I appreciate this video a lot. Sorry to hear you are going through more tough times beyond the tax stuff.
I myself am at a bit of a crossroads in life. I've actually been there for the last 6 months. Sometimes I wonder if the last 6 months have been a mistake.
I do like your mindstate videos because it isn't just words thrown out at us. You relate it to your actual struggles. You word things in a more real, applicable sense. Thanks Mathias.
Very Interesting videeo.
19:20 totally agree.
Besides everything you mention afterwards, solvers do not take into account that it is much harder for a human to bluff with a small stack than with a large stack and that we always succeed more by being aggressive because the meta is generally much weaker compared to the solvers.
Really good thoughts in this video. I agree that the solver can only solve for the input you give it, which is limited in some ways. I think the best players are able to take in all the information they have available to them and make adjustments off of the baseline. Enjoyed the content.
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I appreciate this video a lot. Sorry to hear you are going through more tough times beyond the tax stuff.
I myself am at a bit of a crossroads in life. I've actually been there for the last 6 months. Sometimes I wonder if the last 6 months have been a mistake.
I do like your mindstate videos because it isn't just words thrown out at us. You relate it to your actual struggles. You word things in a more real, applicable sense. Thanks Mathias.
Thank you SoundSpeed,
I don’t know what you are going through but all the best man. I know such times are tough
Very Interesting videeo.
19:20 totally agree.
Besides everything you mention afterwards, solvers do not take into account that it is much harder for a human to bluff with a small stack than with a large stack and that we always succeed more by being aggressive because the meta is generally much weaker compared to the solvers.
Thank you and 100% agree there too. The human factor is often kind of “conceptualized” away by taking theory at face value
Really good thoughts in this video. I agree that the solver can only solve for the input you give it, which is limited in some ways. I think the best players are able to take in all the information they have available to them and make adjustments off of the baseline. Enjoyed the content.
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