
The drop in the quality of the RIO content is more then evident over the last few months. 90% of the content is nowadays live play or coaches scratch a topic and show few PIO sims and thats it. There are so many interesting topics (which are also suggested in the training thread) but the coaches are not covering them. Idk the reason for this. I miss the 3-4 series parts which cover a certain topic and after studying them you had the feeling that you had really learnt something.
Regarding paul, I think he is a very good coach but tbh i think his essential content was more valueble than the elite one.
Hey guys, I was away for a week or so and have only just seen these comments. If you feel like the recent content on the site hasn't met your expectations, I encourage you to email us at support@runitonce.com, create a thread in the forums, or PM me directly on the site.
Though we review every video before it goes live, we don't necessarily keep up with all of the comments in video threads so it's much more likely that we miss your general feedback regarding the site if you leave it in individual video threads.
I also want to mention that we read all of the suggestions left in the video suggestions thread and try to get our coaches to create videos based on those ideas whenever possible. Sometimes the gap between reading your ideas and getting them translated into a video that's live on the site can take longer than we'd like but we're always listening to what you have to say. As members, you know better than anyone what kind of content you need so please feel free to leave us any constructive criticism that you might have.
Jeff_ I'm not sure I agree. I think its important we constructively analyse content on here, and give feedback where appropriate. This clearly needs to be done without malice, but its with the aim of improving the site and(or) content on here. Agree it might make sense to have a thread dedicated to this, but I was simply stating there are other examples of the point Demondoink was making on this site, even though there is also good value to be had.
yeah this was not an attack just for the sake of it in some kind of sick attempt to make somebody look bad, it was in the hope that it would be a bit of a wake up call to the site and allow us to discuss how we could improve it.
I agree, though, posting this in a new thread would have made more sense and in hindsight I should have done this instead. but I do not regret it because it has led to lots of positive discussion and various views which I think will benefit everybody in the longer term.
What tool are you using to automate bet sizing? Starshelper?
I also feel like folding 88 HJ vs CO is a bit tight, but you obviously know better than me. Do you prefer calling with 88 more than hands like KJs ATs or vice versa?
Thanks for answering. I meant the hand when you rfi 88 from HJ and folded to a 3-bet from CO. Would you prefer to call 88 there or suited broadways like ATs KJs?
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Sorry for asking such a beginner oriented question about this high level content , can you explain the strategy to raise first in bigger on the button and size down on other positions?
I would have imagine that having less ranges to fold out would be an argument to size down.
Thx , very nice vid
Raise bigger otb to play a bigger pot IP. Raise smaller from earlier positions to lose less when 3b. That's at least the gist of how I understand it. I'm only taking solver extrapolations and generally following what others seem to be doing in this spot :P
Thx very interesting.
Hey, in the 3b pot, bb vs hi vs TopKat on J86, with an SPR of 6—you go for a check raise even though you said you can't really stack off with over pairs on a blank turn. So why have a check raise range in the first place?
Good question. I re-watched the hand and sorta disagreed with my own assertion that I can't stack off, but I was unsure. A quick PIO sim with the chosen parameters liked mostly just barreling and shoving river after xr.
TBF, I don't think it's necessarily incorrect to xr just because we don't want to play for stacks, even at this SPR. I was flat out wrong though about this hand anyway.
hey, this is not a personal attack in any way, you are a good player and seem like a nice guy as well.
first of all I wanted to clarify the difference between the two levels of memberships; it seems that essential (at least in terms of cash game coaches) seems to be 200z and lower, and elite seems to be 500z+ (roughly speaking.) so when people are opting to pay for the Elite membership, in my opinion they should be watching coaches who regularly play that stake, or play higher. because they are paying quite a lot of money per month, as far as subscriptions go.
the issue I have is that I don't feel these videos are representative of what you actually play. these hands I played vs you in this video were the first hands I had played vs you at 500z in 4 months, and I am in there most days and if not playing then I am observing and I never see you play then either. this is not just specific to you, either. Teunuss, I know for a fact as I occasionally talk to him, is now grinding 200z pretty much exclusively. yet when one of his videos are released, lo and behold it's back to 500z again.
I am not sure whether or not one of the mandates when signing up to be an Elite Pro is that you have to mostly release videos of a certain stake or higher, but if it is then the paying members on this site are being duped to an extent because neither of you guys are regulars in these games and only play them when making coaching videos.
This is not a personal attack, so please I hope that you don't take it the wrong way. but as a paying member i am entitled to my opinion whether it's controversial or not. i know that both of you guys' content is of good quality, but that should be a given on this training site. perhaps dropping both of you back to essential would free up more room for other 500z+ regs to create some content on the site. which would be very beneficial to all involved imo.
no hard feelings, and hope your grind is going well this year :)
Hey demondoink, totally fair points.
Everything below is superfluous detail. The best way to deal with this is to get in touch with support@runitonce.com.
I'm definitely not intending to dupe anyone. I have no problem saying I've chosen to play way more 200z in 2019 than 500z. I've even made 200nl content (see my last vid). When I'm done my upper division courses later this year and can dedicate 8 hrs/day to poker, I'll happily switch more heavily to 500z. Until then, I'm probably favouring the easy life at 200 for my daily grind.
I recognize that my reasoning for game selection is irrelevant to subscribers. If me not playing 500z daily is hindering my content for you as a viewer, that's fair. My goal when creating videos isn't to boast of myself as a Xnl player, it's to make something that is educational and hopefully enjoyable to watch for people playing midstakes and lower. I generally assume viewers prefer to watch me playing against tougher opponents (though I do the opposite in a coming vid), and that's why I often like 500z over something lower. Similarly, I think I have some EV at 500z when I play (you won't see me just battling you, Ishter, Jericho, Luck, etc), so I feel that I have value to offer viewers when I make these.
IMO, the question is whether my content is to the quality to be expected from an Elite Pro; one would be totally fair to argue that it's not! FWIW, years ago when I was playing micros, one of the most beneficial content creators for me was Janda who had quit playing poker at the time.
You're an excellent player, and admittedly I can't help but be a little hurt, but I understand where you're coming from. I hope most people enjoy my videos as much as I enjoy making them.
Paul Atwal yeah that's fair. I just wanted to address the issue because we only have a few Elite RIO coaches who play NLH cash on this site and I was just a little frustrated that these were not even regulars in the games and would just show up to record a training video and then disappear again.
fwiw when you got your Elite Coaching 'upgrade' I felt that it was very well earned, you had improved a lot and were a frequent fixture in the 500z games. since then I wasn't sure if you had just taken your foot off the gas or what had happened but I didn't see you playing any more. like I said, the quality of your content has never been in question, and we all know how you have successfully grinded up through the lower limits to where you are now, which has to be respected.
Please do not feel insulted, like I said, I could have easily commented the exact same on Teunuss' video, it was just because this was the most recent one so apologies if it looks like I am singling you out in any way :P as far as I am aware, has no intention on moving back up in the coming months/years. where as everybody is aware that you have done the opposite and moved up through the micros/low stakes to mid stakes and done well.
I like/respect both of you, but this training site is about getting better as poker players so sometimes i have to just call a spade a spade. Elite content, at least in my eyes, should be elite players who are crushing the stakes they are playing at and are able to help the viewers to eventually (hopefully) do the same. your content is clearly very beneficial to many and i hope you continue to make videos for the coming years on this site! but, like in poker, i don't see the problem of 'moving down limits' in coaching terms. if you can drop down to 200z for 6 months or so then i don't see why you can't do the same and drop down to essential for 6 months until you have the time to study/grind a lot again. and this goes for all coaches not just you of course.
at the moment we have very few 500z+ regular coaches on the site making content, i think it is only Chaps, Erazer and Pastorcito. as this is (in my opinion) the best training site out there, i feel that we are really lacking in this department. of course you do not need to be playing x or y stake to be making elite content, but i feel that that is more the case for Theory videos where some of the coaches are excellent thinkers but just not very good at poker. you clearly make money at poker so this is not the case for you.
maybe we need to create constraints for becoming Elite coaches, play x amount of hands per year at x stake and higher and obv be winning. this would protect the quality and integrity of the content and would mean that it would be easy for coaches to move between the two levels of coaching if they didn't have the time to play/study much poker. because, as we all know, some guy who was winning yesterday can be losing today, such is the competitiveness of poker.
even at the end of the year all coaches could post their cash game results. i dk. i just want more transparency because at the end of the day the coach is getting paid by us members to make content that will improve us.
these comments are just general ideas they are not specific to you. anyways, like i said, no hard feelings and i can totally understand why grinding 200z would be more appealing, i think my hourly is actually higher there than at 500z lol :D
I completely agree with this statement. For the time I’ve been a RIO member I always thought that Paul Atwal ‘s content was way better than most other elite coaches (including the time when he was an essential pro) I also understand what Demondoink is talking about here and I actually agree with as well.
My conclusion would be that I think that the metric we should use to evaluate RIO coaches can’t be almost exclusively be the main stake that they’re playing. There can be many cases of highstakes players that are great minds but they’re really bad at teaching and explaining their thoughts on the game and there can be the opposite, lower stakes players that have put a lot of study and work on their games that explain their approach very well but they may have not been able to move up for a variety of different reasons (sometimes even non poker-related)
Paul Atwal - I'm sure that enough time has elapsed that you no longer have any negative emotions regarding this post, but in the rare occurrence that you are still lying awake at night thinking about this, have no fear. I just uncovered a bit of a conspiracy that never quite got off the ground regarding forcing you back down to the Essential level so that I, and others like myself, can then lower our memberships to Essential and thus save a significant amount of money. I'm slightly disappointed that this ill-fated attempt failed, but I nonetheless appreciate the effort put forth by our fearless leader, Demondoink. =D
Not everyone choose to dedicate life just to play midstake online. Not sure that's even smart.
And as an annual subscriber, I'm not watching videos entirely for educational purpose. I'll say 75% for me is entertainment and relaxation. Take what you like from each coach ... the more coaches the better ... won't be a too horrible strategy.
that's completely reasonable. each to their own :)
I like Paul's videos and find them more informative than the other elite NL coaches listed.
Absolutely agree.
At the 22:15 mark of the video would you bet turn and then barrel river heads up in position with the 8s9s? also At the 31:15 mark what factors would make you consider calling or folding to a river stuff against your AA after your bet?
22:15 - I don't think so. My hand is too good to bluff imo and struggles to get called worse often enough. I still have lots of air in my range ott.
31:15 - good question. Probably no way I ever actually find a fold here, it'd just annoying though :P. The things I would want to consider in this spot are: how often opponent stabs turn when checked to, river 2b%, and WWSF. Villain is a good player and can find enough bluffs here even though it's not particularly easy to do so.
almost 12min (11 something). Think 88 is too to strong to be folding(vs 3bet) vs any 500z reg. If you opening around 20% from MP, you won't have enough defends right? and 88 is debatable better than 87s,76s,89s.
24 minute. 4bet spot, what is the best play there( if not x/R flop), don't think J improves him a lot, but a bit yes (some KJ and little AJ + JJ).
88 - The solutions I've seen seem to mix folds and calls here. Regarding defense frequency, it doesn't work in a direct 1-alpha way in these positions. CO still has to fade 4bs from all players behind which "protect" me from getting 3b relentlessly. Solutions fold more than 1-alpha. Similarly, I will 4b a lot here to reduce incentive to 3b.
24 - I should have just xr'd flop. Looks like that's basically the only play from a quick sim.
Demondoink Think you make a fair point about the site generally.
For example, Checkraiser is an elite coach for HU, which given he hasnt beat 1k+ over any sample (last time I checked) is confusing to me. Its often difficult to persuade players who crush a stake to make high level videos which may take a few hours to make, for less than their hourly at their regular games (which I think should be addressed first, as increasing the $ paid per video to coaches would attract more top players to elite coaching here.) When you factor in that they have to give away EV by doing these on top of this, its even more unattractive for them.
Side point, I think Paul articulates himself better than most of the 500z coaches you listed above, even if he is rusty at the moment.
I think its accepted that RIO is still a thought leader in the training site world, and as far as I'm aware, the best site out there. Elite level content that is of good value to winning 500z+ regs is for sure harder and harder to come by, but for $100 a month, imo you are still getting value, esp if you consider the individual coaching hourly for most coaches at that level.
First of all, I don’t think this is the place to talk about this. I know you dislike me and my work and that’s completely fine but I just wanted to clarify for everyone else that 1KNL isn’t my main stake. I’m a 500Z reg (as most NL cash game RIO elite coaches) and I’ve beat the stake with a good winrate over a large sample (you can find out on my blog)
That’s all.
I don't share some hate to this video or to coach (:P), it is not top10 Paul's video and he did some mistakes/rust in some spots. But don't mind seeing some mistakes, from which ones I can learn. Than blindly believe in everything someone say
Other than that pretty silly to throw other coaches name in discussion/compare. Maybe need overall feedback thread or something along those lines, sounds like much better place for positive/negative evaluation
Will agree on that quality of content on RIO have been dropping a bit
The drop in the quality of the RIO content is more then evident over the last few months. 90% of the content is nowadays live play or coaches scratch a topic and show few PIO sims and thats it. There are so many interesting topics (which are also suggested in the training thread) but the coaches are not covering them. Idk the reason for this. I miss the 3-4 series parts which cover a certain topic and after studying them you had the feeling that you had really learnt something.
Regarding paul, I think he is a very good coach but tbh i think his essential content was more valueble than the elite one.
Hey guys, I was away for a week or so and have only just seen these comments. If you feel like the recent content on the site hasn't met your expectations, I encourage you to email us at support@runitonce.com, create a thread in the forums, or PM me directly on the site.
Though we review every video before it goes live, we don't necessarily keep up with all of the comments in video threads so it's much more likely that we miss your general feedback regarding the site if you leave it in individual video threads.
I also want to mention that we read all of the suggestions left in the video suggestions thread and try to get our coaches to create videos based on those ideas whenever possible. Sometimes the gap between reading your ideas and getting them translated into a video that's live on the site can take longer than we'd like but we're always listening to what you have to say. As members, you know better than anyone what kind of content you need so please feel free to leave us any constructive criticism that you might have.
Jeff_ I'm not sure I agree. I think its important we constructively analyse content on here, and give feedback where appropriate. This clearly needs to be done without malice, but its with the aim of improving the site and(or) content on here. Agree it might make sense to have a thread dedicated to this, but I was simply stating there are other examples of the point Demondoink was making on this site, even though there is also good value to be had.
yeah this was not an attack just for the sake of it in some kind of sick attempt to make somebody look bad, it was in the hope that it would be a bit of a wake up call to the site and allow us to discuss how we could improve it.
I agree, though, posting this in a new thread would have made more sense and in hindsight I should have done this instead. but I do not regret it because it has led to lots of positive discussion and various views which I think will benefit everybody in the longer term.
Thx Paul
In b4 Demondoink is the latest RIO elite coach
What tool are you using to automate bet sizing? Starshelper?
I also feel like folding 88 HJ vs CO is a bit tight, but you obviously know better than me. Do you prefer calling with 88 more than hands like KJs ATs or vice versa?
Yeah, I'm using Starshelper. I don't play any sort of calling range in CO vs HJ open, just 3b/f.
Thanks for answering. I meant the hand when you rfi 88 from HJ and folded to a 3-bet from CO. Would you prefer to call 88 there or suited broadways like ATs KJs?
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