16:00 I feel like we have sdv. Neither of them bet the river so it is unlikely they have an A. I think the same logic applies to a J, but even if they have a J with some backdoor hand they floated, I don't think there are that many combos. There are only a limited number of better 8x and the bb is the one who will likely have more of those. I really think you have the best hand most of the time.
18:50 qj, I like betting the turn. I think we get a lot of value from his flush draws with overs and straight draws. It also may get us a check back on the river.
28:50 would you jam the aq vs the 3bet or call sometimes?
16:00 we are certainly good here sometimes im not exactly sure how often tbh. But sometimes turning showdown value into bluff can still be better (up for debate whether it is here for sure). Extreme example: we are good 95% of the time. But they both fold 100% of the time, when we jam.
18:50: really sucks if he jams though for our hand. Thats the main reason i like checking better.
28:50 in a bounty builder I think just jam, what the sb shows up with is the reason why lol. People are just way too gambly in bounties
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Great video.
16:00 I feel like we have sdv. Neither of them bet the river so it is unlikely they have an A. I think the same logic applies to a J, but even if they have a J with some backdoor hand they floated, I don't think there are that many combos. There are only a limited number of better 8x and the bb is the one who will likely have more of those. I really think you have the best hand most of the time.
18:50 qj, I like betting the turn. I think we get a lot of value from his flush draws with overs and straight draws. It also may get us a check back on the river.
28:50 would you jam the aq vs the 3bet or call sometimes?
hey man sorry for the late response:
16:00 we are certainly good here sometimes im not exactly sure how often tbh. But sometimes turning showdown value into bluff can still be better (up for debate whether it is here for sure). Extreme example: we are good 95% of the time. But they both fold 100% of the time, when we jam.
18:50: really sucks if he jams though for our hand. Thats the main reason i like checking better.
28:50 in a bounty builder I think just jam, what the sb shows up with is the reason why lol. People are just way too gambly in bounties
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