Very high quality content as always. I was wondering something about GTO Wizard. On some spot we see that wizard is mixing bet and check on the flop; however people are probably betting range 1/3 then do you think it's still relevant to study through the solver even though ranges are (most likely) not the same for villans?
Same on 15:28 Villans 3bet for 4x and the solver 3bet for 13bb, i guess ranges there as well are not the same and you can see that your hand (33) is suppose to mostly fold pre where i assume against 4x you pure call. How should we adjust our learning while studying with Wizard then?
For sure, in practice the ranges will be different (when solver is mixing between multiple sizes the smaller sizing is more capped than the bigger one for ex), but you still get a lot out of studying the grid even if that's the case.
The ideal scenario would be for you to run your sims with the exactly same range that you are using in game, and try to estimate villain's ranges based on GTO with a lot of mixed freqs, but if you can't do that (and even if you can) there's still a ton o f value studying with a software like GTOW.
Hello Max,
I liked the depth of analysis you went into with each breakdown. Do you do this for every hand you review? Or for simpler hands you just check the solution and move on?
In the 2nd hand, you said that 33 would be a better call in practice vs the small sizing than the solver suggests - what is the reason behind this?
I always try tto dig a little deeper, cause I don'ty see almost any value in just looking at a sim to check if my play is correct.
Because villain will probably be betting range when he uses the small sizings, and I have a lot of exploits available on the turn and river when he gets to those nodes with a much wider range than he should.
What sort of exploits do you expect on the turn? I would imagine people cbetting too many good hands and having a weak checking range that is susceptible to overfolding vs both turn barrels and turn and river barrels?
Great video! I like the fact that you will take a moment and explore other nodes or cards for each street in the hands, not just the action as it happened. I think that's helpful.
I haven't used the reports function in wizard. Now that you have shown it I will explore that more.
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Very high quality content as always. I was wondering something about GTO Wizard. On some spot we see that wizard is mixing bet and check on the flop; however people are probably betting range 1/3 then do you think it's still relevant to study through the solver even though ranges are (most likely) not the same for villans?
Same on 15:28 Villans 3bet for 4x and the solver 3bet for 13bb, i guess ranges there as well are not the same and you can see that your hand (33) is suppose to mostly fold pre where i assume against 4x you pure call. How should we adjust our learning while studying with Wizard then?
Hey, thanks for the comment!
For sure, in practice the ranges will be different (when solver is mixing between multiple sizes the smaller sizing is more capped than the bigger one for ex), but you still get a lot out of studying the grid even if that's the case.
The ideal scenario would be for you to run your sims with the exactly same range that you are using in game, and try to estimate villain's ranges based on GTO with a lot of mixed freqs, but if you can't do that (and even if you can) there's still a ton o f value studying with a software like GTOW.
Great video.
I'm still confused about the AQ hand. Why Ad is better for betting and Ah is being checked ?
Thanks! When do I say that on the video? Type the timeframe please, so it's easier for me to find :)
Hello Max,
I liked the depth of analysis you went into with each breakdown. Do you do this for every hand you review? Or for simpler hands you just check the solution and move on?
In the 2nd hand, you said that 33 would be a better call in practice vs the small sizing than the solver suggests - what is the reason behind this?
I always try tto dig a little deeper, cause I don'ty see almost any value in just looking at a sim to check if my play is correct.
Because villain will probably be betting range when he uses the small sizings, and I have a lot of exploits available on the turn and river when he gets to those nodes with a much wider range than he should.
What sort of exploits do you expect on the turn? I would imagine people cbetting too many good hands and having a weak checking range that is susceptible to overfolding vs both turn barrels and turn and river barrels?
Yes, that would be the main thing, focusing on exploring overfolds
Great video! I like the fact that you will take a moment and explore other nodes or cards for each street in the hands, not just the action as it happened. I think that's helpful.
I haven't used the reports function in wizard. Now that you have shown it I will explore that more.
I'm glad you enjoyed!
This last hand TT betting big/shoving our entire range is awesome.
Even TT for thin value... a beautiful solution.
Great video. Cheers from Brazil :)
Thanks bro!! Cheers =D
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