7:30: PLO Q4dd107o, Is this a fold vs 2 opponents and defend vs 1?
15:00 25K K3cc, is this a value bet on river vs A highs as played? I know you said its a mix on the flop, but doesn't this hand need a decent amount of protection? Would you be cbetting w/o backdoor clubs?
I think it's a defend, but i'll defer to better PLO players.
Ya, I think I missed a bet OTT or OTR, but most BBs play much more passive OTT/OTR than theory suggests., so I don't think i'm losing too much by checking here. I think this deep i'd be more inclined to bet the flop with a BDFD than without, since i'm capable of making a hand that is willing to play for stacks with a BDFD.
Hi Sam thanks for the vid, very interesting. I have to honestly say though that playing and commenting at the same time is not your strong suit - you keep getting off track and its hard to follow your thought process because you get easily distracted by getting dealt hands - and its only 3 tables :P Maybe do post commentary in next series?
One hand question: min 19 Ssick one vs cindy - I think ssick one should backraise river here after betting 3rd pot on river - just 3 flushes beat him and those raise his SB limp quite often and just call the flop cbet because of highcard value?
@2:00 A10o: If the player in the BB cover you how much your SB strat change in difference if you cover the BB?
@4:30 You were talking about in bounty tournament you should 3b more. This apply the same for squeeze too? Or with multiple player you still want to play more straight forward?
@37:37 109o: What is your non-flush continuing range in turn? Qx no hearts? (Im assuming you 3b the flop with 55 and 88 but maybe im wrong). With this stack size and something like Ah9c do you c/r in some point of the hand or you prefer your showdown value?
@50:50 45o Can you explain me why you choose to bet 3500 into 3950 in the turn? I mean I think you exact hand benefit from betting big but you said that people in KO tournaments most of the time bet when they have something good. In that case is not better to bluff small with high frequency? or if you want to bet hands like A7, K7 or 98 for value?
I really like your live videos I also think in 100 things at the same time while im playing haha.
Thanks Sam
P.D: Sam there is any chance that you could make a video of defending less than 10bb and other of squeezing? I really sucks at both and many others in here could find it interesting too. Just a suggestion :)
@2:00 If the BB covers you, all else equal he should be raising more than if he doesn't. I think in equilibrium frequencies should look something like this
Limp freq CEV > Covered > Covering
Raise Freq Covering > CEV > Covered
@4:30 This is too general a question to answer it depends on so many factors. Stack depth in BB, stack distribution etc. My instinct is you'd want to squeeze/call slightly wider for value, especially since people flat callers don't trap as much in bounty tourneys. The hands you'd want to three bet bluff are offsuit hands that make good top pair hands in 3b pots but rarely make hands you feel comfortable stacking off with in multiway single raised pots.
@37:37 Lots of pair+straight+flush draws. Two pair, straights. I'd be raising the flop and the turn the bare Ah no pair with a reasonably high frequency.
@50:50 I still want to make money when I have good hands. I should probably have multiple sizings here, but a hand with no showdown, that has equity and blocks pocketpairs is a pretty good hand to throw in the big bet range.
$1K PLO, I knew that great Sam Greenwood was sitting left next to me, but I didn't know that it has become RIO video. I wish I could have the hand HU vs you, and it should be explained in this nice vid. :D
As for the hand at 23:03 you explained with replayer, as you mentioned, many combos suited to Ah should be included in his raising (preflop) range "generally". He might have not made triple barrel bluff on the river if he doesn't have JJ.
hey sam, around 5th minute you openfold A2o from the CO deep. Since most videos are about hands we vpip can you explain this spot a bit? I tend to open 100% of Ax there
Opening 100% of Ax from the CO is too loose vs good opponents, but something you might be able to get away with vs. tight defenders in the blinds or tight 3bers from the BTN/SB/BB.
38:52 Ssick_One vs OrpTheTurk BTN-BB, Orp xr flop bet turn jam pot rvr with A7 on 456r A K
Is the not too thin for value with A7 there ? I mean villain should have around 18 combos of 2p+ there and A7 is only getting value vs A2/A3 + some hands like 77-88 that hero ? is that not too thin ?
I'm writting down your talk and analyzing the structure of your thoughts to modulate mine accordingly (respecting my inner logic, of course).
So, on 3'30'' you've said that "I think it's a normal call" when hhecklen called you with sevens.
It's a normal call accordingly with which criteria?
If you were goig chill out and I had to substitute you for a minute and I had to judge his call in your place what exaclty steps would you say that I should take to execute it exaclty like you did? What should I think, say, ask, imagine and/or visualize on my head?
A lot of draws miss, he beats all bluffs and he will often bet Tx+ otf or raise 8x ott. I bet 66% pot so he needs to call the river 60% of the time to prevent me from autoprofiting. He won't have a better bluff catcher than 77 60% of the time.
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7:30: PLO Q4dd107o, Is this a fold vs 2 opponents and defend vs 1?
15:00 25K K3cc, is this a value bet on river vs A highs as played? I know you said its a mix on the flop, but doesn't this hand need a decent amount of protection? Would you be cbetting w/o backdoor clubs?
Hi Sam thanks for the vid, very interesting. I have to honestly say though that playing and commenting at the same time is not your strong suit - you keep getting off track and its hard to follow your thought process because you get easily distracted by getting dealt hands - and its only 3 tables :P Maybe do post commentary in next series?
One hand question: min 19 Ssick one vs cindy - I think ssick one should backraise river here after betting 3rd pot on river - just 3 flushes beat him and those raise his SB limp quite often and just call the flop cbet because of highcard value?
Ya he should def 3b shove the river.
Going to do HEM replayer for Party 25k, which I came 5th in.
Hi Sam
A couple of questions
@2:00 A10o: If the player in the BB cover you how much your SB strat change in difference if you cover the BB?
@4:30 You were talking about in bounty tournament you should 3b more. This apply the same for squeeze too? Or with multiple player you still want to play more straight forward?
@37:37 109o: What is your non-flush continuing range in turn? Qx no hearts? (Im assuming you 3b the flop with 55 and 88 but maybe im wrong). With this stack size and something like Ah9c do you c/r in some point of the hand or you prefer your showdown value?
@50:50 45o Can you explain me why you choose to bet 3500 into 3950 in the turn? I mean I think you exact hand benefit from betting big but you said that people in KO tournaments most of the time bet when they have something good. In that case is not better to bluff small with high frequency? or if you want to bet hands like A7, K7 or 98 for value?
I really like your live videos I also think in 100 things at the same time while im playing haha.
Thanks Sam
P.D: Sam there is any chance that you could make a video of defending less than 10bb and other of squeezing? I really sucks at both and many others in here could find it interesting too. Just a suggestion :)
@2:00 If the BB covers you, all else equal he should be raising more than if he doesn't. I think in equilibrium frequencies should look something like this
Limp freq CEV > Covered > Covering
Raise Freq Covering > CEV > Covered
@4:30 This is too general a question to answer it depends on so many factors. Stack depth in BB, stack distribution etc. My instinct is you'd want to squeeze/call slightly wider for value, especially since people flat callers don't trap as much in bounty tourneys. The hands you'd want to three bet bluff are offsuit hands that make good top pair hands in 3b pots but rarely make hands you feel comfortable stacking off with in multiway single raised pots.
@37:37 Lots of pair+straight+flush draws. Two pair, straights. I'd be raising the flop and the turn the bare Ah no pair with a reasonably high frequency.
@50:50 I still want to make money when I have good hands. I should probably have multiple sizings here, but a hand with no showdown, that has equity and blocks pocketpairs is a pretty good hand to throw in the big bet range.
Thanks Sam really helpfull answers
$1K PLO, I knew that great Sam Greenwood was sitting left next to me, but I didn't know that it has become RIO video. I wish I could have the hand HU vs you, and it should be explained in this nice vid. :D
As for the hand at 23:03 you explained with replayer, as you mentioned, many combos suited to Ah should be included in his raising (preflop) range "generally". He might have not made triple barrel bluff on the river if he doesn't have JJ.
hey sam, around 5th minute you openfold A2o from the CO deep. Since most videos are about hands we vpip can you explain this spot a bit? I tend to open 100% of Ax there
Opening 100% of Ax from the CO is too loose vs good opponents, but something you might be able to get away with vs. tight defenders in the blinds or tight 3bers from the BTN/SB/BB.
Great video Sam thanks!
38:52 Ssick_One vs OrpTheTurk BTN-BB, Orp xr flop bet turn jam pot rvr with A7 on 456r A K
Is the not too thin for value with A7 there ? I mean villain should have around 18 combos of 2p+ there and A7 is only getting value vs A2/A3 + some hands like 77-88 that hero ? is that not too thin ?
A7 is too thin for value. Once he x/r flop i'd prob x/c flop and turn.
Hey, Sam. Thank you for the video.
I'm writting down your talk and analyzing the structure of your thoughts to modulate mine accordingly (respecting my inner logic, of course).
So, on 3'30'' you've said that "I think it's a normal call" when hhecklen called you with sevens.
It's a normal call accordingly with which criteria?
If you were goig chill out and I had to substitute you for a minute and I had to judge his call in your place what exaclty steps would you say that I should take to execute it exaclty like you did? What should I think, say, ask, imagine and/or visualize on my head?
Thank you.
A lot of draws miss, he beats all bluffs and he will often bet Tx+ otf or raise 8x ott. I bet 66% pot so he needs to call the river 60% of the time to prevent me from autoprofiting. He won't have a better bluff catcher than 77 60% of the time.
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