3:20 table 2 a7, does the turn analysis of us having a range and polarity advantage extend to the same positions but in a full ring game? I think ranges are narrower and there is less 3 betting from the bb, as such we don't have to totally polarize turn if we want to bet.
8:00 table 4 jj you said if either player bets flop into both of you, you would fold but if checked to you, you would bet and call a xr jam. If that xr comes from the blind, he is xr jamming into two people and similarly i feel you should fold,whereas vs utg you can call as he could potentially have a wider range.
3:20 table 2 a7, does the turn analysis of us having a range and polarity advantage extend to the same positions but in a full ring game? I think ranges are narrower and there is less 3 betting from the bb, as such we don't have to totally polarize turn if we want to bet.
I would imagine so, yes.
8:00 table 4 jj you said if either player bets flop into both of you, you would fold but if checked to you, you would bet and call a xr jam. If that xr comes from the blind, he is xr jamming into two people and similarly i feel you should fold,whereas vs utg you can call as he could potentially have a wider range
Yes, however, a jam from the BB gives me infinite pot odds as he is shorter relative to myself and UTG.
E.g. if I stab 15bb, BB jams and UTG folds, I get 2.86:1 / 25.9% pot odds. It wouldn't be a thrilling spot, but I doubt we would be able to fold. I'd only need BB to have a couple semibluffs (AKo with a club/Axcc) to make my call good.
Hello Luke,
Just wondered what the logic was for the check-raise with AK on JJ9ss vs the recreational player at 24.30? I can understand betting or check-calling, but I'm a little confused as to why you like check-raise here?
This is a play at EQ. And I expect recs to:
• sometimes size their trips according to hand strength (2/3p+), thus anything smaller is likely too weak in a vacuum
• stab too many middling hands, like underpairs, which I can pressure and pick up ev against on future streets (and potentially already OTF)
So I expect it to over realise vs GTO, which is already mixing
This is a play at EQ.
I'm not seeing it on GTOWizard AI, I used both standard BTN flatting range and a much wider range that a rec might use. I know you use PIO though, so maybe PIO is doing it with some frequency.
I also node-locked a high rec stab frequency, plus a slight overfold vs the check-raise and GTOWizard still is just check-calling with no spade.
EV difference between call and raise is not massive for some combos like AoKh though, so if you are able to use bet sizing tells to generate future EV then it might be still a good play. I would also argue that you could do that after just calling the flop too though, as this player will likely bet their hand strength on the turn if you just called too.
EV difference between call and raise is not massive for some combos like AoKh though
No EV diff at EQ, hence mixing
I would also argue that you could do that after just calling the flop too though, as this player will likely bet their hand strength on the turn if you just called too.
Great point, this is something I overlooked. And given this we probably realise more info via XC versus XR. So XC/XR likely realise more vs recs here than vs GTO, but perhaps XC realises even a little more. Nice!
8:00 with JJ here
tough spot here 3 ways, he opened utg, called the cold 4 bet from sb
qq, 1010, 99? im not sure, can he shove akcc here on the flop?
i think jj is either beat, or he has a ton of equity vs you, however like you said he can have 1010, if we know villain can shove clubs here does it make the call more reasonable?
villain can shove clubs here does it make the call more reasonable?
It makes it more reasonable yes, however, there aren't many club hands that COLD CALL the 4b. All of them are going to be live with two overs as well, and therefore we at best expect to be flipping, minus some occasional TT shoves. I like this fold in hindsight
really interesting line to go for here double check raise on the flop and turn,
if he bets small, we check raise turn and hes weak, if he checks back turn, we bet big on river get him off of some spades, or his weak holdings, but if river is a spade, we dont always bet the river, yes crazy he didnt shove 10s full there lol after your big river bet
Thanks mate, agreed it's a really interesting HH/thought discovery process that was also PIO approved, despite me mostly thinking through an exploit arc here only vs villain
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Excellent series!
3:20 table 2 a7, does the turn analysis of us having a range and polarity advantage extend to the same positions but in a full ring game? I think ranges are narrower and there is less 3 betting from the bb, as such we don't have to totally polarize turn if we want to bet.
8:00 table 4 jj you said if either player bets flop into both of you, you would fold but if checked to you, you would bet and call a xr jam. If that xr comes from the blind, he is xr jamming into two people and similarly i feel you should fold,whereas vs utg you can call as he could potentially have a wider range.
SoundSpeed Thank you! Glad you enjoyed :)
I would imagine so, yes.
Yes, however, a jam from the BB gives me infinite pot odds as he is shorter relative to myself and UTG.
E.g. if I stab 15bb, BB jams and UTG folds, I get 2.86:1 / 25.9% pot odds. It wouldn't be a thrilling spot, but I doubt we would be able to fold. I'd only need BB to have a couple semibluffs (AKo with a club/Axcc) to make my call good.
Dark like for our boy
<3 nogamblenofuture thanks mate
Hello Luke,
Just wondered what the logic was for the check-raise with AK on JJ9ss vs the recreational player at 24.30? I can understand betting or check-calling, but I'm a little confused as to why you like check-raise here?
Hey matlittle
This is a play at EQ. And I expect recs to:
• sometimes size their trips according to hand strength (2/3p+), thus anything smaller is likely too weak in a vacuum
• stab too many middling hands, like underpairs, which I can pressure and pick up ev against on future streets (and potentially already OTF)
So I expect it to over realise vs GTO, which is already mixing
EV difference between call and raise is not massive for some combos like AoKh though, so if you are able to use bet sizing tells to generate future EV then it might be still a good play. I would also argue that you could do that after just calling the flop too though, as this player will likely bet their hand strength on the turn if you just called too.
No EV diff at EQ, hence mixing
Great point, this is something I overlooked. And given this we probably realise more info via XC versus XR. So XC/XR likely realise more vs recs here than vs GTO, but perhaps XC realises even a little more. Nice!
8:00 with JJ here

tough spot here 3 ways, he opened utg, called the cold 4 bet from sb
qq, 1010, 99? im not sure, can he shove akcc here on the flop?
i think jj is either beat, or he has a ton of equity vs you, however like you said he can have 1010, if we know villain can shove clubs here does it make the call more reasonable?
It makes it more reasonable yes, however, there aren't many club hands that COLD CALL the 4b. All of them are going to be live with two overs as well, and therefore we at best expect to be flipping, minus some occasional TT shoves. I like this fold in hindsight
really interesting line to go for here double check raise on the flop and turn,
if he bets small, we check raise turn and hes weak, if he checks back turn, we bet big on river get him off of some spades, or his weak holdings, but if river is a spade, we dont always bet the river, yes crazy he didnt shove 10s full there lol after your big river bet
Thanks mate, agreed it's a really interesting HH/thought discovery process that was also PIO approved, despite me mostly thinking through an exploit arc here only vs villain
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