Mainly stylistic, I think the bigger sizing maximizes better against unknowns, because the weaker players lose more money against it and the pros lose about the same compared to 3x.
Honestly, I like the new interface, but it seems to trending away from poker with the new side-casino bar and the inability to see holecards in the replayer.
I know you have in the past but I'd love to see a 25NL or 50NL zone video again. I'd like to hear your adjustments you make moving down in stakes. Honestly you are the only videos I can find on ignition.
Thanks for the feedback! I think it is great idea. I need to figure out when, but I'll put one out in the next couple of months. There are several other producers who shoot on ignition including Brad Wilson.
Maybe I'm having a bad day and just not used to this trash software (ignition client) but it is hard to follow the action - could you please say table 1 etc. if you do a regular tables video in the future.
Hi Tyler,
Great video as always, Iv asked you in a previous video about flatting ranges (about flating JJ & QQ) but i was wondering what your opinion on having a pure 3 bet or mixed strategy is? I know you use a mix but what about if you were playing 100nl or 200nl?
Pure is probably better than any high mix strategy. It's clear these hands are ahead of 3-bet calling ranges so should be virtually always more profitable to 3-bet
Great question! I use the smaller sizing blind vs blind, because I think my average opponent overfolds to raises and by using a smaller sizing I make this strategy more incorrect. If I used a bigger sizing, their default strategy would be better one.
Hey Tyler, always enjoy your vids. Table 2, 7:45 in you fold J9ss on the btn vs BB squeeze after flatting rec in the CO 200 bb deep with no comment. I don't think I'm ever folding in this spot and am actually quite happy to call. I'm curious if you think this is a leak and how large if so. Thanks
Druidfluid, I think calling here is probably fine. It's very close to 0 EV. I could see it possibly being slightly profitable with some assumptions, but it's hard to establish those assumption in game.
what is your thinking behind the pot sized lead in the 3 bet pot at @1:45? seems pretty easy to get all of our money in by the river with a smaller bet with sets+ without having to bet so large. and if we have a hand like bottom set it almost feels like an over-play to bet so large here when either player can have a flush or a set (albeit btn heavily discounted.)
seems like we want to keep hands in such as JJ-99 with a club and AA/KK without a club and then subsequently put them in a tougher decision on the river with a wider range. where as when we bet so large we condense their range to the extent that bottom set may not be able to value bet any longer by the river.
also our combo blocks a ton of the continues, AQ/KQ etc, and so seems like one of the less attractive large bet combo's.
I know we done the same with AJo in a 3bet pot, but this scenario seems a lot different as the pot was HU and we had a nut blocker, so IP's most frequent slow plays (nut flushes) were now eradicated from his range and we didn't have another players range to worry about, either.
Thanks DemonDoink!
I would be shocked if my bluffs here weren't stupidly profitable if people folded one pair to the bet/bet line and the short answer is that most people won't fold top pair+ type hands here.
I think the situation that happened in the AsJh hand is more typical of responses in these spots. Our opponent actually likely made a big -EV call with QT in that situation, which is I feel is a typical response in an anonymous 3-bet pot. People who 3-bet are excited to win the pot. I have obvious bluffs, which encourages hero calls, in a hero call heavy situation (3-bet check back). The combination let's me value bet premium vulnerable hands at big sizings. Most players are going to find ways to call in these situations, so to maximize I need to bet my big hands.
The key reason why I am going big rather than 1/2 pot here is that my action is killed on 20% of rivers so putting money in now is going to net higher ev against typical exploitative strategies.
Tyler Forrester yeah makes sense. I guess I was more looking at our combination and thinking that this doesn't love to bet pot because of what it blocks, but wasn't thinking so much about how we would want to play our range. and we shouldn't really have any thin value bets to this action (worst hand probably AQ with a club) so it makes sense that we use the larger sizing.
I think your bluffs probably are extremely profitable here. it seems as if btn decided to call/fold a hand like a pair with a club or AA/KK wo a club, he probably tells himself he has better hands to call with but will end up mostly betting them on the flop. so could easily end up folding 90% here on the river (and only call with the odd slow play.) from my experience players are not prepared to call down here twice with JJ Jc or the like.
Tyler Forrester and yeah that QT call down seems very bad, he wants to unblock your off suit AQ/AJ with the As so that is one of the worse combo's to call down with (I guess he blocks TT which is the only good thing about calling with this combo.) but I guess once we see this hand appear in his pre-flop range we can conclude that he is prepared to make -EV call downs/3 bets when he thinks there is a chance you are either over-bluffing or folding too often to 3 bets (or he thinks he has a large edge playing IP in a 3 bet pot vs you for some reason, probably is a tournament player or something.)
I think these types of guys normally read far too much in to game flow and table dynamics and not about whether their hand should be called down at equilibrium. him snap calling you in that spot should lead us to significantly under-bluff in similar situations in the future (if we are able to somewhat identify who is again, of course.)
Really great comments, I agree with you, DemonDoinkm on both posts. I believe the key difference is the percentage of the player pool that plays like your first post compared to your second. I think the second post player type is more likely than the first :)
30min KT hand had me confused a bit.
River I often miss this raise here thinking villain will not be able to call it. But after watching couple of times this hand I do like it and we can certainly get called by 9x and weaker Tx etc
However should we really go GTO here when we would face the river 3bet jam ? Would it be bad to skip it thinking villain is not capable of bluffing enough using that line. What do you think about that ? I guess it would make us fold like 90% on river so yeah that's a thing..
Well, the downside to the max-exploit fold here is I lose $120 here 100% of the time, if I'm facing an auto-shover. If I'm facing a player who only shove the nuts, I'm going to lose $400.30.1 = $12, so I'd need only jam nuts to be about 10 times as likely in the player pool, before the explo-fold would start to be profitable
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Safest dark like in the business
Thank you, I appreciate the anticipatory love!
I enjoy this comment enough to say something about it as the video starts.
why do you 3b IP so big? my standard is 3x or maybe 3x+1bb
Mainly stylistic, I think the bigger sizing maximizes better against unknowns, because the weaker players lose more money against it and the pros lose about the same compared to 3x.
Did u check out the new ignition update? I absolutely hate it, can’t even see the mucked call hands now.
To be honest I don't mind it nearly as much as everyone else seems to. Only thing I don't like is the flip between hands in zone lol.
The cards themselves are a little small, but I'm mostly playing only a few tables at a time so it's not a big deal to me.
Honestly, I like the new interface, but it seems to trending away from poker with the new side-casino bar and the inability to see holecards in the replayer.
I know you have in the past but I'd love to see a 25NL or 50NL zone video again. I'd like to hear your adjustments you make moving down in stakes. Honestly you are the only videos I can find on ignition.
Thanks for the feedback! I think it is great idea. I need to figure out when, but I'll put one out in the next couple of months. There are several other producers who shoot on ignition including Brad Wilson.
I think Elias also put out several videos on Ignition but at pretty high stakes (I think 5/10 and 10/20).
Ok great thank you!
Maybe I'm having a bad day and just not used to this trash software (ignition client) but it is hard to follow the action - could you please say table 1 etc. if you do a regular tables video in the future.
Hey Simrud!
I totally agree. You won't see this format again.
Best Wishes,
Hi Tyler,
Great video as always, Iv asked you in a previous video about flatting ranges (about flating JJ & QQ) but i was wondering what your opinion on having a pure 3 bet or mixed strategy is? I know you use a mix but what about if you were playing 100nl or 200nl?
Pure is probably better than any high mix strategy. It's clear these hands are ahead of 3-bet calling ranges so should be virtually always more profitable to 3-bet
You favor small raise size in small blind vs big blind. Can you talk a little bit about why you choose that size instead of a larger one?
Great question! I use the smaller sizing blind vs blind, because I think my average opponent overfolds to raises and by using a smaller sizing I make this strategy more incorrect. If I used a bigger sizing, their default strategy would be better one.
Hey Tyler, always enjoy your vids. Table 2, 7:45 in you fold J9ss on the btn vs BB squeeze after flatting rec in the CO 200 bb deep with no comment. I don't think I'm ever folding in this spot and am actually quite happy to call. I'm curious if you think this is a leak and how large if so. Thanks
Druidfluid, I think calling here is probably fine. It's very close to 0 EV. I could see it possibly being slightly profitable with some assumptions, but it's hard to establish those assumption in game.
good video as usual.
what is your thinking behind the pot sized lead in the 3 bet pot at @1:45? seems pretty easy to get all of our money in by the river with a smaller bet with sets+ without having to bet so large. and if we have a hand like bottom set it almost feels like an over-play to bet so large here when either player can have a flush or a set (albeit btn heavily discounted.)
seems like we want to keep hands in such as JJ-99 with a club and AA/KK without a club and then subsequently put them in a tougher decision on the river with a wider range. where as when we bet so large we condense their range to the extent that bottom set may not be able to value bet any longer by the river.
also our combo blocks a ton of the continues, AQ/KQ etc, and so seems like one of the less attractive large bet combo's.
I know we done the same with AJo in a 3bet pot, but this scenario seems a lot different as the pot was HU and we had a nut blocker, so IP's most frequent slow plays (nut flushes) were now eradicated from his range and we didn't have another players range to worry about, either.
Thanks DemonDoink!
I would be shocked if my bluffs here weren't stupidly profitable if people folded one pair to the bet/bet line and the short answer is that most people won't fold top pair+ type hands here.
I think the situation that happened in the AsJh hand is more typical of responses in these spots. Our opponent actually likely made a big -EV call with QT in that situation, which is I feel is a typical response in an anonymous 3-bet pot. People who 3-bet are excited to win the pot. I have obvious bluffs, which encourages hero calls, in a hero call heavy situation (3-bet check back). The combination let's me value bet premium vulnerable hands at big sizings. Most players are going to find ways to call in these situations, so to maximize I need to bet my big hands.
The key reason why I am going big rather than 1/2 pot here is that my action is killed on 20% of rivers so putting money in now is going to net higher ev against typical exploitative strategies.
Tyler Forrester yeah makes sense. I guess I was more looking at our combination and thinking that this doesn't love to bet pot because of what it blocks, but wasn't thinking so much about how we would want to play our range. and we shouldn't really have any thin value bets to this action (worst hand probably AQ with a club) so it makes sense that we use the larger sizing.
I think your bluffs probably are extremely profitable here. it seems as if btn decided to call/fold a hand like a pair with a club or AA/KK wo a club, he probably tells himself he has better hands to call with but will end up mostly betting them on the flop. so could easily end up folding 90% here on the river (and only call with the odd slow play.) from my experience players are not prepared to call down here twice with JJ Jc or the like.
Tyler Forrester and yeah that QT call down seems very bad, he wants to unblock your off suit AQ/AJ with the As so that is one of the worse combo's to call down with (I guess he blocks TT which is the only good thing about calling with this combo.) but I guess once we see this hand appear in his pre-flop range we can conclude that he is prepared to make -EV call downs/3 bets when he thinks there is a chance you are either over-bluffing or folding too often to 3 bets (or he thinks he has a large edge playing IP in a 3 bet pot vs you for some reason, probably is a tournament player or something.)
I think these types of guys normally read far too much in to game flow and table dynamics and not about whether their hand should be called down at equilibrium. him snap calling you in that spot should lead us to significantly under-bluff in similar situations in the future (if we are able to somewhat identify who is again, of course.)
Really great comments, I agree with you, DemonDoinkm on both posts. I believe the key difference is the percentage of the player pool that plays like your first post compared to your second. I think the second post player type is more likely than the first :)
Tyler Forrester cheers man. I always enjoy chatting strategy with you :P
Thanks man, I do too!
Hi Tyler! Great vid as usual!
30min KT hand had me confused a bit.
River I often miss this raise here thinking villain will not be able to call it. But after watching couple of times this hand I do like it and we can certainly get called by 9x and weaker Tx etc
However should we really go GTO here when we would face the river 3bet jam ? Would it be bad to skip it thinking villain is not capable of bluffing enough using that line. What do you think about that ? I guess it would make us fold like 90% on river so yeah that's a thing..
Well, the downside to the max-exploit fold here is I lose $120 here 100% of the time, if I'm facing an auto-shover. If I'm facing a player who only shove the nuts, I'm going to lose $400.30.1 = $12, so I'd need only jam nuts to be about 10 times as likely in the player pool, before the explo-fold would start to be profitable
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