T97 board it seems like IP need a bigger river betsize given the range advantage. 99 is probably interested in getting all the money in on a lot of runouts and at the moment that's not possible with with b/b/b.
I did a bad use of that word a few times in this video, i was trying to say exactly the opposite (useful). I had the impression that i was not choosing the right word while talking, and i did confirmed it once i finished the video. But i thought the concept was being interesting enough to repeat the explanation just because of that mistake. Useful in spanish its " util ", very similar to useless too hehe.
I hope you guys forgive me for this, and find the video USEFUL anyway.
Seems like you should change eq realization after strengthening villain range.
How much focus you put to play okish % with mixed strategy combos?
How do you making "reads"/cattegorized as unbalance villain's strategy when pio is playing mixed strategy with almost all combos?
Do you know if we can set a fixed strategy in PIO to calculate the EV against another fixed strategy like in Crev and if we can set a fixed strategy and let it calculate the maximun exploitable strategy against it?
You actually can set a fixed strategy and find MES, but both players will adjust perfectly after the node you changed! It is called node locking. Here is youtube tutorial
Juan, how do you set this x down and realise equilty function in CREV? and how do i determine this? can we look it up in our database to see the avarage equilty realisation of for example the KJ after we cbet?
About the sizing pio chooses, any thought behind why? and maybe you could show in your CREV how different sizings impact EV
proggrezzive, this video is very good. but when you said people would be folding around 35%, as you checked in your db, is it against a 1/3 pot c-bet? I mean, they'll just fold less than a std c-bet, so you have to check the c-bet size you're practicing in this situation.
Another interesting observation is that, they may overfold to cbets in this spot, but they also bet vs missed cbet quite wide (more than they should), so that also increases the ev of our range.
Very nice to have good quality theoretical videos here instead of only HHs.Thanks for it progrezive and please keep doing them at least from time to time,they are really useful :D
Very good video.
It seems on these boards we check or bet 1/3rd pot. Isnt it generally true that we want to be more polar if we are checking a lot? If that is the case, then wouldnt we want to bet large when we do bet since we are polar? ...why isnt betting bigger a good idea?
My point indeed, why does GTO go for a small cbet strategy when cbetting with a low frequentie? in the past what i thought was the benefit of using a small sizing is that we could use a more linear range
Because the flop favors the caller. So checking alot and/or betting small is good. betting big against a stronger uncaped range is a bad idea. For balance purposes when you bet such flops with strong hands( e.g. top set ) you should also bet smaller.
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T97 board it seems like IP need a bigger river betsize given the range advantage. 99 is probably interested in getting all the money in on a lot of runouts and at the moment that's not possible with with b/b/b.
@31:20 "I hope you found this video useless for you." that made me laugh pretty hard :D
Hello heilenmax,
i know i know ! :P
I did a bad use of that word a few times in this video, i was trying to say exactly the opposite (useful). I had the impression that i was not choosing the right word while talking, and i did confirmed it once i finished the video. But i thought the concept was being interesting enough to repeat the explanation just because of that mistake. Useful in spanish its " util ", very similar to useless too hehe.
I hope you guys forgive me for this, and find the video USEFUL anyway.
Hey Juan,
You made some basic English/grammar mistakes but I understood what you were trying to say. You did great.
buen trabajo :D
Great video!
Fantastic video. Great use of 2 poker apps to show exploitation in real money terms. Please do more of these!
Seems like you should change eq realization after strengthening villain range.
How much focus you put to play okish % with mixed strategy combos?
How do you making "reads"/cattegorized as unbalance villain's strategy when pio is playing mixed strategy with almost all combos?
Hey Juan,
nice vid, nice concept.
Do you know if we can set a fixed strategy in PIO to calculate the EV against another fixed strategy like in Crev and if we can set a fixed strategy and let it calculate the maximun exploitable strategy against it?
You can not do that. I wish I could. That would probably take this tool to another level.
Really good video!
You actually can set a fixed strategy and find MES, but both players will adjust perfectly after the node you changed! It is called node locking. Here is youtube tutorial
Do you happen to know if you can do this for simplepostflop as well Kalupso?
Yes, just right click on the node you want to change and click on "Edit Strategy".
Juan, how do you set this x down and realise equilty function in CREV? and how do i determine this? can we look it up in our database to see the avarage equilty realisation of for example the KJ after we cbet?
About the sizing pio chooses, any thought behind why? and maybe you could show in your CREV how different sizings impact EV
proggrezzive, this video is very good. but when you said people would be folding around 35%, as you checked in your db, is it against a 1/3 pot c-bet? I mean, they'll just fold less than a std c-bet, so you have to check the c-bet size you're practicing in this situation.
Another interesting observation is that, they may overfold to cbets in this spot, but they also bet vs missed cbet quite wide (more than they should), so that also increases the ev of our range.
of our value range*
Very nice to have good quality theoretical videos here instead of only HHs.Thanks for it progrezive and please keep doing them at least from time to time,they are really useful :D
Very good video.
It seems on these boards we check or bet 1/3rd pot. Isnt it generally true that we want to be more polar if we are checking a lot? If that is the case, then wouldnt we want to bet large when we do bet since we are polar? ...why isnt betting bigger a good idea?
My point indeed, why does GTO go for a small cbet strategy when cbetting with a low frequentie? in the past what i thought was the benefit of using a small sizing is that we could use a more linear range
Because the flop favors the caller. So checking alot and/or betting small is good. betting big against a stronger uncaped range is a bad idea. For balance purposes when you bet such flops with strong hands( e.g. top set ) you should also bet smaller.
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