I hope you enjoy the second part to this LLinus vs Berri HU series. This time round I decided to go with a post review format, so that I had the benefit of pausing to think through spots, etc. (I may have gone a little crazy with the pausing — sorry if it gets annoying!)
HU videos tend to get a lot less love. In fact, they have been my least successful videos for RIO so far, which is understandable. However, there are at least a few viewers out there who ask for HU content :). So if you'd like to see a part 3, please let me know!
Would like to see part 3, I enjoy learning about the differences in HU to 6max so that I can play sometimes to start/hold tables etc. Much prefer this video to the previous one, i.e. slower play with much deeper analysis. Feel like I am learning much more that way!
16.00 K82A7
You said here you would mix between ~20bb and ~40bb here on the river. Seems like a good spot to have a shoving range rather than the 40bb range, no? SB has big nut advantage and a good percentage of range that plays this way that wants to now shove - AK, KK, 88.
16.00 K82A7
You said here you would mix between ~20bb and ~40bb here on the river. Seems like a good spot to have a shoving range rather than the 40bb range, no? SB has big nut advantage and a good percentage of range that plays this way that wants to now shove - AK, KK, 88.
We have a nut advantage in hands that want to size 40bb, as well as hands that want to size AI, and we also need a 20bb bet range, too. So, we need to figure out whether want our OB to be 40bb or 130bb. If we were 100bb's preflop I would want to go 20/85. However, at 150bb's, I prefer 20/40 over 20/135. With that being said, I don't think it'd be a big mistake (or maybe even a mistake to begin with) to go with 20/135
I ran it, and got a 20/135 in my solve on the river. I'm trying to think why it differs from your solve. I ran mine with just the 1/3 cbet sizing on the flop. I think because your sim has a bigger flop sizing too, lots of the stronger hands get funnelled down this part of the game tree on the flop?
matlittle Once you arrive to river in a CBet node over all streets, there's so many things that can skew the sim. Try running some subtree's OTR; do you see any big EV skews between 70/AI and 70/OB?
Great video, definitely prefer this format over the live one where you are kinda rushed to give your thoughts. Don't think pausing is annoying for the viewer, we watch those videos to learn, not to rail.
Kinda disapointing that HU videos are your least popular. That's the only category I watch and sometimes gotta wait weeks for a new upload.
Great video, definitely prefer this format over the live one where you are kinda rushed to give your thoughts. Don't think pausing is annoying for the viewer, we watch those videos to learn, not to rail.
Great, I think most people enjoyed this format a lot more. Fair point about the railing, I suppose it's fun to me that I'm railing live, but not so much to the viewer.
Kinda disapointing that HU videos are your least popular. That's the only category I watch and sometimes gotta wait weeks for a new upload.
I know :/. I will continue to mix them in when I see an opportunity, despite less people watching. I'm planning an upcoming series which'll include some live HUNL gameplay from me.
Top notch video as always. Would love to see a video on bvb play if you're open to requests! But I'll happily watch anything of yours.
Hope this comment doesn't come too late! I've been having a play with your ~130/30 betsizing on the river and really like it because sizing decisions feel steamlined and clearer cut. I've seen you use it a lot in the probe river line after villian misses a turn cbet. My question is do you think its okay to use it in all, (I'm sure they're are a few exceptions!) 2 street betting situations? So for example, if you probe the turn using a 2/3rd size, and see the river, do you then go to the 30/130 sizing scheme on the river too? Another example might be, bvb when you delay cbet 2/3rds pot, on river do you use the 30/130 sizing. I worried in my attempt to simplify my sizing's I'm over doing it or miss applying it.
Would love to see a video on bvb play if you're open to requests! But I'll happily watch anything of yours.
Ah... unfortunately BvB will be one of the area's which I deliberately try to avoid, as I open small in the SB, and have a skewed BB calling range after 3bing tiny. So I'm not sure how helpful it would be to viewers.
Hope this comment doesn't come too late! I've been having a play with your ~130/30 betsizing on the river and really like it because sizing decisions feel steamlined and clearer cut. I've seen you use it a lot in the probe river line after villian misses a turn cbet. My question is do you think its okay to use it in all, (I'm sure they're are a few exceptions!) 2 street betting situations? So for example, if you probe the turn using a 2/3rd size, and see the river, do you then go to the 30/130 sizing scheme on the river too? Another example might be, bvb when you delay cbet 2/3rds pot, on river do you use the 30/130 sizing. I worried in my attempt to simplify my sizing's I'm over doing it or miss applying it.
Definitely not too late.
I know exactly what you mean by the strategy feeling more streamlined; there's less ambiguity when you've a tiny size and a massive size, as opposed to a tiny size and a slightly bigger size.
There are some exceptions, but not many! For example, play around with the 4BW runouts; you will find that the tiny sizing isn't as viable anymore.
As for other situations... yes, 30/130 is a good default structure (but again, there will be exceptions which you should try to be aware of). However, try to ensure you are OOP. So as you mentioned, probing turn and dcbT OOP BvB SRP are both great nodes to utilise it. Also, probing turns in 3bp's, too.
Thanks for the detailed reply Luke! If bvb is a no go, something on delay cbetting or delay float betting Ip would also go down a treat. I really struggle to identify which bluffing hands delay cbet or delay float bet the turn or just wait to bluff the river.
Yup, that is exactly what I mean, in single or 3 bet pots! In general the delay float bet line (and to some extent the delay cbet line) is something I struggle with (particularly selecting bluffs). PIO often bets hands that don't have much equity and I can't work out if it's blockers or unblockers that are more important. I can't seem to spot any consistent patterns.
Yup, that is exactly what I mean, in single or 3 bet pots! In general the delay float bet line (and to some extent the delay cbet line) is something I struggle with (particularly selecting bluffs). PIO often bets hands that don't have much equity and I can't work out if it's blockers or unblockers that are more important. I can't seem to spot any consistent patterns.
Would truly love to see a video on this topic.
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Hi guys,
I hope you enjoy the second part to this LLinus vs Berri HU series. This time round I decided to go with a post review format, so that I had the benefit of pausing to think through spots, etc. (I may have gone a little crazy with the pausing — sorry if it gets annoying!)
HU videos tend to get a lot less love. In fact, they have been my least successful videos for RIO so far, which is understandable. However, there are at least a few viewers out there who ask for HU content :). So if you'd like to see a part 3, please let me know!
Luke / Clanty
Would definitely like to see the part 3. Also, maybe some footage of you playing HU. Thank you :)
Would like to see part 3, I enjoy learning about the differences in HU to 6max so that I can play sometimes to start/hold tables etc. Much prefer this video to the previous one, i.e. slower play with much deeper analysis. Feel like I am learning much more that way!
Hey tanmay333
Great, thank you for the feedback! I will make a part 3!
Hey matlittle
Yep there are many differences between the two formats. I'd argue HU is as far away from BTNvsBB in 6max as SBvsBB is from BTNvsBB.
Awesome! And I agree
16.00 K82A7
You said here you would mix between ~20bb and ~40bb here on the river. Seems like a good spot to have a shoving range rather than the 40bb range, no? SB has big nut advantage and a good percentage of range that plays this way that wants to now shove - AK, KK, 88.
Good question matlittle
We have a nut advantage in hands that want to size 40bb, as well as hands that want to size AI, and we also need a 20bb bet range, too. So, we need to figure out whether want our OB to be 40bb or 130bb. If we were 100bb's preflop I would want to go 20/85. However, at 150bb's, I prefer 20/40 over 20/135. With that being said, I don't think it'd be a big mistake (or maybe even a mistake to begin with) to go with 20/135
I ran it, and got a 20/135 in my solve on the river. I'm trying to think why it differs from your solve. I ran mine with just the 1/3 cbet sizing on the flop. I think because your sim has a bigger flop sizing too, lots of the stronger hands get funnelled down this part of the game tree on the flop?
matlittle Once you arrive to river in a CBet node over all streets, there's so many things that can skew the sim. Try running some subtree's OTR; do you see any big EV skews between 70/AI and 70/OB?
70/140 IP EV 15.08BB
70/AI IP EV 15.47BB
Seems pretty significant to me
Definitely significant yes. Seems like your sim requires the shove AINEC. Fwiw, mine is very neutral. Not a huge deal either way.
Would like to see part 3/4 please
Hey Spelly89
Awesome, thank you for letting me know. Part 3 coming up :)
Very impressive Luke. Thank you for all your thoughts
Hey Dog18
Thank you! And you are most welcome!
Great video Luke, please keep the heavy content i love it
Will do Had0uken very happy to hear the heavy content isn't offputting
Great video, definitely prefer this format over the live one where you are kinda rushed to give your thoughts. Don't think pausing is annoying for the viewer, we watch those videos to learn, not to rail.
Kinda disapointing that HU videos are your least popular. That's the only category I watch and sometimes gotta wait weeks for a new upload.
Hey bouscotte
Great, I think most people enjoyed this format a lot more. Fair point about the railing, I suppose it's fun to me that I'm railing live, but not so much to the viewer.
I know :/. I will continue to mix them in when I see an opportunity, despite less people watching. I'm planning an upcoming series which'll include some live HUNL gameplay from me.
Top notch video as always. Would love to see a video on bvb play if you're open to requests! But I'll happily watch anything of yours.
Hope this comment doesn't come too late! I've been having a play with your ~130/30 betsizing on the river and really like it because sizing decisions feel steamlined and clearer cut. I've seen you use it a lot in the probe river line after villian misses a turn cbet. My question is do you think its okay to use it in all, (I'm sure they're are a few exceptions!) 2 street betting situations? So for example, if you probe the turn using a 2/3rd size, and see the river, do you then go to the 30/130 sizing scheme on the river too? Another example might be, bvb when you delay cbet 2/3rds pot, on river do you use the 30/130 sizing. I worried in my attempt to simplify my sizing's I'm over doing it or miss applying it.
Hey babaar
Thank you :)
Ah... unfortunately BvB will be one of the area's which I deliberately try to avoid, as I open small in the SB, and have a skewed BB calling range after 3bing tiny. So I'm not sure how helpful it would be to viewers.
Definitely not too late.
I know exactly what you mean by the strategy feeling more streamlined; there's less ambiguity when you've a tiny size and a massive size, as opposed to a tiny size and a slightly bigger size.
There are some exceptions, but not many! For example, play around with the 4BW runouts; you will find that the tiny sizing isn't as viable anymore.
As for other situations... yes, 30/130 is a good default structure (but again, there will be exceptions which you should try to be aware of). However, try to ensure you are OOP. So as you mentioned, probing turn and dcbT OOP BvB SRP are both great nodes to utilise it. Also, probing turns in 3bp's, too.
Thanks for the detailed reply Luke! If bvb is a no go, something on delay cbetting or delay float betting Ip would also go down a treat. I really struggle to identify which bluffing hands delay cbet or delay float bet the turn or just wait to bluff the river.
By delayed float bet, do you mean:
BTN calls BB 3b IP preflop, fails to stab flop, but then stabs turn
If so, I can definitely make a video on these type of topics, as with delayed cbetting.
Yup, that is exactly what I mean, in single or 3 bet pots! In general the delay float bet line (and to some extent the delay cbet line) is something I struggle with (particularly selecting bluffs). PIO often bets hands that don't have much equity and I can't work out if it's blockers or unblockers that are more important. I can't seem to spot any consistent patterns.
Would truly love to see a video on this topic.
Ok sure, will think about it :)
More pls
More incoming :) brownballa55
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