Thanks for the great video always Luke!
Here with TT on 200bb deep ,
As far as I know, in theory we have to use a bigger cold 4b sizing here than 100bb depth (at least on gto wiz), the good professionals you and I know prefer small 4b sizing regardless of stack depth. Will there not be much loss of EV if we play this way? If I use smaller 4b sizing in the table then villain gets too good Odds in IP and it's uncomfortable for me to play 4bp of high spr on OOP, so I often do 4b big OOP. (which GTO wiz prefers.) The problem is that we have to do various hands 4b so that our range doesn't cap to around QQ-AA, AKo, KQs, A5s. But then sometimes we play very big pot on oop with relatively bad hands, and it's too hard unless we fit the board well. I don't know how to solve this dilemma.
Tbh, I don't think it matters all that much. Perhaps sizing up a little is more suited to the situation. In general, though, I'm not overly concerned if I size 'incorrectly' preflop, so long as I'm not way, way out of line. Note that the closer you are to showdown, the steeper EV losses become. Preflop becomes very negligible for this reason.
As a side note, I personally have not looked much into correct c4b sizes at 200 blinds. So whilst I cannot say what is correct, I also would not trust GTOw sims without some research of my own first.
This is another topic.
Can you share some how to use this Starscaption fold equity stuff in this video? It looks cool b
"It's not spew if it gets through." I like that way of thinking :)
Lol, I am glad you like it :D.
10:20 table 2 qq if you face a river bet is it strictly a call or fold spot or can you mix in some big check raise bluffs?
Big river 3b looks very good here. AQ and Q9 are very credibly repped hands in our range here given our pot check approach to both flop and turn. In fact, AQ should almost arrive pure, and it's completely asymmetrical in our favour. SO yeah, looks very, very solid to bet-3b QQ
At 34.10 with TT on 754r in cold 4bet pot
You decided on a range bet here for ~40% pot, but I think this is way off. My sim here is betting 35% of the time for half pot. Obviously it will be sensitive to the preflop ranges we use, but I think range bet is going to be a mistake.
At 34.10 with TT on 754r in cold 4bet pot
You decided on a range bet here for ~40% pot, but I think this is way off. My sim here is betting 35% of the time for half pot. Obviously it will be sensitive to the preflop ranges we use, but I think range bet is going to be a mistake.
I nodelocked GTOWizard AI to rangebet for 38% pot, and compared it with it's preferred strategy - the difference in EV for OOP is around 1.3BB
Yep I covered this in the review. Usually in OOP 4BP's (RFI>4b), we play 1/2p and check often. However, with our c4b range being stronger linearly, I thought we may be able to mitigate checking. I was wrong
• whilst our c4b range is stronger linearly, we completely brick the low nature of the flop
• whilst our rfi>4b range is weaker linearly, we either include some lower PP's or SC's -- sometimes both. This helps restore/balance the weaker linear part of our range TL;DR Do NOT try to range bet these lower textures :D
min 10. QQ on KJ8 board. You check turn because you only want to have a overbetting range. Is it also fine to have a half pot or 75% pot size on turn? That way you get to bet QQ and strong Jx hands on the turn. If the river turns a J you are less capped in that situation, but I can also understand that its such a small frequantie event that it doesnt really matter.
If the board were K82J, I would consider a 1/2p delayed turn cbet size more, as my strategy OTF would have been 1/3p/check, lending me to have less Kx arriving to the turn. On KJ82, my strategy will become a lot more polarised OTF, a clear pot/check. Now, I have a lot more Kx arriving to the turn, so I want to polarise.
Honestly, a 1/2p delay wouldn't be too bad on KJ82, but I prefer my delay OB approach.
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Thanks for the great video always Luke!
Here with TT on 200bb deep ,
As far as I know, in theory we have to use a bigger cold 4b sizing here than 100bb depth (at least on gto wiz), the good professionals you and I know prefer small 4b sizing regardless of stack depth. Will there not be much loss of EV if we play this way? If I use smaller 4b sizing in the table then villain gets too good Odds in IP and it's uncomfortable for me to play 4bp of high spr on OOP, so I often do 4b big OOP. (which GTO wiz prefers.) The problem is that we have to do various hands 4b so that our range doesn't cap to around QQ-AA, AKo, KQs, A5s. But then sometimes we play very big pot on oop with relatively bad hands, and it's too hard unless we fit the board well. I don't know how to solve this dilemma.
Hey BlankyLion
Tbh, I don't think it matters all that much. Perhaps sizing up a little is more suited to the situation. In general, though, I'm not overly concerned if I size 'incorrectly' preflop, so long as I'm not way, way out of line. Note that the closer you are to showdown, the steeper EV losses become. Preflop becomes very negligible for this reason.
As a side note, I personally have not looked much into correct c4b sizes at 200 blinds. So whilst I cannot say what is correct, I also would not trust GTOw sims without some research of my own first.
This is another topic.
Can you share some how to use this Starscaption fold equity stuff in this video? It looks cool b
I do not use Starscaption anymore unfortunately. IIRC I hired someone to help set it all up for me, sorry
THIS may help
Anyone else feel like they are getting full subscription value just from Luke videos themselves? ��
You're too kind blushes <3
Excellent video! "It's not spew if it gets through." I like that way of thinking :)
10:20 table 2 qq if you face a river bet is it strictly a call or fold spot or can you mix in some big check raise bluffs?
Thank you mate!
Lol, I am glad you like it :D.
Big river 3b looks very good here. AQ and Q9 are very credibly repped hands in our range here given our pot check approach to both flop and turn. In fact, AQ should almost arrive pure, and it's completely asymmetrical in our favour. SO yeah, looks very, very solid to bet-3b QQ
At 34.10 with TT on 754r in cold 4bet pot
You decided on a range bet here for ~40% pot, but I think this is way off. My sim here is betting 35% of the time for half pot. Obviously it will be sensitive to the preflop ranges we use, but I think range bet is going to be a mistake.
I nodelocked GTOWizard AI to rangebet for 38% pot, and compared it with it's preferred strategy - the difference in EV for OOP is around 1.3BB
Yep I covered this in the review. Usually in OOP 4BP's (RFI>4b), we play 1/2p and check often. However, with our c4b range being stronger linearly, I thought we may be able to mitigate checking. I was wrong
• whilst our c4b range is stronger linearly, we completely brick the low nature of the flop
• whilst our rfi>4b range is weaker linearly, we either include some lower PP's or SC's -- sometimes both. This helps restore/balance the weaker linear part of our range
Do NOT try to range bet these lower textures :D
great video luke thanks!
Thanks mate! <3
min 10. QQ on KJ8 board. You check turn because you only want to have a overbetting range. Is it also fine to have a half pot or 75% pot size on turn? That way you get to bet QQ and strong Jx hands on the turn. If the river turns a J you are less capped in that situation, but I can also understand that its such a small frequantie event that it doesnt really matter.
If the board were K82J, I would consider a 1/2p delayed turn cbet size more, as my strategy OTF would have been 1/3p/check, lending me to have less Kx arriving to the turn. On KJ82, my strategy will become a lot more polarised OTF, a clear pot/check. Now, I have a lot more Kx arriving to the turn, so I want to polarise.
Honestly, a 1/2p delay wouldn't be too bad on KJ82, but I prefer my delay OB approach.
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