How do you use these notes you take after reviewing hands? Do you do further work once you've taken them, or do you simply take them as reinforcement as you review hands and leave it at that?
How do you use these notes you take after reviewing hands? Do you do further work once you've taken them, or do you simply take them as reinforcement as you review hands and leave it at that?
Good question. I will typically keep these in a saved notepad. When booting up a session I make a habit of skimming through the notes. Once I feel the note has been internalised well enough (i.e. reading the entry doesn't feel new/foreign anymore), I'll remove it. Other times when I'm more unsure, I'll save the entry in my study notepad, which means to instead of just skim read through it briefly, I'll dedicate some time to properly research.
Hello Luke, I'm a little confused about the 77 hand. At ~9.00 you show that the A53rK will play more polar than the A53rJ when multiple sizings are used. So will you be using multiple turn sizings here, or just one? I would have thought that just 1 polar sizing would be enough for this situation. If that's the case, then 77 actually seems to bet more in my sims on the J turn because there's a higher frequency turn barrel on the J than the K.
15.20 - 33 on 952r
I think the 44 stabs more than the 33 because it blocks more of the SB continuing range - i.e. there's more A4s than A3s in SB's range. SB will XR some of these A4s and A3s hands, which is of course not what you want when you stab these hands here.
Similar thing going on at 24.00 where you are supposed to shove A5s and not A4s - 55 is part of SB's bet-call range whereas 44 is not in SB's range. (Of course these are only minor effects)
15.20 - 33 on 952r
I think the 44 stabs more than the 33 because it blocks more of the SB continuing range - i.e. there's more A4s than A3s in SB's range. SB will XR some of these A4s and A3s hands, which is of course not what you want when you stab these hands here.
Similar thing going on at 24.00 where you are supposed to shove A5s and not A4s - 55 is part of SB's bet-call range whereas 44 is not in SB's range. (Of course these are only minor effects)
Yes, definitely. We should know that A5s>A4s and 44>33. What I was more focused on discussing was that it's not possible to know the exact freq thresholds for each. E.g. A5s>A4s & 44>33, however, both hands may have been pure checks. My goal is to work out roughly the threshold freq and then go with the hand logics you discuss.
I really like this review of the drill session. I don't think I have seen another coach make an entire video into this kind of review.
3:05 so does qx have absolutely no sdv? Are we looking to fold out lower pocket pairs with our bet while blocking some of our opoonents decent kx?
6:50 you said spades should be better than clubs to raise. Is that because of the interaction with the ace on board?
9:13 k vs j turn is interesting. So on a k, the 7s are bluffing, but on the j they don't bluff. If we are polarizing on the k but linear on the j does that mean betting 77 pushes us into an overbluff? It is confusing to me why they are so different.
I really like this review of the drill session. I don't think I have seen another coach make an entire video into this kind of review.
Thanks mate, I am planning to do some more of these in the future.
3:05 so does qx have absolutely no sdv? Are we looking to fold out lower pocket pairs with our bet while blocking some of our opoonents decent kx?
Qx hasn't enough to consider not bluffing here. The better your SDV (checking EV), the more your bluffing EV has to be to break even, or win, vs checking.
Yes, in this case we plan to fold out lower pockets/BW's that peeled flop, whilst blocking plenty of K Q/J s/o
6:50 you said spades should be better than clubs to raise. Is that because of the interaction with the ace on board?
Yes, even though clubs block A5s A4s and spades don't, our spades draw to a bdfd that hasn't got Ax available to it anymore. This not only reduces bdfd presence in OOP's range, but also removes a combo that is combined with TP, too. This outweighs the first point.
9:13 k vs j turn is interesting. So on a k, the 7s are bluffing, but on the j they don't bluff. If we are polarizing on the k but linear on the j does that mean betting 77 pushes us into an overbluff? It is confusing to me why they are so different.
On Kx we become hyperpolarised, instead of just regularly polarising on Jx. The more hyperpolarised you become, the more viable these lower pockets/thinner bluffs get, as they are now presented with more fold equity, which they are so badly striving for.
I was a little surprised to see this sim (above) at 51.40 with so many continues from the hh region on A33r. Sounds like you were in the video too. Tried to replicate it on GTOWizard and my sim looks fairly different:
hh only hands:
Curious as to how your sim could end up being so different?
I tried to replicate your BTN calling range somewhat.
Worth noting that I get 0% raising range once the sim is simplified from multiple from sizings to just the one 20% sizing. (With multiple sizings it's only 2% though also).
Hard to know for sure, there'll be some nuance in the range outputs. I use a monker pack for BBvsBTN which can sometimes be quite different to GTOw. As mentioned in another one of my videos "My Best Advice to a Low Stakes Grinder", I tend not to put much mental weight into ranges.
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Hey Luke, great video as always!
How do you use these notes you take after reviewing hands? Do you do further work once you've taken them, or do you simply take them as reinforcement as you review hands and leave it at that?
Thank you.
Hey puchinopio thank you very much!
Good question. I will typically keep these in a saved notepad. When booting up a session I make a habit of skimming through the notes. Once I feel the note has been internalised well enough (i.e. reading the entry doesn't feel new/foreign anymore), I'll remove it. Other times when I'm more unsure, I'll save the entry in my study notepad, which means to instead of just skim read through it briefly, I'll dedicate some time to properly research.
Welcome :)
Hello Luke, I'm a little confused about the 77 hand. At ~9.00 you show that the A53rK will play more polar than the A53rJ when multiple sizings are used. So will you be using multiple turn sizings here, or just one? I would have thought that just 1 polar sizing would be enough for this situation. If that's the case, then 77 actually seems to bet more in my sims on the J turn because there's a higher frequency turn barrel on the J than the K.
Hey matlittle
I won't be using multiple turn sizes on either card, however, A53K requires more polarisation than A53J, PSB vs 2/3p / 1/2p.
As you can see in the video, 77 makes for a better hyperpolar CBet for pot than it does for a more merged 1/2p / polar 2/3p cbet, respectively.
Tbh, I'm not 100% sure why this happens. However, it is a reliable heuristic to find more PP's when hyperpolar cbetting versus more merged cbetting.
15.20 - 33 on 952r
I think the 44 stabs more than the 33 because it blocks more of the SB continuing range - i.e. there's more A4s than A3s in SB's range. SB will XR some of these A4s and A3s hands, which is of course not what you want when you stab these hands here.
Similar thing going on at 24.00 where you are supposed to shove A5s and not A4s - 55 is part of SB's bet-call range whereas 44 is not in SB's range. (Of course these are only minor effects)
Yes, definitely. We should know that A5s>A4s and 44>33. What I was more focused on discussing was that it's not possible to know the exact freq thresholds for each. E.g. A5s>A4s & 44>33, however, both hands may have been pure checks. My goal is to work out roughly the threshold freq and then go with the hand logics you discuss.
I really like this review of the drill session. I don't think I have seen another coach make an entire video into this kind of review.
3:05 so does qx have absolutely no sdv? Are we looking to fold out lower pocket pairs with our bet while blocking some of our opoonents decent kx?
6:50 you said spades should be better than clubs to raise. Is that because of the interaction with the ace on board?
9:13 k vs j turn is interesting. So on a k, the 7s are bluffing, but on the j they don't bluff. If we are polarizing on the k but linear on the j does that mean betting 77 pushes us into an overbluff? It is confusing to me why they are so different.
Thanks mate, I am planning to do some more of these in the future.
Qx hasn't enough to consider not bluffing here. The better your SDV (checking EV), the more your bluffing EV has to be to break even, or win, vs checking.
Yes, in this case we plan to fold out lower pockets/BW's that peeled flop, whilst blocking plenty of K Q/J s/o
Yes, even though clubs block A5s A4s and spades don't, our spades draw to a bdfd that hasn't got Ax available to it anymore. This not only reduces bdfd presence in OOP's range, but also removes a combo that is combined with TP, too. This outweighs the first point.
On Kx we become hyperpolarised, instead of just regularly polarising on Jx. The more hyperpolarised you become, the more viable these lower pockets/thinner bluffs get, as they are now presented with more fold equity, which they are so badly striving for.
Welcome :)
I was a little surprised to see this sim (above) at 51.40 with so many continues from the hh region on A33r. Sounds like you were in the video too. Tried to replicate it on GTOWizard and my sim looks fairly different:
hh only hands:
Curious as to how your sim could end up being so different?
I tried to replicate your BTN calling range somewhat.
Worth noting that I get 0% raising range once the sim is simplified from multiple from sizings to just the one 20% sizing. (With multiple sizings it's only 2% though also).
Hard to know for sure, there'll be some nuance in the range outputs. I use a monker pack for BBvsBTN which can sometimes be quite different to GTOw. As mentioned in another one of my videos "My Best Advice to a Low Stakes Grinder", I tend not to put much mental weight into ranges.
14:48, you mentioned here that if we bet pot on this flop we can shove the turn on a 6, does that include spade turnn 6s?
On a 6s and 8s, completing both FD's and SD's, we'd want to shut down with basically our entire range, as they are such board hitting cards for IP.
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