Hey, really liked this video and got a lot from it. One spot really confused me though. At 21 mins bvb you cbet 9c7c on 9d8c4d and mention 3betting Qd9 because the Qd blocks his continues. I can't follow your thought process here. If it's a value 3bet you want to unblock continues and if you are bluffing you want to block his continues. So are you bluff 3betting Qd9? Im really confused, would you mind explaining it for me.
babaar Good question! It's quite tricky; we are value 3betting, yet we do prefer the extra blocker, because of the extra equity it brings.
Nutted hands make more money unblocking the continues. Essentially, the opportunity cost of villain making and having stronger hands is a net positive, as the extremely nutted hand are often ahead anyway. However, the more neutral holdings prefer extra the blocker (equity).
Here is an example which may help you to understand:
JJxx > JJsx on 963ss BBvsBTN 3BP (All combos of JJ are happy and willing to gii; unblocking the spades helps this cause)
JJxx < JJsx on 963ss BTNvsBB SRP (Only the spade combos are happy and willing to gii; blocking the spades helps this cause)
Thank you for explaining that. I tend to avoid making these more neutral 3bets in single raised pots because I feel very unsure of how to react to any future aggression. If villian shoves we can't call Qd9 can we? I feel like we get shown a combo draw or 2pr every time. Or we three bet his raise with the Qd9, villian calls the 3bet, we get a 9742 turn, we bet and he shoves, I think we get shown 97 or 74 almost every time, so we feel a bit stupid and fold? Or we get an evil 5/6/8/T/J turn and we're now in a bigger pot and potentially making a bigger mistake. Am I looking at this wrong?
Thank you for explaining that. I tend to avoid making these more neutral 3bets in single raised pots because I feel very unsure of how to react to any future aggression.
Totally understandable. However, my advice will always be to try and get your hands a little dirty — being unsure should inspire growth!
If villian shoves we can't call Qd9 can we? I feel like we get shown a combo draw or 2pr every time.
We are coming close to the bottom of our value 3bet range, so we can snap fold vs a 4bjam. 3bet-folding may seem like a bad outcome in isolation, but in truth it is absolutely reasonable, and part and parcel of a good, aggressive strategy.
Or we get an evil 5/6/8/T/J turn and we're now in a bigger pot and potentially making a bigger mistake. Am I looking at this wrong?
Indeed, you may make potentially bigger mistakes. But... so might villain? :)
Hey, really liked this video and got a lot from it. One spot really confused me though. At 21 mins bvb you cbet 9c7c on 9d8c4d and mention 3betting Qd9 because the Qd blocks his continues. I can't follow your thought process here. If it's a value 3bet you want to unblock continues and if you are bluffing you want to block his continues. So are you bluff 3betting Qd9? Im really confused, would you mind explaining it for me.
Idea for upcoming videos, tough subject would be how to find more easily the heuristics regarding random 2nd barrel bluffs that Pio picks and humans mostly never do :) I'm sure it would be a captivating one although tbf you already started to mention some heuristics in this video.
36' about the J44b CO vs BB srp, you mention that if we are UTG vs BB, the trips advantage from BB is irrelevant (hence we can range bet), although especially with your small open size BB will have clearly more trips.
Can we make the deduction that the trips advantage only matters if it's regarding the offsuit combos ? and that it's not about the PFR having very little or no trips in their opening range if vilain has some ?
At this SPR I was thinking the trips advantage was a thing compared to 3BP 4BP where solvers don't seem to care if fewer nutted combos aren't in the OR's range.
Hi wadja94 ! Cheers mate, glad you've enjoyed and like the format :)
Idea for upcoming videos, tough subject would be how to find more easily the heuristics regarding random 2nd barrel bluffs that Pio picks and humans mostly never do :) I'm sure it would be a captivating one although tbf you already started to mention some heuristics in this video.
Unnatural bluffs is something I am already planning on making a video about (Y)
36' about the J44b CO vs BB srp, you mention that if we are UTG vs BB, the trips advantage from BB is irrelevant (hence we can range bet), although especially with your small open size BB will have clearly more trips.
He will indeed. However, he will also have more junk that xf's.
Can we make the deduction that the trips advantage only matters if it's regarding the offsuit combos ? and that it's not about the PFR having very little or no trips in their opening range if vilain has some ?
I do not believe we can, no. Via my 2x RFI, BB has offsuit combos vs MP, and I can still range bet.
18mins hand
the AdKh , on the river you wanted to randomize a call there, but don't we have already enough hands to call down? 8x 7x some Tx xbacks(some might raise the turn but still), a couple low pp with the spade some flushes. I guess my question is why not pure fold that one? and randomize the one with As instead?
Also do you think he bluffs a hand like A5hh in that fashion? Those Kjo he could have we can agree he probably mostly bets on the flop, the ones he check are probably low %
edit: forgot to mention the KJo is already low% 3bet , so assuming he somewhat splits on the flop it's almost residual?
Would like to know you thoughts a little more deep here if you don't mind, thanks.
Good video overall ofc
the AdKh , on the river you wanted to randomize a call there, but don't we have already enough hands to call down? 8x 7x some Tx xbacks(some might raise the turn but still), a couple low pp with the spade some flushes. I guess my question is why not pure fold that one? and randomize the one with As instead?
We don't have enough hands, henceforth we need to mix our combo. Simplifying to only RnG'ing the As hands isn't a bad idea, however, it will lend you to overfolding by some margin, as there are other hands that require mixing, too
Also do you think he bluffs a hand like A5hh in that fashion? Those Kjo he could have we can agree he probably mostly bets on the flop, the ones he check are probably low %
edit: forgot to mention the KJo is already low% 3bet , so assuming he somewhat splits on the flop it's almost residual?
A5hh seems too wide to start bluffing ott with the wealth of other draws to use first
Very glad to hear you will be staying another year.
I get a lot out of this type of video format. You are able to give solver explanations while not actually going through the sim which allows for us to get through more hands. I do get a lot out of deeper analysis of fewer hands where we actually go through the sims, but this format is very efficient and informative.
Very glad to hear you will be staying another year.
Thank you!
I get a lot out of this type of video format. You are able to give solver explanations while not actually going through the sim which allows for us to get through more hands. I do get a lot out of deeper analysis of fewer hands where we actually go through the sims, but this format is very efficient and informative.
Cheers mate, glad you are enjoying and learning :). Understood re. deeper analysis videos!
Luke Johnson I was planning on doing a deep dive into playing AK-AT +KQ in 3b pots OOP from the blinds vs BU. I'm mostly interested bettering my play on low boards, 9 high and lower and getting the size+freq right and creating a bucketed strategy. If your looking for new ideas this would be one I would be interested in.
I'm also planning on going over 3b pots where I am the caller with 88-JJ and face a cbet on a low board. I found these spots can be tricky. It seems the larger villians cbet the more agressive we play these pairs in some spots....
Not sure if this is the kind of stuff your interested into diving deeper on your channel and if not i'm planning on going over these spots anyway and will continue watching your content.
22:30 you talk about global frequency, could you please expand on this? and the implications on this hand.
Global frequency is a term describing your ranges overall frequency. The implications is as discussed in the video; that my hand is cbetting more than "global".
Sizing of bet @ 21mins also confused me, wonder if that is relevant to what you are talking about at 22:30...
Hey Luke Johnson, great video and we really enjoy the high stakes action! They are great not only because of your analysis, but also because we can see how other top players approach some spots.
Similarly to you, in game I would probably mix between check and bet big with the Q5ss on bottom left @10:00. Do you have anything to say that would make me understand this spot better? My understanding is that our hand is too strong to be reduced as a bluff catcher on the river. In other words, it is a strong hand when we bet and villain's range is wide, but it is reduced to a bluff catcher vs a narrower betting range. That being said, my explanation seems a bit superficial. Is there anything you could add that would help me understand this spot better?
Similarly to you, in game I would probably mix between check and bet big with the Q5ss on bottom left @10:00. Do you have anything to say that would make me understand this spot better? My understanding is that our hand is too strong to be reduced as a bluff catcher on the river. In other words, it is a strong hand when we bet and villain's range is wide, but it is reduced to a bluff catcher vs a narrower betting range. That being said, my explanation seems a bit superficial. Is there anything you could add that would help me understand this spot better?
As played vs BTN, our hand is worth an OB, and with strong unblockers (5s kicker), we choose to utilise it every time. If we had 3p's, we'd look to play more passively, despite having more equity&EV, due to our poor blockers to villains calls, and our better unblockers to villains bluffs.
Tier 1 content. Curious about what is the value betting threshold for that sizing OTR. A5+ seems good enough but how the side card along with a 5 impacts the threshold here.
Good stuff good job articulating the kind of frequencies and mixes / strategies pio work you have clearly done. One of the best strat videos I’ve seen in my years being a member here. Kudos
You mentioned him going 2/3 on the river isn’t bad, that you prefer a big or small size, 25 or 135% sizing with his bluff. With villains missed draws here, and bluffing this river specifically when turn goes check check, what do we do to decipher with a big or small size?
So villain bet 2/3 pot here on the river right, you mentioned that it is reasonable but you would have a big size or a small size to bet here as a bluff. How do we differentiate with which sizing to go with on the river with our bluffs, as it correlates with our value? Since we’re going big or small
We first figure out what we want our range to do, then we try to mirror our bluffs. In this case OOP OTR can go 1/3 and 2/3 or 1/3 and OB. Both are reasonable. I prefer 1/3 OB, however this is merely preference.
Totally different ball game. We first think about what villain is has likely messed up already, and what the consequences to this are. Then we try to target accordingly.
Loading 54 Comments...
Nice one!
Thank you GoldenCardVG :)
part 2! Solid commentary as always
Appreciate it :) brownballa55
Part 2 coming up!
When you Just woke up and you see a new video of Luke Johnson in your feed, you know it's going to be a great day.
Hellkid13 Very flattering, thank you :)
great video! would love to see part2
domifi Cheers! Glad you enjoyed (Y)
Part 2 coming up :)
Hey, really liked this video and got a lot from it. One spot really confused me though. At 21 mins bvb you cbet 9c7c on 9d8c4d and mention 3betting Qd9 because the Qd blocks his continues. I can't follow your thought process here. If it's a value 3bet you want to unblock continues and if you are bluffing you want to block his continues. So are you bluff 3betting Qd9? Im really confused, would you mind explaining it for me.
babaar Good question! It's quite tricky; we are value 3betting, yet we do prefer the extra blocker, because of the extra equity it brings.
Nutted hands make more money unblocking the continues. Essentially, the opportunity cost of villain making and having stronger hands is a net positive, as the extremely nutted hand are often ahead anyway. However, the more neutral holdings prefer extra the blocker (equity).
Here is an example which may help you to understand:
JJxx > JJsx on 963ss BBvsBTN 3BP (All combos of JJ are happy and willing to gii; unblocking the spades helps this cause)
JJxx < JJsx on 963ss BTNvsBB SRP (Only the spade combos are happy and willing to gii; blocking the spades helps this cause)
Hope this helps. Feel free to question further!
Thank you for explaining that. I tend to avoid making these more neutral 3bets in single raised pots because I feel very unsure of how to react to any future aggression. If villian shoves we can't call Qd9 can we? I feel like we get shown a combo draw or 2pr every time. Or we three bet his raise with the Qd9, villian calls the 3bet, we get a 9742 turn, we bet and he shoves, I think we get shown 97 or 74 almost every time, so we feel a bit stupid and fold? Or we get an evil 5/6/8/T/J turn and we're now in a bigger pot and potentially making a bigger mistake. Am I looking at this wrong?
Totally understandable. However, my advice will always be to try and get your hands a little dirty — being unsure should inspire growth!
We are coming close to the bottom of our value 3bet range, so we can snap fold vs a 4bjam. 3bet-folding may seem like a bad outcome in isolation, but in truth it is absolutely reasonable, and part and parcel of a good, aggressive strategy.
Indeed, you may make potentially bigger mistakes. But... so might villain? :)
Hey, really liked this video and got a lot from it. One spot really confused me though. At 21 mins bvb you cbet 9c7c on 9d8c4d and mention 3betting Qd9 because the Qd blocks his continues. I can't follow your thought process here. If it's a value 3bet you want to unblock continues and if you are bluffing you want to block his continues. So are you bluff 3betting Qd9? Im really confused, would you mind explaining it for me.
Yes please to part 2...
Answered in your other post.
Part 2 coming soon :)
These videos are very helpful. Great news that you've signed another contract.
Very pleased to hear they are helpful! nogamblenofuture
More to come :)
Very glad to hear you have signed for another year. Part 2 would be great to see.
These style of videos are the best bang for our time.
I_Fold_Jacks Thank you!
I agree. As a content creator and content consumer, I believe these are very efficient. Happy to hear other video ideas if you've any.
23:30- Can/should BB XB Turn at any frequency?
After you 4-Bet 77 LJvsSB, are we purecalling vs all-in?
Duke0424 Are you talking about the 98o? Yes, I would imagine so!
No, pure fold.
Hey Luke another super vid ! Love this format.
Idea for upcoming videos, tough subject would be how to find more easily the heuristics regarding random 2nd barrel bluffs that Pio picks and humans mostly never do :) I'm sure it would be a captivating one although tbf you already started to mention some heuristics in this video.
36' about the J44b CO vs BB srp, you mention that if we are UTG vs BB, the trips advantage from BB is irrelevant (hence we can range bet), although especially with your small open size BB will have clearly more trips.
Can we make the deduction that the trips advantage only matters if it's regarding the offsuit combos ? and that it's not about the PFR having very little or no trips in their opening range if vilain has some ?
At this SPR I was thinking the trips advantage was a thing compared to 3BP 4BP where solvers don't seem to care if fewer nutted combos aren't in the OR's range.
Thanks !
Hi wadja94 ! Cheers mate, glad you've enjoyed and like the format :)
Unnatural bluffs is something I am already planning on making a video about (Y)
He will indeed. However, he will also have more junk that xf's.
I do not believe we can, no. Via my 2x RFI, BB has offsuit combos vs MP, and I can still range bet.
18mins hand
the AdKh , on the river you wanted to randomize a call there, but don't we have already enough hands to call down? 8x 7x some Tx xbacks(some might raise the turn but still), a couple low pp with the spade some flushes. I guess my question is why not pure fold that one? and randomize the one with As instead?
Also do you think he bluffs a hand like A5hh in that fashion? Those Kjo he could have we can agree he probably mostly bets on the flop, the ones he check are probably low %
edit: forgot to mention the KJo is already low% 3bet , so assuming he somewhat splits on the flop it's almost residual?
Would like to know you thoughts a little more deep here if you don't mind, thanks.
Good video overall ofc
We don't have enough hands, henceforth we need to mix our combo. Simplifying to only RnG'ing the As hands isn't a bad idea, however, it will lend you to overfolding by some margin, as there are other hands that require mixing, too
A5hh seems too wide to start bluffing ott with the wealth of other draws to use first
Thank you :)
Excellent video!
Very glad to hear you will be staying another year.
I get a lot out of this type of video format. You are able to give solver explanations while not actually going through the sim which allows for us to get through more hands. I do get a lot out of deeper analysis of fewer hands where we actually go through the sims, but this format is very efficient and informative.
Hey SoundSpeed :)
Thank you!
Cheers mate, glad you are enjoying and learning :). Understood re. deeper analysis videos!
Luke Johnson I was planning on doing a deep dive into playing AK-AT +KQ in 3b pots OOP from the blinds vs BU. I'm mostly interested bettering my play on low boards, 9 high and lower and getting the size+freq right and creating a bucketed strategy. If your looking for new ideas this would be one I would be interested in.
That's interesting I_Fold_Jacks , I've never studied a spot via hand class before.
I've several ideas for future RIO videos, and playing OOP in 3BP's (via 3betting) is one of them :)
I'm also planning on going over 3b pots where I am the caller with 88-JJ and face a cbet on a low board. I found these spots can be tricky. It seems the larger villians cbet the more agressive we play these pairs in some spots....
Not sure if this is the kind of stuff your interested into diving deeper on your channel and if not i'm planning on going over these spots anyway and will continue watching your content.
Same as before, I've never studied via hand classes before. Not to say this is a bad approach btw, that's just never been the way I've learned!
Hi Luke - at 22:30 you talk about global frequency, could you please expand on this? and the implications on this hand.
Sizing of bet @ 21mins also confused me, wonder if that is relevant to what you are talking about at 22:30...
Hi Asdfghjkl1
Global frequency is a term describing your ranges overall frequency. The implications is as discussed in the video; that my hand is cbetting more than "global".
Which hand are you referring to?
Mixed games player here, but enjoying your content and helps polish up my NLHE game for when it's in the mix.
Sniffles That's awesome, glad to have you here! Hope you enjoy :)
If you've any questions, feel free to fire away.
Really nice video again, happy to hear you will stay another year at least... :)
Hey 72Just4U welcome back :)
Me too :)
Hey Luke Johnson, great video and we really enjoy the high stakes action! They are great not only because of your analysis, but also because we can see how other top players approach some spots.
Similarly to you, in game I would probably mix between check and bet big with the Q5ss on bottom left @10:00. Do you have anything to say that would make me understand this spot better? My understanding is that our hand is too strong to be reduced as a bluff catcher on the river. In other words, it is a strong hand when we bet and villain's range is wide, but it is reduced to a bluff catcher vs a narrower betting range. That being said, my explanation seems a bit superficial. Is there anything you could add that would help me understand this spot better?
Sorry for the delayed response! Doblou07
Superb, glad you are enjoying the content :)
As played vs BTN, our hand is worth an OB, and with strong unblockers (5s kicker), we choose to utilise it every time. If we had 3p's, we'd look to play more passively, despite having more equity&EV, due to our poor blockers to villains calls, and our better unblockers to villains bluffs.
Waiting for part 2!
Finally out :P
Again, sorry for the delayed reply :)
Tier 1 content. Curious about what is the value betting threshold for that sizing OTR. A5+ seems good enough but how the side card along with a 5 impacts the threshold here.
Hi Raphael Nogueira
Timestamp please!
Luke Johnson sorry 48:03, table 3, the one you got the K9.
We cannot go too thin, as IP xb's turn relatively strong on the 9. It's important we think about their xb range when identifying our value threshold!
Good stuff good job articulating the kind of frequencies and mixes / strategies pio work you have clearly done. One of the best strat videos I’ve seen in my years being a member here. Kudos
ibey33 Thank you very much for the kind words!! Glad to hear you are enjoying :)
Another great video Luke!!
Thanks mate :)
The last hand 52:00 top left aq, villain has 53s
You mentioned him going 2/3 on the river isn’t bad, that you prefer a big or small size, 25 or 135% sizing with his bluff. With villains missed draws here, and bluffing this river specifically when turn goes check check, what do we do to decipher with a big or small size?
I'm not sure I fully understand your question, could you reframe it for me please
So villain bet 2/3 pot here on the river right, you mentioned that it is reasonable but you would have a big size or a small size to bet here as a bluff. How do we differentiate with which sizing to go with on the river with our bluffs, as it correlates with our value? Since we’re going big or small
We first figure out what we want our range to do, then we try to mirror our bluffs. In this case OOP OTR can go 1/3 and 2/3 or 1/3 and OB. Both are reasonable. I prefer 1/3 OB, however this is merely preference.
Totally different ball game. We first think about what villain is has likely messed up already, and what the consequences to this are. Then we try to target accordingly.
Well explained thank you! An overbet can make some q indifferent I suppose, and the small bet can fold out some spades or ax!
Yep. The main reason why I prefer OB over 2/3p for OOP's big size is to match their advantage in trips arriving to the river.
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