44:05 yes I def have a non all in raise and the 99 can be in there actually, I still mix things up, like i also limp, raise AND jam AA in this spot depending on dynamics/what I think how my opponent will view my ranges
Bravo Matthias!!! Great video and a lucky charm for me since that day I made two FT and won one. As for content it could be of interest, beside ICM which I do not think everybody understand depending on stakes, to go a little deeper on strategies ,dynamics and maybe mental game of being cheap leader (depending on distribution) ,since sometime it is easy to get carried away, and playing against big stacks, maybe some metagame when villains are known?? MTT I won , massive cheap leader entering FT that badly punted off getting into unnecessary pissing matches...
Yes I can definitely talk about this subject, in fact im very sure I did in the past already in some of my videos, however I will keep that in mind and will devote some time to this specific topic again.
I am doing a 1k video series right now in a different way, looking at all showdown hands from all opponents througout the whole game, not actually focusing on my hands. But the plan is to go over the whole final table still after that, I will talk about it then.
Hi yes indeed I did not pay attention there looks like I should have commented on pre. I think he can jam or raise/call, I personally see myself still sometimes checking back I can’t check gto right now not sure if it’s a thing but what’s clear is you can get it in pre. I sometimes like to keep some stronger hands in check back range that opponent doesn’t suspect. Mostly still raise/jam for me though also
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Great series and analysis!
44:05 you jammed 99 vs a 12bb bb. Do you have a non all in raise size vs this stack size? What is the lowest pocket pair you will induce with?
hey man thank you!
44:05 yes I def have a non all in raise and the 99 can be in there actually, I still mix things up, like i also limp, raise AND jam AA in this spot depending on dynamics/what I think how my opponent will view my ranges
Bravo Matthias!!! Great video and a lucky charm for me since that day I made two FT and won one. As for content it could be of interest, beside ICM which I do not think everybody understand depending on stakes, to go a little deeper on strategies ,dynamics and maybe mental game of being cheap leader (depending on distribution) ,since sometime it is easy to get carried away, and playing against big stacks, maybe some metagame when villains are known?? MTT I won , massive cheap leader entering FT that badly punted off getting into unnecessary pissing matches...
congrats man that is nice to hear!
Yes I can definitely talk about this subject, in fact im very sure I did in the past already in some of my videos, however I will keep that in mind and will devote some time to this specific topic again.
I am doing a 1k video series right now in a different way, looking at all showdown hands from all opponents througout the whole game, not actually focusing on my hands. But the plan is to go over the whole final table still after that, I will talk about it then.
At 23:43, shouldn't the bb just shove pre with KTdd?
Hi yes indeed I did not pay attention there looks like I should have commented on pre. I think he can jam or raise/call, I personally see myself still sometimes checking back I can’t check gto right now not sure if it’s a thing but what’s clear is you can get it in pre. I sometimes like to keep some stronger hands in check back range that opponent doesn’t suspect. Mostly still raise/jam for me though also
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