In regards to the a7o hand on k7543 where we lead turn and check fold river, how do you randomize the times you check river with a straight? You mentioned we have sets/2 pairs/ straights to call this bet on river, but how often are you calling a hand like a7 ( you mentioned you used a RNG to decide your action)
At around 22:53 You raise 97o from button and small blind calls. you flop top pair 7's and check back the flop. I am usually betting pot or over-betting here, trying to charge draws a bad price and force out over cards. Am i leaking with this line? I have seen other pros here making the same check. Can you explain your reason for this line? Was it player specific, where you knew he would peel your c-bet lightly? I would like to understand the factors that favor a check in this situation. Am I over-playing small top pairs here? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for the excellent video.
The idea is quite simple actually - you want to have to some TP in your checking back range. Especially when it's HU and this spot is going to come up frequently vs the same opponent. It's about being uncapped and having some strong bluff catchers when you x/back.
Bigger bet size also allows us to bet less frequently - we can't semi-bluff as frequently nor vbet as thin. On a disconnected board as this (meaning there's a lot of FE to pick up for quite a cheap price) it's quite important we're able to cbet frequently.
Hi, at 27:16, you assumed most of his bluffs should be A high, which means A7 should be a pretty easy fold. A counter argument would be he is more likely to have A6 when he checks back flop and calls turn, which makes A7 a better call. How does one balance these two factors and make a better calling decision?
Also shouldn't a 7 be a better call than a K, given he is more likely to check 76 than K6?
Final question, do you generally have a particular flop c-bet sizing for a particular board flop, or do you vary it according to your particular hand, based on the blocker effects. Thanks in advance :)
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In regards to the a7o hand on k7543 where we lead turn and check fold river, how do you randomize the times you check river with a straight? You mentioned we have sets/2 pairs/ straights to call this bet on river, but how often are you calling a hand like a7 ( you mentioned you used a RNG to decide your action)
Could you please provide the time at which this hand happens?
At around 22:53 You raise 97o from button and small blind calls. you flop top pair 7's and check back the flop. I am usually betting pot or over-betting here, trying to charge draws a bad price and force out over cards. Am i leaking with this line? I have seen other pros here making the same check. Can you explain your reason for this line? Was it player specific, where you knew he would peel your c-bet lightly? I would like to understand the factors that favor a check in this situation. Am I over-playing small top pairs here? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for the excellent video.
The idea is quite simple actually - you want to have to some TP in your checking back range. Especially when it's HU and this spot is going to come up frequently vs the same opponent. It's about being uncapped and having some strong bluff catchers when you x/back.
Bigger bet size also allows us to bet less frequently - we can't semi-bluff as frequently nor vbet as thin. On a disconnected board as this (meaning there's a lot of FE to pick up for quite a cheap price) it's quite important we're able to cbet frequently.
Hi, at 27:16, you assumed most of his bluffs should be A high, which means A7 should be a pretty easy fold. A counter argument would be he is more likely to have A6 when he checks back flop and calls turn, which makes A7 a better call. How does one balance these two factors and make a better calling decision?
Also shouldn't a 7 be a better call than a K, given he is more likely to check 76 than K6?
Final question, do you generally have a particular flop c-bet sizing for a particular board flop, or do you vary it according to your particular hand, based on the blocker effects. Thanks in advance :)
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